Interracial Orgy

Kim had married Joe right out of high school. They had been married almost fifteen years now and Kim felt like their marriage was in a rut. They seldom had sex and when they did it seemed more like a chore than pleasure. While Joe was an energetic lover he wasn’t much on the preparation and foreplay. Looking back she didn’t know if she ever really felt love for Joe or if he was just a way out of where she was at the time. She had thought him and his family had a little money but that turned out And then when she had gotten pregnant she felt she had to stay with him. She had swore she wouldn’t… 続きを読む

投稿者 0817maganda 6ヶ月前

The Prom Dress

This is one of my favorite fantasies. I often visualize having sex with shopkeepers. The senior prom was only two weeks’ away, and I needed a ball gown. I didn’t have anything of that sort, as I had never expected to be invited. I hadn’t even had a date during high school. The reason: no tits. I was almost as flat as a board – maybe A cups if I was lucky. I did have nice nipples. Anyway, a nerdy guy from my Chemistry class asked me to go with him. It was a surprise; I didn’t know him very well at all. It might have been because even without tits, I was one of the best-looking girls in my clas… 続きを読む

投稿者 bianca44 6ヶ月前 10

White couples are tricked into working at a tropic

It was a typical chilly morning in the small town in Michigan’s upper peninsula. Tom glanced at his watch as he starred out the window enjoying the morning sun razing over the horizon. He finally heard the click of the bathroom door opening and the sweet smell of Chantal’s perfume flowing into the room. “Honey? Could you please bring me my sweater for me please?” Tom sat his cup of coffee down and looked around the room until he saw his wife’s sweater sitting on top of one of the suit cases. He knew it was going to be chilly this morning and glad Chantal planed for their trip. Tom smiled as… 続きを読む

投稿者 0817maganda 6ヶ月前


4 I woke up with a start, momentarily confused. It was daylight and a hand was between my legs, gently rubbing my pussy. It felt nice. I felt wanted and when you’re in the middle of a divorce feeling wanted is important. “You’re finally awake? I’ve been waiting for you,” Harold said softly, “waiting patiently.” “You’ll have to wait just a little longer, sweetie, I have to pee.” “I’ll be waiting.” I got up and went into the bathroom. Once I relieved myself, I went to the sink and put some toothpaste on my finger and began scrubbing my teeth that way, thinking he might get mad if I us… 続きを読む

投稿者 patsygirl 1年前 9


Horns! OK, sometimes a girl just wants to get fucked! Not made love to. ...Not abused or anything like that, but just FUCKED! Grab me, throw me on the bed, rip my clothes off or leave them on and just flip up my skirt and go under my panties. Finger fuck me! Slap my ass a few times and make it sting! Don't do it rythmically. Don't let me anticipate it! Make me wait for it and want it but fear it coming! Make me give you a hand job or suck your cock. Fuck my mouth and make me choke (just a little! Don't get carried away or you will spoil the moment)! Make me worship that big… 続きを読む

投稿者 Gena12 7年前 6

Cathy & Donna II

Leaning against the ballroom wall at the reunion event, Cathy’s thoughts and memories moved on. If the gymnasium sex had been just an isolated indulgence it would have been easy to dismiss. However, once tempted by the pleasure of sex with another woman, Cathy’s need had grown into a consuming desire. She had found that her concentration was ruined, that she could think of almost nothing else except re-running that extraordinary experience in her mind. Revisiting the pleasure of sex with Donna so aroused her that, twice at school and once at home, she had needed to retreat to the bathroom and… 続きを読む

投稿者 bianca44 7ヶ月前 4

Millie's Daughter

Home from college I had the perfect Summer job life guarding at the local senior complex. I opened it early and got in a nice swim before conducting a water exercise class. Most mornings a sweet lady named Millie swam with me and after our swim we would chat. By 11:00 AM the pool was usually empty. It gave me plenty of time to take an online class while I tanned. One morning Millie jokingly told me how happy the women were that I was there because all of a sudden their hubbies were coming home from the pool and heading for the blue pills. Seeing my look of apprehension, she explained t… 続きを読む

