Mistis' Adventures Part 227

Gloria was in her version of Heaven. She had met a man who worshiped her, treated her like a lady, in public, and like a whore, in private. He was always telling her how much he loved her, and started out MOST days with the simple, "Good Morning, my love. Will you marry me, today?" She always replied that she needed to think about it for a little more. Then they would go and take a shower together, laughing, and enjoying themselves, dress, eat a bite or two of breakfast, and go to work. At lunch, she would sit with him, topless, weather and circumstances, allowing, and, if possible, getting a quickie. Then they would go home, and resume the play with Maria, Floyd, and Susan with them. Sometimes Althea and Albert would join them, if their studies allowed, and, until lately, Bob and Melody came over, too, at times. Mel's advancing pregnancy had made it more difficult for her to get "in the mood," but, she always encouraged Bob to join in, while she took movies, pictures, or just watched the others, and jilled off. EVEN A PREGNANT WOMAN needed a bit of distraction, at times.

She had teased Tony about his comment, of NOT needing THAT sort of girl, any more, but he explained that while he wouldn't give up what he had all the time,(HER) he couldn't turn down a friend in need, and that SHE shouldn't, EITHER!!! She would laugh, and tell him that, as long as he didn't mind her getting some other prick in her, she wouldn't mind him getting some "strange pussy." He would smile, laugh, and tell her that he wasn't about to let her get away from him, without a good reason, such as death. NO OTHER REASON WOULD SUFFICE.

Most evenings, when they all got home, since he would drive one day, and Floyd would drive the next, Susan would have their supper ready for them, or leaving just enough time for them to undress, and wash up, before eating. Showers were put off until AFTER supper, because they always got out of hand, and ended up taking hours to finish. They ALWAYS undressed for supper, and ate in the nude. It was always fun to sit and decide who your partner was going to be, that evening, while they ate.

Tony and Gloria, at the invitation, and insistence, of Floyd and Maria, and encouraged by Susan, lived under one roof. The split all the bills, and only had the one property to maintain. The mortgage had been paid off when Maria and Floyd were married, and Floyd had sold HIS house. Gloria laughed at the fact that the car the others had bought for her, when she became part of their "family" was driven more by Susan, than by her. Susan used it to run errands and do the shopping, so her Mom and Gloria would have less to worry about. Maria bragged that she had become a VERY good, little homemaker, and would, someday, make a wonderful wife, as long as her husband didn't mind sharing her with other men. Susan would always reply that she wouldn't marry a man that didn't believe in sharing her, or her sharing him, with friends, at least.

Today had been one of the VERY good days at work. They had set the forms, and poured the foundations for Bob and Melody's new home, and Carl had told the crew to knock off early. Instead of going home, they had gone over to Misti and Michael's new house, visited with them, and with Cathy, Robbie, and Essie, when Francis had come at the same time. He knew that his son, Levi would be there, and couldn't wait to see him, OR her. They had taken the infants and gone down to the river, and went skinny-dipping. They passed the babies among themselves, so all would have a chance to play, cuddle, and spoil, all of them. rotten. THAT was the FUN of having babies, IN THE FIRST PLACE. What was the use of having c***dren, if not to spoil and dote on them, as you were teaching them how to be good people.

They had enjoyed themselves, and then had gone home, with Floyd stopping to make a quick check of the freshly poured cement. He had been satisfied with the way it had been poured, and called Carl to make his report, since Tony was driving, this evening. Even though his truck was an extra cab, the two ladies could sit in the back seat, comfortably. They came home to find that all four of their "wayward family", as they referred to Althea, Albert, Melody, and Bob, were waiting for them. Althea and Susan had gone out of their way to prepare supper. The girls had made fresh, hot dinner rolls, and the dressing that Lorene had taught them, for baked potatoes, fresh canned green peas, with carrots sliced into them, and green beans, with bacon and onions cooked in. Steaks were on the grill, outside, courtesy of Albert, and Bob had gone to the Kelly's to purchase two gallons of cream, and it was being churned into fresh homemade ice cream.

