Its Always "Can I Be Your Slave? No? Then Can

Its Always "Can I Be Your Slave?... No? Then Can You Be Mine?..."

Well... i missed out on Armageddon or Palmygeddon here in Palmerston North because i ams a very sick pet, which sucks big time.

But trying to stay on the bright side, more monies saved to spend on more giant figurines like the giant Blue Eyes White Dragon from Yu-Gi-Oh! we just collected and have no room for, and also have my beautiful goddess fawn over me to make sure i dont die on here because the joke from South Park about "coughing your lung up" is pretty true at the moment... shes more bossy at the moment about me staying in bed to get well though... :/

Anyway... for quite a few years since becoming my Owners slave, its interesting how many people message me online, weither they be submissives, slaves or people interested in becoming either, they all ask, want or demand 1 of 3 things:

1: Make me (them) your slave/submissive (which is weird considering im a slave myself, not a domme lol)

2: Become my slave/submissive (which is again weird because by this point with most poeple they should know by then i am actually owned by someone and am happy or just ignorant"

3: Get your Owner make me (them) her slave/submissive too, they'll be happy (which just makes me shake my head every time i read that)

Generally, weither youre on Facebook, Fetlife, Twiiter or any other kind of social media, you should read theyre profile first and foremost, where it pretty much most of the time it tells you relationship status, roles, and usually tells you if the open or closed status is for seeking more subs/slaves etc.

Just makes me wonder why no one reads.

I really dont mind people asking questions, it never hurts and i dont take it personally.
What i do get frustrated with is the repeats from the same people.

Thats one big thing that gets to me is the people that cant take no for an awnser.

Facebook, Instagram are big hitters on the irritate button with people wanting to facebook call. I dont accept calls for many reasons, and when i say no, 30 mins later im blocking the person because they either try calling me repeatedly or continually "please baby", "i need to see your beauty" etc etc... just no, no. Makes me more happy i dont accept calls.

And writing earlier about people wanting me to domme them, people wanting me to be their sub/slave, and people wanting my Owner to domme them:

The moment i tell them my Owner isnt interested in domminating anyone else or having another sub/slave, its 1 or 2 responses:

1: just ask her, shell love it, having both of us etc etc...

2: bitch, cunt, youre fake, all the words under the sun because they cant get their way.

Really goes to show you what some people are like when they cant get theyre way. Either determined and continually asking or raging at you like a baby.
Publicat de kiitykatt
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