My history: Redhead, Dyk tease & panty bonding

I used to date a red head - Addie, skinny, small tits, big ass, hair red, flame pussy. I say "date", it was more like "fuck constantly".
She was hot and her neighbour Patricia was obsessed with her - Patricia, very big tits, curvy, brunette, all the way lesbian.

Addie used to tease her, and let her eat her pussy and lick her ass, on the condition that I could fuck them both (or so I thought in the back of my mind).
Often it was 6 nights a week, and I was in my more-easily-exhausted early 30ss by then, while they were 22 and 24.

Addie loved finishing me off in her mouth while Patricia licked her ass.

Once or twice, on Addie's bidding, I came in Patricia's mouth, which I thought she did entirely to please Addie. I thought Patricia disliked me, but as we got to know each other, we understood each other better. As Addie travelled more and more with her job (she was a singer and bass player in a band you may have heard of) Patricia and I started spending more time with each other.

I've always been in to panties / knickers - sniffing etc, not wearing, and no s**t - but Patricia was one of two women in my life who could rival my interest and then some (of which more, in a later post). She used to come home with worn panties that she had taken from friends and co-workers laundry baskets while at dinner or hanging out.

Addie wasn't in to this, so Patricia and I used to sit and take it in turns to sniff them while we sat under the covers of her bed, she rubbing her pussy, me stroking my cock ("I'll fucking k**l you if you cum on them dude!" She used to say). Sometimes, we would watch porn while doing it, and Patricia thanked me for finding her some "by women, for women" lesbian movies. These sessions would take place at least one day a week, sometimes lasting a whole day.

She would usually smuggle the knickers back at a later date, though I'm sure she kept some in a permanent collection. Yes, I did have some ethical concerns about doing this. If a guy had been stealing these girls pants and giving them to me, I would have been totally against it. As it was, I let my ethical concerns slide, because I am a colossal pervert, and the fact that it was a woman doing it made it seem both more sexy, and more harmless. Such is life.

Patricia would let me squeeze her boobs while I was rubbing my cock, and every once in a while she would ask me to cum inside her pussy.
While she didn't really wanna fuck me or suck me as a man, she confessed that as a person, and as a friend, she enjoyed seeing and feeling me cum, and that she had several "masculine power fantasies". She spoke the language of the gender theorists, a rare and interesting thing back then, though it's all gone a bit sexless and mainstream now. She said she wished she could cum like that, spraying hard, stronger and dominant over the woman she was with.

She thought that ultimately male orgasms were superior, because they had a "beginning, middle and an end", as she put it. I've always thought being multi-orgasmic would be as good as it gets, but the grass is always greener.

When I came inside her, she sometimes imagined that it was her cumming inside another woman. She liked that part, but was turned off by the male body type.

She thought cocks were great, and would like to have one herself - for a few hours every day maybe - but she had no interest in sucking one regularly.

Even so, I had been wrong in thinking that she had sexual contact with me solely to please Addie. Patricia had, in fact, asked Addie if I could fuck her, and on the few occasions that I came in Patricia's mouth, it was because she wanted to see if she liked it.

She told me she liked the build up, feeling my cock get harder and begin to throb. She liked the feeling when I first came, my cock jumping in her mouth, it had made her feel like she might cum herself, but the feeling and taste of cum in her mouth had ruined it for her.
I told her that lots of straight and bi-sexual women feel that way, many love sucking but hate cum (I've been lucky in that, with regard to my own sex life, as in many other ways).

Really though, she was a lesbian who just had some fantasies that were unusual for a lesbian to have. With my help, they seemed to have worked themselves out. Sigmund Freud eat your heart out!

I was living in Scotland at that time, as were they of course, and Addie finally decided to move to London to pursue her career. I wished her luck, and spoke to Patricia about it. We decided not to see one another again, though we were remaining behind in the same city. She said "If we keep seeing each other, I'll fall in love with you or something fucked up like that. I am a woman, after all. It would be a mess".

But the three of us spent a memorable, final long weekend together.

On the final night, Addie invited over her friend Bryony - 20, half shaved head, cute tiny pixie, big boobs, small but curvy ass and hairy pussy. She spent the whole night with my cock in her mouth.
Literally, the whole night, even while we ate and watched a movie.

The only time it came out was when Addie or Patricia wanted it, or I had to pee. Even when Bryony wanted to pee, she insisted I slowly fuck her mouth as she sat on the toilet and moaned on my cock. (of which more, in a later post).

Even when I was fucking Addie or Patricia, it wasn't safe, as she would frequently pull my cock out of them and take it in her mouth. That sounds like it would get boring, but she had amazing skills, for such a young thing.

I only came twice that night, but they were both memorable.

The first time, early in the evening, we were watching TV, the three of us sat on their big couch while Bryony was on her knees on the floor. I was, of course, in Bryony's mouth. She was slowly bobbing her head up and down on the tip of my cock, while I was sat with Addie on one side of me, and Patricia on the other, the two of them kissing each other in front of my face.
I worked my way down the back of both girls panties with each of my hands, and slowly began to stroke their assholes and pussies, which made them moan. They took it in turns to kiss me, while Bryony kept bobbing away on my cock.