Pete and Doris were also in Heaven, now that they had all 10 of their grandc***dren there with them. Paw Paw and Ma'amaw, were beside themselves at having all their c***dren, and grandc***dren within shouting distance. They had four from Milt and June, two from Patti and Jeff, since she had had twins, one from Annie and Bruce, one from Sue and RIck, and two from Royce and Robbie. SHE had had twins, also. Betty and Carol had "warned" her, along with the others, that they had enough multiple births in their family, that it was a possibility. Now Carol, Betty, and Robbi, ALL had twins. Betty's last had proved to be twins, also, bringing her and Tod up to five k**s, for them. Tod asked if she was ready to "throw in the towel," yet, and she had kissed him, and told him, as long as she was able, she was going to not only enjoy being bred, but having c***dren, too. They wanted an even dozen, at least, and God willing, even more. Sammy was in school for his second year, and missed helping his Dad on the farm, but realized that it was needed for him to learn how to do OTHER things, too.

They cleaned up and got ready, while Susan and Althea put everything on platters, and in bowls, and set the table, with help from Bob and Albert. Mel had tried to help, but, had been TOLD to sit down, and take it easy. She was now due, at any minute. They sat down and ate the feast of the grilled, rib eye steaks, with all the trimmings, and had a good time. All four of the women pitched in to clean the kitchen, after reminding Melody to sit down, several times. Susan had come in and sat next to Tony, and cuddled up to him, whispering in his ear. It didn't take a Rocket Scientist to figure out what she was telling him. If he had had a towel covering his lap, he would have made a tent for them. Soon she took his hand, and went down the hall to her room. Shortly sounds of lovemaking were heard from them. The delay had been just long enough to give them time for a nice shower. Melody had sat there, and listened, before pronouncing, "FUCK THIS SHIT!!! I WANT SOME DICK IN ME, TOO!!!" Floyd smiled at her. "Since i have the shortest dick, maybe you will allow me to see if I'm gentle enough to meet your needs." She returned his smile and began to try standing by herself, but was aided by Bob, who had been sitting next to her. "FUCK THAT, TOO!!! i'LL GIVE YOU SOME PUSSY, BUT I'LL NEED YOU TO FUCK ME SPOONS, AND FILL ME WITH CUM, SEVERAL TIMES IF YOU CAN. MY PUSSY HAS BEEN STARVING FOR SOME HOMEMADE CREAM!!!" Bob laughed as she made her request. "This is the longest she's been without in her last few years. She hasn't been laid in almost a month, now. I can't get any, from the other girls, without feeling guilty. They're all out on dates, tonight, so we had the house to ourselves. I was going to, at least, give her a tongue lashing, but Albert came home with these steaks and had just made a big sale, and wanted to celebrate. He had to run for cover, today, though, because he started his old song and dance about quitting college, and selling real estate. William threatened to kick his ass, and Carl had to threaten bodily harm to him, over it. He gets like that, when he makes a good sale. WE have to keep him on the straight and narrow, for his own good."

Floyd looked over at him as he and Melody were walking out of the room. "If he gives you any more trouble, I'll hold him, while everyone else takes turns beating some sense into him." Melody looked down at him. "See, Son? We all care about you, and want the best for you. Study, and realize ALL of your dreams. It might take a bit longer, and take a bit more sweat, but it will be worth it. Think of the life you and Althea can share."

Soon all of them were in beds and the ones in the living room were wondering why they were just sitting there, instead of watching, or fucking with one of the others. Bob smiled at Gloria, and she nodded, and stood to go next to him. "Can I interest you in a slightly used snatch, Sir? It hasn't had much mileage put on it, and it requires a bit of TLC. A man with the right touch could make it purr like a kitten." He stood up and took her hand, and told her, "I would love to take a look at it, and perhaps do a bit more than look, with your permission." Soon they were going down the hall, in search of an empty bedroom.

Albert smiled over at Althea. "I hope you never get tired of me." he stated. She came over, and simply laid down in the floor, pulling him down to join her. "If I ever do, YOU'LL be the first to know. In the meantime, come down here with me. My kitty's hungry. She needs some cream in her." The urgency they both felt, was shown in the way they made love so quickly, As they lay in the floor, breathing rapidly, she rolled over, and whispered in his ear. "I stopped taking my birth control pills, last month. I want you to make me pregnant. I want you to give me the same as you gave your Mom. We can raise them together like brothers. Maria had been sitting quietly, watching as they made love in front of her. "REALLY, SWEETHEART? Are you SURE that you want to go that way? Having a baby isn't as easy as you seem to think it is. What about your education? Do you realize how many days you might miss, because of how you feel? I really hope you give it a little more thought."