投稿者 mscotton12 8年前 60

My next date with Suzie

Needless to say, after our second date in the movie theater, we were both eager to go out again! It was May, toward the end of our seventh grade, and Susie invited me over to “study” for our upcoming tests. I was a top student, so I was somewhat in demand as a study partner, but Susie had more than math in mind to study… Suzie’s mom, Margaret, was a widow. Suzie was the baby of the family, her older brothers and sisters already grown and gone. Margaret was happy that I was assisting her daughter, as my family was prominent in our little town. Their house was small, so it seemed perfectly norm… 続きを読む

投稿者 n2oral 7ヶ月前 3

From Russia with Love"

“FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE” Louise’s flat was located on a quiet street in the Presnensky District, just Northwest of Moscow center. Home to many expats, the Moscow Zoo and the Embassy to the United States were also located there. Her apartment was small, but sufficient for her needs as a single woman not needing much. Decorated in typical feminine style, soft pastel blues, floral artwork, and fluffy pillows on the coach, it was extremely comfortable. As a Senior CIA Intel Specialist, her money went extremely far, particularly in this part of Moscow. Last time I saw Lou was about a year when we… 続きを読む

投稿者 DrWhoWhatandWhere 2年前 22

Sybil's Slow Sexual Seduction

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投稿者 Sylphid 9ヶ月前

Cathy & Donna I

Catherine had a preoccupied air as she exchanged small talk with a couple of former students. She did not intend any impoliteness, but the truth was that her head was in whirl and she hardly knew what she was thinking or wanting – or rather, she knew what she wanted but was trying to escape the thought, for it was surely unthinkable! For all of her life she had been certain that she was entirely and absolutely heterosexual in orientation; she had only been interested in, and only had experience of sexual relations with men. Now, suddenly, she remembered when everything that she had taken for g… 続きを読む

投稿者 bianca44 8ヶ月前 8


Debra Debra and I were in high school together. We were at an all girls party one night that turned into a kissing game. I was nervous to play until Debra came over and kissed me deeply. And I have fantasized about her often. This is how one dream went. My superior officer called me into his office and said "Ellen you’ve done reallyl well here and are well liked by all of your peers I've just been notified that we are to have Debra Conner, the first British Air Traffic Control Candidate, here for her training. It is important that she pass the course and I want you to be her roommate and t… 続きを読む

投稿者 bianca44 8ヶ月前 8

Seduced By Sharon:

So, the elevator story. Several years ago, I had a major case and, Sharon, a young lawyer, was assigned to help me. Adorably gorgeous, I had a crush on her immediately. And apparently she had one on me. I loved the way she dresses. She would wear a gauzy top with designs in the right places, but her bra was visible underneath. It was really sexy and I loved it. A few months later, we had a department outing and she (Sharon) and I planned to sit together at the dinner. She wore a black see through top as I described and a black bra underneath short skirt and black pantyhose. After dinner, we a… 続きを読む

投稿者 bianca44 9ヶ月前 9


28.05.23 - i'm terrible at proof reading my own stuff, this version has been "fixed up" and includes soem small observations from the principal character. It was late morning when I checked into a local 3-star hotel – it was a new modern hotel, nicely fitted out rooms and spacious bathrooms. Checking in with no luggage didn’t raise any eyebrows, I suspect they have a reasonable number of afternoon bookings. I like being as high up in the building as possible – that way I’m sure no one will be peeking through the window. Of course, I could just close the curtains but, I like having a nice view… 続きを読む

