My history: Anal slut, Painal, more lesbian Dp

A girl I used to go with 25 years ago - Larriana, latin, blue eyes, huge tits and ass but petite enough to throw around the bed - loved being fucked in the ass, especially when it hurt.

She needed no lube and heeded no warning.

By the time I was ready to cum she would be gritting her teeth and (almost) wanting to stop, not because of the pain, but because she couldn't stop cumming. I - then a carefully raised WASP boy - would have to pause and ask "d'you want me to stop?" to which she almost always replied "just cum in my ass marrrrreeeeconn!".

She used to wake before me, and shuffle up to me on the bed, me being the big spoon. She would guide my stiff cock - if it wasn't stiff, she would make it stiff with her mouth or fingers - up her ass and rub her pussy 'til she came (which took about 5 seconds). Sometimes I would be awake by then, sometimes not. In spite of being ass fucked hard 15 plus times a week, she was tight as hell, and I would often wake up 2 seconds before cumming in her.

Once, our lesbian roomate - Debby, skinny athletic brunette, big ass, sex obsessed, masturbating throughout the day - had two fingers in Larriana's pussy (I've had a lucky sex life) while I fucked Larriana's ass. It was like something from The Exorcist, while she came again and again, rolling her eyes, with Debby's fingers in her pussy and tongue in her mouth.

Eventually, we broke up and she went back to Argentina, from Germany (where we lived), to "find herself". I'm sure lots of guys did, even if she didn't.

(Names changed to protect the decidedly un-innocent!)

Coming soon: Freaky girlfriend who makes herself cum while rolling around in a mountain of 100s of pairs of female college students worn panties / knickers (full story coming), then sucks me off while she sniffs them one by one... and... the power of horny sisters, featuring Jenny (-_^) among many more.
Publicado por ilovethelovinlady
há 2 anos
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