My name is Juan, I’m 32 single. I have been sex mad since I discovered one of my mother’s boyfriends fucking our neighbor’s son.
It all happened one day when school finished early, some friends and I decided to go back to my place to play on my play station. I went ahead while they brought supplies. Our back door is left unlocked so I ducked down the side of the house quietly went in the back door noticing clothes strewn on the floor so decided to follow the trail. I stopped in my tracks outside our spare room, on the bed was our neighbor 19yr old Felix and mum’s latest boyfriend Connor. Connor was fucking Felix like there was no tomorrow and Felix was loving it and crying for more. Felix butt was in the air with his cock & balls hanging while Connor was fucking him. Felix let out a grunt and I saw his cock pump out spirt after spirt of cum. The clenching of Felix pussy muscles must have tipped Connor, he stiffened and pushed one last time into Felix boy pussy and stayed riveted for several minutes till his spirting stopped he collapsed onto the back of Felix and they both fell onto the bed exhausted. I was riveted in the doorway and didn’t realize I was hard till Connor spoke and broke me out of the trance.
Felix jumped of the bed pulled my trousers down and sucked my cock till I came. It was so intense having a guy’s mouth around my cock, then Connor came over and gave me his arse to fuck. Felix put my cock into Connor’s hole while he licked my shaft and balls. The sensation was amazing; Connors hole was tighter than my girlfriend’s cunt. The muscles in his arse were making me cum again so quick after cumming in Felix’s mouth. Felix cleaned Connors and my cocks, then we sat down to talk.
It turns out when Connor moved in with mum he saw Felix wanking himself through the bedroom window. Connor said he had to fuck 5 to 6 times a day and offered Felix some help. Most nights I could hear Connor & my mum fucking till early morning. Connors cock was massive at least 9-10 inches long and certainly triggered all those sensitive parts in a guy’s or a girl’s pussy.
Felix said he had wanked himself off dreaming of me and when he met Connor he wanted whatever Connor offered. I quickly remembered my mates coming around and grabbed my cell & txt’d them to say something had come up.
I suggested to Connor & Felix I would like to carry on. My mother was visiting her parents so we had the place to ourselves. Over the next few days we didn’t leave the house and we fucked. Connor fucked me & Felix, I fucked Felix & Connor and Felix fucked both of us. We had turns double fucking each other Connor & I fucking Felix, Felix & Connor fucking me and me & Felix fucking Connor.
Over the years Connor introduced me and Felix to many sexual encounters & taught us heaps, we did threesomes & foursomes mixed & same sex. Connor soon tired of my mum and moved onto other encounters & took me & Felix along for the ride and what a ride.

My pic gallery JUAN was the basis for my story

Gepubliceerd door Davo60
7 jaar geleden