投稿者 sxstory5 1年前 39

Fucking Wife's Friend's Daughter

“Darling, would you please go to Anna’s place and pick up her manuscript for me?” my wife Thuy called out from her study. I had just walked back from the beach with our daughter Mia, and we were showering together in the courtyard off our bathroom. “Sure honey, Mia and I are just having a rinse after the beach.” I called back. Thuy came into the bathroom and watched with a bemused smirk at Mia masturbating my erection, as she watched her nipples became erect “Mmm Mia, that’s a big handful.” Mia gave a short laugh, “Yes, Daddy’s been big all morning.” Mia squeezed my cock hard and pulled it t… 続きを読む

投稿者 sxstory5 2年前 129

Leslie's Invitation

Leslie was my best friend in high school. We were volleyball teammates and were inseparable. There was a definite sexual attraction between us but other than a stolen kiss in the back of a dark movie theater, we did nothing about it, largely out of fear of being caught. After high school, I went to college in D.C. and Leslie went to nursing school in Trenton. One day, with no prior notice I got a letter from her inviting me to spend a weekend with her in Trenton. I called her to accept the invitation, she asked if I could come that weekend – she was anxious to see me. As I stepped off the tra… 続きを読む

投稿者 bianca44 9ヶ月前 14

Our Wedding Day In Jamaica

Our Wedding Day In Jamaica Finally after a long flight, the wheels touched down. We had landed in Jamaica and were both excited to be getting married. Ashley and I had become soulmates and best friends and always knew this moment would come. Our sex life had always been great. I knew it would be from the moment we first got together. I still remember it like it was yesterday. The moment Ashley sucked my cock with expertise. Her tongue and mouth working their magic on my hard cock. And the way she spread her legs wide, allowing me to taste her sweet pussy and lick her clit. I loved the way… 続きを読む

投稿者 tone3270 1年前 16

On the beach

. This is ‘point of view’ story, and you can imagine that you are either of the characters. I will admit, I was annoyed when you came into view. A few days ago, I found this secluded hollow in the sand dunes, about 100 yards back from the beach, and until that moment I had had it entirely to myself. I am on a family holiday here for two weeks and, although the beach is not busy, I was looking for somewhere quiet, away from the boisterous play of my two younger brothers, aged eleven and nine. After all, I’m quite grown up, my sixteenth birthday was a month ago, and I want a peaceful spot to… 続きを読む

投稿者 Lulu_2000 10ヶ月前 24

Dog Story

Translated from French XH submission Dog story ... 'My wife was quite prudish, she agreed to suck me from time to time, but impossible to cum in her mouth or on her face, sodomy? Unimaginable; we only fucked in the "missionary" position One summer day, after an invitation to a more than copiously watered barbecue, we stretched out in the garden, on our way home, to take advantage of the afternoon heat. As we were off to a good start, I brought some whiskey and some ice cream and we started drinking. Lying on the blanket next to my wife, I started to stroke her. Soon, excited, we walked into t… 続きを読む

投稿者 Zipster99 2年前 233


It was now almost one year since Ashley and I had got together. Living together was absolute heaven. Coming home from work to her face, waking up next to her sexy body, it was all I ever dreamed of. After a few conversations we had decided to go abroad for a 1 year anniversary holiday. The destination? My favourite place and somewhere Ashley had never gone. The city that never sleeps. New York! The night before, as we packed, I had butterflies in my stomach, and not just because I am a nervous flyer. I knew something was going to happen on this holiday that would make or break our relationship… 続きを読む

投稿者 HornyGirl1987 3年前 5


While I have several lists of favorites, I thought I'd start compiling a shorter list. This one will be of the ones that I dream of, the ones that I go back to a look at often and get turned on and wet every time I do. 1: Skye Blue at her best. A hot looking white woman being fucked by a BBC and loving it. 2: One of the most realistic videos about a woman's first BBC. Since they're both probably pros, I have to give her credit for being a good actress; no screaming, no crying, just showing some discomfort. That's how it was for me https://xh続きを読む

