A Model Mother Pt. 06

Emily got a warm feeling the next morning when she saw the cum-stained floor in her shop and had to resist another masturbation session as the memories flooded back. The feeling of sheer naughtiness as she fingered herself to a beautiful climax whilst those two young men came all over her was unforgettable.

But she had work to do and, with a little twinge of sadness, mopped away the evidence of last night's fun.

The floor was still wet when Shannon arrived. Emily was pleased to see her as she had a proposal.

"Hi Emily," Shannon smiled warmly. She looked tired, Emily thought, and she told her so.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sick to be honest. The supermarket's twenty-four hours now, I didn't get home until after midnight as I was on a late shift, and now I'm in again at ten this morning.

"Well, maybe you'll be interested in what I've got to say then -- what time's your bus?"

"I've got about ten minutes -- what's up?" She glanced over at the top shelf, where Emily's pretty face looked down on them from the cover of 'Shaven Havens'. "Oh wow! You are the cover girl again!"

"I certainly am!" Emily said, "It's quite an explicit set, I've sold over one hundred copies and it's only been out a few days!" She glowed with pleasure. The thrill at her inappropriate behaviour never faded. She felt a rush of anticipation and excitement wash over her as Shannon took down a copy, and pride as she complimented her on her appearance.

"Wow. Your body is absolutely perfect. I was going to say, 'for your age', but it's just perfect full stop. I'm so jealous of those boobs. You are so hot!" The fact that Emily was ramming a huge banana inside herself with a look of ******* fixed on her face in every shot wasn't mentioned.

"So, it's quite apt, with you complaining about work. Rebecca, you've met her right? She does a few evenings and a Saturday for me. She was on a gap year, but she's starting Uni soon. So, I'm going to need some help in the shop."

"Oh! Right, I see! I don't know, I mean I'm next in line for a manager slot at the supermarket, so I'm not sure working in a shop would be the best career move. I mean, I'd like to help you out and all, but..."

"I'm not talking about just working in a shop, Shannon. I'm feeling like I'm ready to take a step back from the day-to-day, what with the modelling and all. Mike ran himself into the ground, working all hours here, and there's really no need.

"The accountant calls this place a little goldmine, profits are through the roof. So, I'm certain that I can afford to pay for a manager, to keep things running properly for me, and still make a living. And I'm actually getting good money from the modelling too, I'm quite prolific with that right now.

"Of course, the modelling isn't going to last forever. But there's still plenty just with the shop, to keep both of us quite comfortably. And I'll be helping you and Stephen out -- I know the supermarket doesn't pay very well."

"Oh wow, Emily! Do you really think I can? How much are you thinking? If you don't mind me asking?"

"It's a relevant question, of course I don't mind," Emily smiled. "And I'd say it's negotiable. But I was thinking in the region of Twenty K. And yes, I'm sure you can manage it just fine. If I can, I'm certain you can."

Shannon's eyes widened at the sum Emily was proposing.

"What! Seriously? Twenty grand? That's quite a bit more than Stephen gets! It's nearly double what I'm on at the minute. Are you sure you can afford that?"

"Easily," Emily smiled. "But I think you will probably be worth more, so we'll revisit in six months and see about increasing that - if you've taken to the job as well as I think you will, and sales are still good."

"Actually though," Shannon pondered. "It sounds amazing and all, but I don't think Stephen will feel great that I'm earning so much more than him. He's got a good business, but he's not long out of his apprenticeship. He thinks he's going to be earning a lot more pretty soon though, he's got a couple of certifications coming which will give him more earning power."

"Stephen doesn't need to know exactly what I'm paying you, if you don't want him to. You're right, men can be funny about that sort of thing, so just pick a number and tell him. You can always put some away for a rainy day -- set up a pension or a savings account."

Shannon's eyes were wide at the life changing news Emily had just dealt her.

"Emily, this is just amazing! You don't have to, you know, just because we're going to be family and all."

"You're right, I don't have to, but you will be helping me out as much as the other way round. I've been thinking about hiring a manager, but finding the right person, someone competent, who I could trust, that wasn't something I've been looking forward to.

"Well, provisionally it's a 'yes'. But I think I probably need to discuss with Stephen, it's a big change. But I can't see any reason why not. It sounds amazing, thank you Emily! That's my bus -- I'll pop in tomorrow and let you know!"

Emily had booked an appointment at the doctor's that afternoon. She'd had the presence of mind to remember that fingering yourself using the lubrication of two young and fertile men's semen is not wise if you want to avoid pregnancy. Luckily her cycle meant it was very unlikely to be a problem this time. Moving forward, she decided that it would be a good idea if she went on the pill, which her doctor provided without question.

Later on in the evening he phoned Alan with her proposal, whereupon she'd provide him with material, and he'd pay her the going rate. She'd enjoyed her night at the local camera club so much, and there were several guys there which meant a lot more pictures than Alan could produce.

