
Point of View ok... About time I use these little extras to vent and maybe find some humans that are as wacky and weird and wonderful and slightly bent... Just a little ( the blood urine, Satan anchovies and poop which that order of standard issue kink and deviant play... Ok just k**ding about those big five remember meth and heroin lead to bigger issues like satan and anchovies ugh...i think the way I do bad art or solicit sex, throw shit at the wall back up what I claim and see what is still sticking to the wall a few hours later...more later and promise it won't take three years to find my way back.
that last post was from this year 2019 not 2016 I am trying to be more in paying attention to this site as the.hamster seems to be the most reasonable fuck and dating site I have run across granted I keep myself pretty low miles and these days my bark is worse than my bite but if I make a commitment I keep it so many flakes on sex and dating sites thankfully for the most part with The rodent ie xhamster what you see and discuss is what you generally get or more than any other site and I also belong to that nameless flake finder but we all have other sites to be sure you think...







게시자: undergroundsun
8년 전
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