Hello Everyone!

I admit this is a little off topic for this site but we all surf the internet especially when we watch porn, right? Why not get paid for the time you spend online? I am! So now Im gonna fill all of you in on my secret, I use an internet browser that mines Bitcoin! Plus I use it on all my devices! Mobile or desktop, so that no matter where I am, if I’m on the internet I earn Bitcoin for doing what I’d already be doing! If you want to do the same thing click the link below and check it out for yourself! P.S. this isn’t a get rich quick scheme so if that’s what your expectations are then you’ll likely be disappointed, there’s lots of ways to earn more crypto once you’ve started out on your own amd you’ll see what I mean if you follow my link. Sorry to not be posting a porn topic for my first post but this was simply too good not to share! See ya around!

Publicat de jonsk788
3 ani în urmă