She stood and walked the few feet to stand above the pair of lovers. "I know what you are feeling. I feel the same about Albert. I love him like I had given birth to him, my own self. He will never have any worry about where he stands in THIS house. Susan did us all a favor, when she gave him her virginity. I was pissed, until your dad reminded me that I was the same way, at her age. He made me think about what I was saying and doing. I thought back to those days, and reminded myself that, just maybe, she knew what she was doing. Then I got a chance to sit, and REALLY talk to Albert. I was amazed at how nice he was. I was a little bit scared, at first, that he might be just a bit mature for her. Then, when we discovered he had spent the night with you girls, here, and was coming over after school, for some more play time, I got to see the full picture. I was happy that we caught you all playing, that night. It gave me the chance to have him, and it gave me the excuse to send you both in, for your dad to have. Everything came together, in the BEST way. We, all five, found new lovers, and all the barriers between us were gone. You girls found out how much your dad loves you, and I found out how much in love with Albert, I am. Mel and I had had a long talk, in private, about you k**s, Bob, and Floyd. She and I shared secrets, and I found out about her and Albert, and her hopes about Bob. He tickled more than her fancy that first day. NOW, young lady. Move over a little, and you can rest while you watch ME and Albert. Then I'm going to go and sit in a nice, hot tub of water, and let the feelings of him fucking me senseless, wash over me. I don't often get in the mood for a hot, bubble bath, but I can feel it coming on."

Down the hall, Tony had been holding Susan in his arms, and was exchanging kisses with her. He had marveled at the beauty of her unclad body, as he had, so many times. Usually he would be too tired to do anything, except to admire her. Other times, he would be looking forward to spending the night with his true love, Gloria. Tonight, everything had fallen in place, and he was going to do as he had thought about, so many times. She laid there, smiling up at him, and giving him tiny caresses as they kissed, His hands roamed freely about her body, feeling everything he had only seen, until tonight. He was beside her, laying, slightly above her, one hand under her head, and the other going from place to place, squeezing, touching, rubbing, or, just feeling her softness. To him, her skin was like velvet. Some times she would break out in goose flesh, if he touched her just right. THAT would make her giggle, and sound like tiny bells, to him. Then she would coo, and pull him down to kiss. Her lips would press lightly to his, and her tongue would go between his lips, invading his mouth, and searching for a porthole to his soul. She was as much the aggressor as he was. She only used the submissive type of aggression, where she opened herself to his advances, and made it impossible for him to back away. Each time he mad an "advance," it was like he was stuck in quicksand. The more he struggled, the deeper he sank.

She shifted, and leaned in to kiss HIS nipples, nipping gently at them, and kissing his strong pectoral muscles. He had, since leaving the Air Force, did many jobs that required great strength. They had built him a very nice set of "pecks." His chest hair wasn't thick, like Floyd's was, but was just enough to excite a lover. She enjoyed the way it felt to her hand, as she rubbed over it. It was slightly scratchy, and felt pleasant to her. It also made her excited to thing of it rubbing against HER nipples, and breasts, as they made love. She had already decided that she was going to hold him as close and as tightly to her as she could, forcing him to scrub her tits with his chest, as he was driving into her. She had watched her Mom as she did that to her lovers, before she married Floyd. Her Mom hadn't had THAT many lovers, but there had been enough, that her and 'Thea had had the chance to watch what they did to her, and how she got them to do to her, what she wanted them to do. Mom had her own special style of getting laid. The next morning, she would send them to school, or out on errands, long enough for one more, then send her lover on his way, full of pleasant memories. She NEVER had the same man more than once. No matter how well he had done her. That was the reason they had been so surprised, when Floyd had arrived for the second time. HE had been her only 'two for."

She felt him rolling her over on her back, and was reasonably sure what he would do to her, next. He started kissing at the top of her brows, and up to her hairline, then he kissed the very tip of her nose. "I would love to see what you've become ten years from now." She smiled up at him. All you'll have to do is look to your side, some morning. You'll get to see for yourself. Even if you move away, I'll still find you. Then I'll come to you. If Gloria is your wife, or lover, as you both want, she'll share you with me. If, by the off chance you marry someone else, I'll still have you, if I have to tie her up and make her watch you fucking me. I'll make it so good, that you can't resist me. I've already made the same promise to Althea and Albert, so you'll be my number two, so to speak. Both of you have everything that I want." He had no doubt that she was telling his future. He wanted Gloria in the worst way, already. He had fallen for her on first sight,.