Addie suddenly pushed Bryony's head downwards, almost violently. Bryony, in response, took my entire cock, and both my balls all the way into her mouth, my cock disappearing down her throat, while my balls were enveloped by her warm lips. I was later to find out that this exercise was a specialty of Bryony's, and Addie must have known already, because she whispered

"Are you gonna cum for me, like a good boy?".
I just managed to gasp
"Yes, thank you very much!"
and, out of nowhere, I was cumming, hard.

After I came, both Addie and Patricia whispered "good boy" and "well done" in each of my ears, while Bryony's mouth held on to my cock and balls for sometime afterwards. Patricia gave me a high five.

I think this maneuver was choreographed before time. The power of female communication is an amazing thing.

The second time I came was hours later. Addie had been straddling my cock, slowly grinding, with interruptions from Bryony to suck it. Patricia was lying next to me, watching my cock slide in and out of Addie's fiery pussy.

Patricia turned to me and said, in a serious tone
"I want you to do something for me, if you want it?".

To which I replied

"I want you to have my ass" Patricia said.

This was a surprise, as I had touched and licked her ass before, but never fucked it. I had assumed that would always be off limits.

"oh, all right then. If I must" I joked.

Quickly, she got on all fours, resting on the bed frame, and pulled up the purple satin nightie she had put on (the other two girls had been naked for hours). She shook her curly long dark hair to spread it down her back. The other two girls took this as their cue (that female communication again) and moved up the bed.

Bryony swung beneath Patricia and started to slowly kiss her mouth while fondling her boobs. As I took position behind Patricia, Addie said

"Do you want me to hold her open?"

Without waiting for a reply, she was alongside me, putting a hand on each of Patricia's cheeks, and slowly spreading them.
"Go on. Do it. She wants it"
She said.

I gulped. Steady, steady.

As I pushed the head of my cock against Patricia's perfect little asshole, and just got inside, I could hear her moan, almost feel her moan with Bryony's tongue in her mouth.

"Do it" Addie said

"Do it. She wants it."

"Don't you want it?" Addie pulled Patricia's hair a little, wrenching her mouth from Bryony's

"I want it" gasped Patricia "Fuck yessss, I want it."

A second later, the tip of my cock was in her, and had started to grab my cock in the way they will. Pattie half moaned, half "ow" ed into Bryony's mouth, and tried to look over her shoulder. Bryony kept a firm grip on her boobs while kissing her deeper and deeper.

I ran my hand down Addie's spine, while with Patricia's asshole gripping the tip of my cock, I slowly, gently, pushed and pulled, back and forth, back and forth, going a little deeper every time with my cock. My hand came to rest on Addie's asshole and she kissed me deeply.

After maybe 30 seconds of this I made up my mind to push deeper, faster, and just when I was about to, it happened.

Addie pulled hard on Patricia's hair, and she pushed back on me, pushing back hard on to my cock.

"Oh, fuck. OH FUUCK!" Patricia half shouted, half moaned
"That's it! Right there! YOU DIRTY FUUUCKER!" She shouted.

Addie pushed Patricia's ass cheeks together, so suddenly enveloping my whole cock as I pushed forward.
That was it.

I shouted, grabbing Patricia's hips and thrusting forward as hard as I ever have any time in my life. She pushed back, and I was cumming, goddam I was cumming, from the tips of my toes to the tip of my cock. I kept winding for a few seconds, thinking I could go on a half minute longer, but I found myself folding in half, so leant forward to turn Patricia's head, kissing her deeply. She was still shuddering, and so I assume she had cum, but I hadn't noticed, and sometimes I doesn't do to ask too many questions.

She said, over her shoulder, smiling
"I can feel your cum in my ass, you dirty bastard."

"You're getting a little bit worse at being a dyke every day." I said, and she laughed.

That made me want to carry on, but I was suddenly made of jelly, and collapsed side ways on to the bed.
Patricia and Addie took their places either side of me, and snuggled in to me, saying.

"Good boy" and "well done" again. I've never felt so entirely enveloped in acceptance.

Bryony? Bryony had one thing in mind.
She shuffled down the bed, and after a brief inspection, took my now half-soft cock in her mouth.

We said 'goodbye' the next morning, but not before Addie - talking over the weekend's events, rubbing my cock - made me cum one last time, while Patricia and Bryony made breakfast.

We decided not to keep in contact...
But the memories remain...

Oh, and, of course, Bryony and I had many more adventures, but that's another story for another day.

(Names changed to protect the decidedly un-innocent!)

Coming soon: Freaky girlfriend who makes herself cum while rolling around in a mountain of 100s of pairs of female college students worn panties / knickers (full story coming), then sucks me off while she sniffs them one by one... and... the power of horny sisters, featuring Jenny (-_^), among many more.
Publicado por ilovethelovinlady
há 2 anos
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