I got protection. I am on a mission lets rock.

I know what works for me. People are running around online playing,chesting ,robbing and stealing. Run my stuff I aint rich. I am just a seemingly average 57 year old black male. Nobody makes me oir brakes me. If you think I am a simp,you can play for a dollar,becuse you want attention like a baby go cry. I am gonna say this; keep your fucking hands to your self. I aint out here that. The ladt time I had my ass whipoed was at 8 . I aint the greatest of all time but I am ready at all times. If I cant sleep in peace after we make love,read a book ,watch a game in peace. I need to get out of as nuthouse.. I aint runnig a charity,a show or a stud service. I am a conventional man. I like nice ladues and whored. To me your all whores in a way. Its your emotions that fuck with you. Baby its you not me. I can jack iff in peace but I am tired of it,watching porn alone. I desire a sex partner or my second wife. If you want a fling the right way. Lets go to the Public Health Clinic as a couple. Now I know why only two women in my past went. They wanted to know if I was clean they wanted a good cream pie. The first woman went with me to the New Orleans public health clinic. She kept saying you got that shit,huh? She was a stripper she was a hooker that danced. Her name is Er@@ B#$#@. Of co urse that was her adopted parents house. They were honest hard working ministers. They sold that house and bought a beautiful two story home. She introduced me to them early of our friendship. I could not figure out why her former tricks all dashed on her I found out six months later. The second woman after I left my degenerate former fashion model and disabled military veteran L@$$ Venessa Williams. She was the same height as me and straight entertainment. I got tired of da show and left her in New Orleans. We have not wrote calked texted sexted or even seen each other. I did not trust ger or her punk ass NOPD. brother I realky dont like him at all. Infact I want to smash him he was a tard,faiiled two grades. He worked Grounds Patrol at City Hall. Sheriff Hennessy like him. I am sure her is a great ass kisser. I pnly kiss womens asses I really love.He is a scammer. This 85 Iq mother fucker goes into his computer room and plays Inspector Gadget he tried to catch me slipping. If feed him well he loved my Gumbo,fried turkey and BBQ. When I went to his house he showed off his new cars in his garage. I should put his name out but I have somthing you dont cuz. I care about a few people in my life. You only careabout your self you selfish prick. My wife demanded that I go over there after Christmas. I refused she kept at it with her scitzo-effecta dumb ass. I let het think I caved. I had my escape plan. I was out her next casino trip when she got paid. She comes back about how she won. I would say show me the money. She popped out 5k one time. She had borrowed against her house. She hit a jackpot."That's great honey-'how much did you spend out your check to hit( you dumb lame weak cock sucker? ). "Yeah I dont know but one day I will know enough to leave you forever I am tired of you doing the same shit and I came back).About a month later a letter in the mail arrived. I was much hapouer and there was less wasted money when she was just a shop-a-holic. Plus she was great with people.A male or female clerk would give her things. People invite her place. Yeah they wanted to see the man that was strong enough to marry her.Everbody had a smile when they met us. We loked good together. I have an outgoing aspect of my personality. I rarely show much in public around you trained,crafty,robots. You dont know if they are cool a scam artist or a fink. I keep it moving anyway,this show needs to be on the road. Igot truck loads. I was driving. I signed up at Coastal Truck driving to provide more income..I was told not to.go over the road. I was local in big rigs,box trucks,and class B deliver trucks. In fact my driving record is so clean as a licensed Driver. My insurance yearly on my vehicles is 100 dollars a year. That shows hard work ,dedication can have rewards. It was a great way for me. If I.was single then and not trying to make a scarecrow happy. I would own my own place but I would be obligated ylto pay those bills that come with major investments. Insurance ,maintenece,theft protection,and coverage on things. I need little just basic human needs. Food, shelter ,some clothes,security and some love. I got all with nothing else really needed. Time versus money. Guns versus butter.I dont need credit and crime reports,you life story to vibe you out,miss.Any way the letter from Casino Magic came ,I saw her face as she read it. I told her I bailled you out $ 850 Last month. Now the casino wants their money honey and by the time you pay of the army of termite that are gonna eat you up and take money out your checks. They need 1500 dollars or in court you got paid 3600 dollars. I paid half of the bills. Balance our check book. You know add subtract divide,multiply. You know basic math skills and common fucking sense. It was amusing,to see her squirm and I saw her go all over the pkace. I new that she could not rub two nickels together. I was now Dr. Phil but I did not like what I had to do. Get my side money to bail this dummy out. I should of left then. I wrote a check and mailed it off. The bulkshit stopped. The next week her cousin Patricia F@#$% bank statement came in. I knew who she ran out to gamble with other than my mother in law the Great St Stevenite who dragged my wife into rip off joints. Patricia wad hiding what she did behibd her husbands back. I was not in it. I called and told them that this is not the correct address you been played. I burned up her statements in my smoker. Well the insurance is paid and now she put her house in foreclosure. I talked to her. She advised me to leave her and start over. She said bailing her out all the time is not good. Get an apartment if you want her. I suggest you get divorced and start over. She like you but she does not love you at all. When she is no longer finding you appealing. She is capable of hurting you ,putting you in jail or wores,son. I thought about this as the tracked Hurricane Katrina. Now I know why they name storms after females first. My nest temptest. Was Hurricane Betsy a joy to be around and practical with money and stuck to our agreed budget. The last year she devolped diabetes. The major issue was menopause. Oh boy. Nobody could talk to her not her son,daughter,foctor,Bosd,Counselors or me. She was at the crossroad of life. I was down about it my dreams did not come true. She was my best sex partner a great life coach,fun,we did everything together or let the other know I am at such and such and will be there at the specified time dear. Do you need me to pick up anything honey. YES/No. I will be here when you get back dear. She told me that I did not know how to love a woman or her. I seviced her well. I was going to go to extremes. She said no just hold me after. I love that it has a cost fellas after years of being friend you gotta go. Go man go get your own shit and make your self stable and happy with where your at in life my friends. Make the best of it not misery. Stay up nobody can keep a housewife or ho hapoy. They all have problems,some are well adjusted and stable. You can not buy love,respect,and loyalty. What ever the arragement is when you not happy ask yourself,Why and work on it. I aint got time patience to be involved in major drama all the time. I keep it moving ,they can stare at me until eternity,ask annoying things,not answer direct questions. Seroisly if my dick keeps waking me up and I have to go through major bullshit just to creampie a ho. I might consider leaving this shit alone. And wait for the Almighty to call me to do something. I can drop what I am doing and go oyt in the wirld. Its the same bull shit since Adam and Eve. The earth could be a paradise. Heaven and Hell with have human beings them. Send me somewhere else Father a world with less selfish beings. Its all about me,meme for these peopke. Arrogant to the core. Blow this planet up fuck the #$%^^. May the all burn send me to@%#&$. Thank you God until then I will watch myself and be cool under fire. Help those that really need it. I will not be as foolish
Amen. I got to leave for work 308 pounds ready to slide under 300 and slide into some gash but it deems the price never never set and 99.percent are full of shit. I enough of my iwn to mansge dear,this is not a show I was not put here to entertain you and get fleeced plus get distracted like Sampson. Delilah cried after her freak book failed. He was a sucker for tears. I am not I.let babies cry themselves to sleep when I have done what they need. what they need time and growing up fixes. These are lives we are playing wuth. Time moves. Make a move. I been here for years. Nobody that wanted kill me want to fuck me. When I show you know that I want you. Peace.
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