He went down her body kissing her and sucking her nipples, her navel, and the creases in her legs, causing them to part for him. Susan, now 17, was changing from a sexy, little girl, to a desirable, young woman, before their eyes. Every day, it seemed, she became more beautiful, and developed another skill. She had all the boys at school jacking off at the mere thought of her. Some lucky few had actually had her. She made their whole year, and allowed some of them to take pictures of her, naked, even though she knew, for certain, that those pictures were passed around from boy to boy, and even to some of the girls. THAT was why girls that had steady boyfriends watched her so closely. She had been named, after they had read that story in class, by Homer. She never could say the name of the book, but some of the other girls began calling her Circe, and Siren. She had caught the off hand joke in their calling her that, but had secretly wondered how many of the girls now gave blow jobs, how many of THEM, swallowed the boy's cum, and how many had let the boys fuck their asses. SHE had done ALL of them, on her dates. Instead of condoms, like most of the girls carried in their purses, she carried wet wipes, and small tubes of Vaseline. Most boys went out with her, because they knew that she was a "sure thing" date.

She felt him licking at the creases in her groin, and then he was lifting her legs, to lick her ass, and go over the length of her pussy. She had experimented with different styles of trim, over the last few months. She ALWAYS kept the area between her ass and her clitoris shaved clean, but had tried several different styles of trim, ABOVE her clitty. Sometimes it would be a design of some sort, like a heart, or a bullseye, or a diamond. Sometimes it had been a simple round patch, or a strip that could be as narrow as a pencil mark, or as wide as 3 inches. She had finally decided to let her mood decide for her. Tonight it was a shield, like a police badge. she had almost backed out, before she finished THAT. She had had to pluck some of the hairs out, with tweezers, and THAT had HURT!!!

He had licked the length of her slit, and was using his tongue to lick deeper inside of her, although he hadn't, YET, stuck his tongue inside of her. He was having fun with her tiny "Mud Flaps. Her labia were just long enough, now, that she could make some noise, IF SHE WANTED, by farting with her pussy. She knew how to make herself do THAT if she wanted, TOO! All she had to do, was to go into the restrooms, or someplace private, and used her douche bottle to squeeze some air into her pussy. In a few minutes she could fart, and it made a whistling sound, instead of the usual fart sound. She had done it on dares from some of the other k**s in school, a few times. Bethany was the only one, other than she, that could do it as loudly. Beth could rip some good ones.

SHE felt him pushing his tongue inside of her, and all other thoughts left her. He stuck his tongue deep, deep inside of her, hitting her G-spot, and sending her into a frenzied thrashing under his driving tongue. She was rewarded by several intense orgasms. NO WONDER GLORIA WAS CRAZY OVER HIM!!! HE ATE PUSSY LIKE HE KNEW WHAT HE WAS DOING!!! Her hands went around the back of his head and neck, pulling him down to give him any help he needed. NOT THAT HE NEEDED HELP... She cried out in her passion, and screamed out her want of him. He moved up and took her aroused clit in his lips, and gave it the same loving attention. THIS time she stood on the tips of her toes, and the top of her head, pulling on his shoulders. She had NEVER been eaten like THIS, before. Even her Dad, who was the best, so far, couldn't eat her, and make her double up with his tongue.

He let her down easy, onto the pillow he had placed, while she was bowed up. He had used the thickest pillow, and it held her much higher than the one she used on her own. He kissed his way up her torso, paying attention to her protruding hip bones. In this position, they looked like a cradle on each side of her tummy. With her other pillow, they were barely noticeable, but he had her, at least, twice as high as any other loved had placed her. He was smiling at her, too. He put his knees on either side of her, and inched forward, until his dick was on her lips. She opened her mouth, and pulled him into it, taking her hands and aiming it at her throat, He was almost the same as Albert, so she took him the same way she took Albert. She kneaded his ball sack, and licked the length of his cock. As he puled back she used her tongue to massage the underside of his dick, and kissed the crown, as it came out far enough. The she put her hands on his butt to pull him to her, showing that SHE wanted it back in her mouth. She silently thanked Albert for showing her how good cum tasted to her.