投稿者 patsygirl 11ヶ月前 21

Nikki and Amanda

It was a gloomy Saturday morning after a long tiring week. I decided to run some errands in the morning and then relax all evening with a couple of glasses of wine and either a book or a video. As I was finishing my coffee my doorbell rang. I opened it to find two cheerleaders selling candy. They introduced themselves as Debbie, a cute blonde and Nikki, a very cute reddish brown haired girl. Their outfits were sexier than I remembered for High School. Sleeveless belly shirts and low cut skirts were something new for me. They went through their spiel and I invited them in so I could get some mo… 続きを読む

投稿者 mscotton12 11年前 21


A quiet knock on the door of my hotel suite. Heart suddenly pounding, i go to the door and peer through the peephole. She stands there patiently, eyes downcast. It is her! I open the door and say, “Larissa?” “Da. Robert?” She says my name softly. ”Yes. Would you like to come in?” ‘ She is a shining mass of long blonde hair sweeping into my rooms, walking proud and erect as she gazes around the living room and walks - or rather, glides - to the window overlooking St. Petersburg. The sun is sinking into the west, the glowing light outlining her slender body wrapped in a knee length coat. “… 続きを読む

投稿者 n2oral 11ヶ月前 2

A man's tongue tip, is better than 10 inches

Life is a huge learning curve and the first twelve years are about fun and growing up. Things change dramatically and I think more so for girls than boys, when we hit puberty. I remember a man once telling me about when he was f******n how groups of girls would come from their school, which was a few miles away, just to meet up with boys from his school. The girls came up for sex and they would go into the old gymnasium, which was a separate block from the main building, and go down into the cellars, which was a mazework of nooks and crannies, and pair off, and fumble, kiss, and fuck. He was n… 続きを読む

投稿者 Fridagirl 1年前 9

Some Stuff is just too hard to explain

1. What a blast from my past On holiday with my family of three girls and one boy. Of course we had to visit the train museum, my son, like his father, was a train enthusiast, so we girls had to put up for the morning at least to let the men in our lives enjoy their little bit of holiday. I must confess I was thinking coffee and cake, while the rest roamed through whatever they thought thrilled them, but when I entered the museum, I suddenly found my heart thumping like crazy under my breast, but more than that, my nipples were embarrassingly getting harder and extremely sensitive, my eyes in… 続きを読む

投稿者 Fridagirl 1年前 10

Shaving Caitlin

Caitlin and I decided that we needed to get away together so we could share some extended time together. We focused on Greece and researched together the different islands. We found one that was described as less commercial; I had read somewhere that it was renowned for its nudist beaches. At the time I had mused to myself that that might be fun to try. I suggested it to Caitlin, and she readily agreed, excited at the idea of trying a nude beach. A few days later, I picked her up from her home and we chatted and babbled together all the way to the airport, the flight and the taxi to the resort… 続きを読む

投稿者 bianca44 2年前 7

HE TOOK IT? My very first "CUM"

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投稿者 JHOTT99XXX 2年前

Last night....

Last night my husband and I were to bed late, but relaxed after a good hot shower. It has been few time we were not able to catch up eachoter to go to sleep together. SO our bodies were missing eachoter. The last few days on xhamster have made me really horny. My husband have followed my profile on his phone so he was very excited by all he read about me, all I said... I told him I was PMing some users and told him some details about it, he even witnessed some MP at home... He told me I am his little beloved slut, it turned me on... We began to carress eachoter, to kiss eachoter, sucking eacho… 続きを読む

投稿者 Oopslala79 4年前 45

Just let go and give into your fantasies

Our Spanish rental for the week was an ideal villa tucked away from the main drag, surrounded by a high brick wall, inside which palms and shrubs flourished, shielding a swimming pool where I swam and sunbathed naked every day as the World outside those high walls got on with their business, little realizing what was happening in my little world inside. My husband had been called away to Lisbon for a few days, leaving me alone in this isolated paradise of Sun and Sangria, lying naked staring at the palms wondering what I might do if a man or men suddenly appeared and caught me defenseless, an… 続きを読む

投稿者 Fridagirl 1年前 14