Sex with a pregnant mate

Without a doubt the very best fucking of my entire life had to be with my first wife when she was preggers. That woman's nipples were so huge and sensitive, and her pussy walls were so thick and powerful. She just loved to mount up and ride my cock for what seemed like hours, I'd get to diddling those massive nips and she would be literally using me as her fuck toy to achieve her pinnacle which went on and on and on. She'd be swiveling her hips and bucking on my fat meat until she would start to arrive at "the zone". . . whole body trembling orgasmic bliss - eye roll and the whole bit and THIS… Citește mai mult

Postat de squirtluvr1 2 ani în urmă 19

I LOVE slurping on hairy pussy

So . . .I have to say OUT LOUD that I absolutely adore real honest to goodness natural FULL BUSH pussy on a woman. I'm pretty sure it all goes back to one specific day back in my youth . . .my HS girl friend (and future 1st wife - we were both 17 at the time, 1976) and I took the borrowed family truckster (aka station wagon) to the mall for some fast food at the court and a movie. When she asked if we had some time before the movie I said sure, what do you have in mind? Now THIS girl was always super horny so I already had a good idea . . .she gave me "that look" and we ended up in the back of… Citește mai mult

Postat de squirtluvr1 3 ani în urmă 25