The day he had taken her virginity, she had asked him NOT to cum in her pussy, but, had told him to cum in her mouth, all but one time, when her shot his cum on her belly. He had fucked her four times that day. Once when her took her cherry, and three more times when the others were eating. She had used hand signals to answer 'Thea's questions. 'Thea used facial and head gestures to be discreet. She had let 'Thea know she had been fucked four times, by smacking her lips three times, and pointing to her stomach once, then licking her lips, to say she had licked it off, too. Cathy had been sitting next to 'Thea, and had understood the gestures, and had giggled at her. Later she had cornered her, and told her about her and Billy's first date, and how she had only taken one condom, that they, at the time, called rubbers. Then after he had used the condom to take HER virginity, he had fucked her bareback, and cum inside her pussy, helping her to wash in the lake, and stopping for her to buy a douche kit on the way home.

Her sister had helped her to get birth control pills, but her Mom had discovered them, and got her a prescription of her own. Her Father had made a point, after, to check her supply, without her knowing he was checking up on her, and getting her new refills, when she got low. She had discovered her Father's way of checking on her, when she caught him looking at her pill box. A few days later, his assistant was off, and she came in, to help, and had seduced her Father into fucking her. He had fucked her, she said, over the next few years, until she went to college, and still managed, when she came home for holidays. It had been a comfort to know that other girls were letting their fathers fuck them, too. Then had came the bombshell! All of the girls in their social circle had been fucked by their fathers.

She felt his penis twitching, prior to cumming, and pulled him as far as she could manage. She licked him in earnest, and felt and tasted his cum shooting into her mouth. THIS was the thing she enjoyed. She loved the look of ecstasy on a man's face, as he shot her mouth full of his cum. The only thing better, was the look on their face, when they shot it inside her pussy. She kept it secret, that she took birth control. That way, when a boy shot her full of cum, sometimes several times, he thought he might be making her pregnant. They ALL became so ATTENTIVE, for a few months after they had filled her with cum. They all wanted so, to be known as the one who managed to knock her up. She knew that, if she became pregnant, some boy would win several hundred, if not over a thousand, dollars. She would wait until after she graduated to think about that. For now, she wanted to be fucked, hard and often.

She kept sucking him, until her was good and hard for the second time. He didn't need to know that Gloria had told her that he could, often, fuck her three or four times, AND, with the right incentive, sometimes, a fifth time. She pulled him down, after wiping her mouth with a corner of the sheet, and kissed him, LONG AND HARD!!! "Please fuck me, like you ate me. It was wonderful. I'll have to go and get my toenails uncurled, now, though. Fuck me as much, and as long, as YOU want. I love the feeling of having you inside me. I want to feel like I'm gone to Heaven.

He scooted down and kissed her some more, as she guided him to the place he would do her the most good. He felt himself slipping inside of her, as she wrapped her legs around him to pull him deeper. He felt the hot, wet, tightness of her vulva opening to allow him entrance. He didn't have to pull back when she got too tight for him to proceed, but it felt like he was caught in a velvet vice, from the tightness of her body. He began to withdraw as he hit bottom, and came back until just the head of his dick was left inside of her. Then he pushed inside of her, for the second time, "Aren't you going to hold my legs while you fuck me? It makes me feel so helpless, when I'm fucked like that. Wrap my knees around your elbows, and use your hands to hold my arms. Then all I can move is my head, and my ass. I feel like I'm being ****d like that, and it feels so much better. I love being helpless for my lover."

He followed her suggestions, and soon she was cumming as fast as he had seen ANY woman cum. She was having her orgasms one after the other, and was smiling and sobbing at the same time. Due to earlier trysts, he had already used up two loads of cum, so was having a time, working his way to another cum. He drilled her for almost an hour, and used every position, to keep him inspired, as he drilled into her welcoming body, and hot little snatch. She had collapsed, as he was fucking her doggy style, and he had followed her down in time to feel his cum rising. He quickly rolled her over and put his dick in her, missionary, in time to let loose a stream of cum inside her, making her scream. She was still groaning as a wet and soapy Maria, came through the door to see what had made her youngest cry out like that. Right behind her was Althea and Albert, closely followed by the others, until everyone was standing around the bed, looking at the sated couple. Althea giggled, and spoke what they were ALL thinking. "She finally met her match." Gloria leaned down and kissed Tony. "I won't tell her you already fucked twice today, if you don't." Tony smiled and nodded.
Publicado por sandlicker
há 3 anos
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