My Present: 2024 return! + The Older Lady Pt.1

She answered the door in nothing but a silk kimono, and I thought "surely, this is a good omen.".

I should backtrack a bit, to give you the full story.

I'm in my mid-40s, so hardly a spring chicken, but among older women I might as well be Jon Voight in "Midnight Cowboy" (a handsome young man, attractive to, and ready to "take care of", older women.). I'm also no matinee idol (an outdated expression meaning "an extremely attractive and dashing man"), but I look quite good for mid-40s.

By "older women" I mean 50 to 70 ish. There does seem, in them, some longing for contact, even among the married ones, perhaps especially in them. I've noticed that when older women hug me hello or goodbye, much more than half of them hold the hug very tight, pressing themselves against me for an unnaturally long time. Some get... well... not quite what the Americans would call "handsy", but let their hands explore me much more than is average.

I first noticed this about ten years ago, when hugging a woman in her mid-50s. She let her hands walk up and down my back, squeezing me, and giving me one big final squeeze, with one hand hovering just above my ass, and the other stroking the hair on the back of my head.

I'm sure you can all imagine what images that conjures up.

Around the same time, I noticed that some older women would hug me hello, gripping me round the waist, and then just never let go, holding on while we went through the face to face "how are you? haven't seen you in a long time, etc.". When they disengage, they almost always look away for a brief moment, as if faintly embarrassed, gathering themselves, and then give me a long and lingering look in the eyes.

Even my mother-in-law, who is 62, sighs deeply when she hugs me, sneaks a "speed of sound" kiss to my neck, and does this same "look away, look in the eyes". To be honest, she is hot as hell, and I have, on occasion, wondered what she would not do with me, if she was not my mother in law.

I'm sure other men have noticed this. I don't want to come across as if I think I'm god's gift to women. I certainly do not. Maybe my varied and fortunate sexual history has made me more sensitive to certain interactions. Who knows? Of course, there are various biases involved, and, of course, I only remember the women who behave like that. My mother in law's sister, who I know equally as well, gives me a quick and average hug.

Anyway, you're wondering about the silk kimono woman, who's name is "Liz".

Well, it all started about a week ago. Liz was, for many years, the neighbour of my mother in law's sister. When in the country (my wife is from Austria, and we visit once or twice a year), we used to go to Liz's place for drinks a lot. I never thought she liked me. Just something in her manner. The fact that her English is bad, and my German is simply appalling, didn't help. After a few years, in discussion with my mother in law's sister, I found out that she actually did like me, a lot.

"She keeps her distance, because she does not want to fall for you" MOT's sister informed a truly astonished me.

I should add a quick note. Although I have had a pretty varied and extensive sex life, that was from aged 17 to age 34. At 34 I met my wife, she was 22 at the time. We have been entirely faithful to each other for that decade or so, although we had a few threesomes with a few women in the early days of our relationship. Nothing, and nobody, turns me on like my wife does. We are sexually very well suited, and I would never want to do anything to upset her, especially not for my own selfish reasons. I have had offers here and there, but the knowledge of what I would be risking always made me refuse. While neither of us said we would be exclusive, it was always understood that we would be, and it has never been an issue.

Recently, however, my wife has told me that she would like for me to have sex with as many women as I can, while still fairly young and capable, as long as I tell her about them, in intimate detail, while we have sex with each other. She has mentioned the possibility of a few threesomes, with women. No doubt if these happen, they will appear to be spontaneous, but will have been arranged weeks in advance. Women are good at that stuff, in my experience.

I have asked her if she wishes to be with other men, and got an unequivocal and definite "no!".
This recent desire on her part is sincere, totally unprompted by me, and the end point of a long process, for her, which I won't go in to here.
So, now you know. (My wife, btw, is 5 foot 6, blonde, blue eyes, and a bbw with huge breasts).

Anyway, back to Liz. She is 56 at time of writing, white blonde hair and with blue eyes, in the way only Austrians and Swedes can be. A little over 5 foot tall, slim, big boobs, big ass. She has a slightly sad look, is an intense intellectual, and an extremely talented artist. Put it this way: You wouldn't be able to afford one of her painting, and neither would I, even at "friend prices". When we first met, she was a great beauty, and remains so now. I'm told that, in the small Austrian village she lives, she had something of a "reputation" as both a fiery and varied lover, with a great deal of partners, both male and female. In recent years, she had become pretty reclusive, and preferred to be visited.

One day, last week (mid-June 2024), my wife and I were cleaning up our holiday flat, and I asked her if she would like to visit Liz, maybe with a bottle of wine. I meant this entirely innocently.

My wife replied "It's too hot, I don't want to go anywhere. You can go though.".

She added, "Remember, she's a nympho. She'll have her cock in your mouth before you get over the door."

I laughed, and replied "She's managed to control herself for ten years. I think I'll be safe.".

"I wouldn't mind" my wife said "Really, I wouldn't."

"Well, why don't we have some fun right now?" I said, moving towards her with one thing on my mind.

"Not right now. I'm too hot and sweaty, lover boy." she smiled "Seriously, I don't mind. In fact, if you are going to use your cock more, I'd like her to be the first.".

I gulped "Why her?"

She laughed "Oh, come on! It's obvious she's wanted you since the day you met."

So, I was sent on my way.
It's a bit of a walk, so I took it slowly (in truth, I tried not to break in to a run.).

At the bottom of the final hill, I leant on the statue of Ferdinand 1st, and thought "Am I going to do this?".

All the way up the hill I imagined what might happen, good or bad. Eventually, I told myself not to think about it, thinking;
"She probably won't be interested anyway.".

I got to the door, looking around the old neighbourhood, and rang the bell. I waited a while, and rang again.
I could hear some movement inside.
Eventually, the door opened, and she answered the door, in what looked like nothing but a silk kimono.

"Oh, ____, I'm sorry I took so long, I was just sunbathing in the back garden" she said, in better English than I remembered.

Sun bathing? My cock gave a jump. Let's see where this goes.


(Names changed to protect the decidedly un-innocent!)

Coming soon too: Freaky girlfriend, in charge of the "delicates" laundry in a girls only dorm, makes herself cum while rolling around naked in a mountain of 100s of pairs of worn girl's panties / knickers, then sucks me off while she sniffs them one by one... and... much much more (^_-)
Publicado por ilovethelovinlady
há 17 dias
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