Power Exchange

It was a thursday nite and i was at ****** *** ****'* having a cpl drinks after work. It was your typical slow nite at the bar, mostly regulars. You know how you notice ppl out the corner of your eye for no particular reason at all? Well i had peeped what looked like a couple playing pool ??‍♂️ i sat at the bar to watch tv and bullshit with the bartender..

Before i could finish my round, the girl from the pool table came to the bar and stood next to me to order a beer. I didn't pay her no mind until she spoke to me while she was waiting on that beer. Me being friendly i spoke back to her and the next thing i know we're having small talk, me her and the bartender. I assumed at any moment she was going to wander back over to the pool table, but instead she sat down. At first i thought it was weird until she said something about the guy she was there with having gotten mad at her and left.. i didn't even notice.

Long story short we're joking around having a good time and under her breath but loud enough for me to hear she says "i wanna cuddle." I say "what?" and she says "i wanna cuddle, don't you wanna cuddle?" I say some shit like "i'd rather fuddle" and we both laugh and keep flowing with the conversation. Not too much further into the conversation she switched gears and just busts out "i wanna go to the power exchange." That was a bit of a curveball to me b/c i had never been to PE and really never thought i would have an interest in going based off of the different images ppl had painted over the years; so i didn't know what to say at first. She must've seen the short circuit written all over my face b/c she giggled when she asked me "have you ever been there?" I said "no" and after some more conversation about the place itself and what actually goes on in there, she told me she goes every now and then and asks me if i wanna go "tonight." At this point i'm waiting for my 2nd recond to come and i say some shit like "maybe after this round" to which she abruptly gets up and starts walking toward the door ? all i know is i got up to follow her and caught her as she was getting into her car outside the bar and asked her "what's up? Where you going??" and with a straight face she says to "the PE, you coming?" In a split and a half second i thought to myself fuck it and said "yea, lemme go pay my tab." Went back in threw a 20 on the bar, downed bout 3/4 of my beer real quick, threw up the deuces to my man ***** and headed back out. She's like "follow me, i wanna go home and change before we go" so i did.

We get to her house she came to my window and said "i'll be back out in 5m, you driving?" I agreed. And sure enough w/in about 15m she comes back out barefoot in a lil black dress and a pair of heels in her hand. So now we're on our way lol

Once we get there i'm nervous, but noticed she was happy, familiar, and comfortable. Hell, she even knew the door guy and ppl in the admission booth! Inside there weren't too many ppl there, it was kinda like the bar we had just left in oakland, light crowd. There was porn on multiple tvs with a few guys walking around and a couple on a couch just kinda checking out the porn. Baby tells me that she wants to check out downstairs where queer ppl were most likely playing, men and women, and asked me if i wanted to join her. She said she liked to watch. I declined and told her i'd wait for her and check out the main and couple's floors on my own until she came back. I wandered the two floors checking out all the diff nooks, booths, corners, couches, mattresses, and rooms all over the club. It was definitely a diff place and my imagination and curiosity were spinning. After about 15m tho i wondered if she was gonna ever come back up, and since it was basically one cpl, a few other dudes and myself, i figured if i didn't see her w/in the next 10m i was gonna just say fuck it and leave. I knew she was ok b/c she was obviously a regular here. But sure enough, she emerged from downstairs not too long after that thought and joined me. We walked around a bit talking about the place, flirting, and playfully touching each other. Once we got upstairs we noticed we had it all to ourselves, and found ourselves in a hallway that had a couch, pole, and mattress in it. We kinda settled there, sat on the couch and started making out. Idk how they knew, but on cue an employee appeared with complimentary condoms, water, and a cpl other things i can't remember, dropped them off to us then disappeared just as quickly. Baby gets up, dances on the pole a lil bit smiling having fun and feeling free. I watch and flirt, and she eventually comes back to me. She drops to her knees and tells me to pull my pants down. Welp, any inhibitions and nervousness i might have had completely evaporated when she said "pull your pants down." Bare assed on that couch she started slurping me. She was even licking my balls. After a lil while she gets up, goes to the mattress and just bends the fuck over. I follow right behind her grabbed her hips and just stuck my wet dick in her, raw. She obviously wasn't in the mood for anything soft and sweet, b/c once she felt the dick go in she said "oooh pound it daddy.." Hella hard and excited i immediately grabbed a hand full of hair and started fucking, hard. Didn't take too long before the sound of our sex got the attn of a cpl of the single men that were lingering, who started to meander back and forth past the hallway obviously trying to get a peep. Not gonna lie that part was a lil weird to me, but hey i was so very much into this kinky experience i had found myself in, so i kept fucking ??‍♂️ after one too many guys kinda walked by tho, baby slides off the dick, turns around to taste it a lil bit, then gets up and grabs me by the hand to lead me to the adjacent room. In there was another bed and a mirror. She laid on her back, i fucked. She sucked me some more, i fucked. She bent back over, and i threw one leg up and fucked her some more.. when i was about to cum i said "ooh shit im about to cum" to which she slid back off the dick again, turned around and completely wrapped her mouth around it. She wanted the money shot right down her throat, and i paid her in full lol

Anyway i'm rambling bout the nite but, after that first nut we wiped down a lil bit, talked and flirted some more, got horny again and fucked one more time before we eventually left and i took her back home. Spent a cpl hrs in that place altogether. I never told anybody about this shit until right now in this story lol but i gotta say, my one and only experience in there was pleasant and very much memorable ??
게시자: Johnnie510
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