Aside from that, Emily had loved exposing herself to so many more eyes. And the guys had indicated they were more than happy to take on the mantle of Emily's official photographers. So everyone was happy

Everyone except Alan, who wasn't hugely enthused by this, as he had definitely been getting an amazing deal up to now. But he didn't have much choice and agreed without any real fuss. It wasn't a bad deal, Emily signed all the rights to her pictures over to him and he'd still be making good money.

It was a full week until her next shoot with the camera club. The first thing she noticed, on her arrival, was the studio area seemed distinctly less roomy that it had been the previous time.

"Is it just me or are there more of you tonight?" she mused as Anne did her make-up.

"Yes, sorry, is that OK?" Will said apologetically. "Word got around, you know. We have a few new members, and a couple who have returned. I can't think what might have tempted them back... I hope you don't mind?"

"Fine by me," Emily smiled. "More people means more pictures, right?" It also meant more eyes on her body, she told herself excitedly. Glancing around she counted fifteen guys in attendance tonight. Fifteen! Again, she recognised some of the new faces, she was quite familiar with a large chunk of the town's male population.

There was a crate of beer on a table and lots of the guys were swigging from a bottle. This was giving the evening a more relaxed feel than last time, which Emily liked.

"Pass me one of those, would you?" She smiled. Motioning to the box of beer, and she was soon sipping one of her own.

Last week's shoot was fun, but it was very tame by her standards. Emily pushed things along much more quickly this time. Rather than waiting to be directed, she made sure her poses quickly passed through tasteful and sensual into graphic and explicit.

The additional guys in attendance seemed to give her additional drive and confidence. She made love to their lenses, one at a time. Once she was stripped out of her sexy secretary style outfit, she made a point of getting completely wanton in her poses. Her hand was between her legs or squeezing a breast up and toward the camera in most of the shots.

Looking around at all the eyes watching her, she saw several men who didn't even own a camera, or if they did, they weren't using it. They were simply there to watch her perform, it seemed. Emily liked this, even though her 'more people, more pictures' assumption didn't seem accurate.

After about an hour of this, and a couple of costume changes, it was too much for her. Ignoring one of the new member's request to conceal her vagina for a sensual, teasing shot, she instead began circling her clit with her middle finger. There was no instruction, warning or request, she simply started playing with herself.

I'm doing it! She told herself proudly. She'd been fantasising about eight pairs of eyes watching her do this since the last session. Today there were nearly double this number, which was doubling her excitement.

"I'm sorry, I can't help it," she explained girlishly. "This is getting me so fucking horny!"

Some of the men let their cameras hang around their neck and simply watched, others continued to snap away as Emily masturbated for the room.

"I'm such a naughty girl, aren't I?!" she whimpered. "I just can't wait until I get home!"

She'd prepared these words, even practiced them in the mirror. She wanted everyone to know how much she loved the sexual freedom, the thrill of saying and doing what very few women were prepared to do.

Emily was lying back on the bed, completely naked except for a pair of blue heels, which she had tried to remove on a couple of occasions, but at the protests of the men had kept them on. Fixing her gaze upon one guy at a time, she raised herself up on her heels, balancing on one elbow and thrusting her bare crotch towards first one lens and then another.

Alternating between sliding a wet finger over her clit and slipping fingers inside, she hypnotised each man in turn. And as they fell under the spell, her pleasure increased. Occasionally she'd bring a moist finger to her lips and taste herself on it, loving the sound of camera shutters increasing in frequency as she posed for them.

"God, I fucking love this," she sighed as her orgasm began. "All you men watching me cum for you. FUCK!"

There were no more words but lots of moaning and an obscene squelching as Emily fingered herself to a shuddering climax, before falling back, taking a minute to catch her breath as the pleasure subsided for the time being. Although she was struggling to focus, she could hear the camera shutters still going, and reached down with both hands to hold her pussy wide open, allowing them to record her post-orgasmic vagina for posterity.

Returning to reality, she sat up, smiling and flushed.

"Wow! Sorry, I just couldn't help myself!" She said with a sheepish look. "You can probably tell I love my new job a bit too much sometimes!"

There were no complaints. Emily suddenly found herself craving the sight of a naked man, of a hard penis. Looking around the room there were fifteen opportunities, fifteen guys, each with her favourite toy separated from her by only a thin piece of material.

This felt like a crossroads moment. She'd just brought herself off in front of all these guys. She could see at least five or six were sporting very obvious erections. She was lying legs apart on the bed, all eyes on her body. She craved the taste of cum, which she'd come to associate with her happiest moments.

Fuck! She thought to herself. Somehow, with an enormous effort of willpower, she resisted the urge to start feeling those crotches, freeing cocks and taking the consequences. All in good time, she told herself. For now, she needed to feel something inside.

Draining her beer bottle, she licked the neck seductively. Click, click went the shutters. She brandished it brazenly, holding it between her breasts and licking the tip, her lovely firm tits holding the bottle in place.

The audience were desperately hoping this bottle was going where they thought it belonged. If any of them had been in the pub opposite the engagement party just a few months ago, they would know already that they should not worry, Emily would gladly do exactly what they wanted.

Emily felt the cold glass and it took her back to that night. She'd felt so totally dirty, so completely shameless, pushing that beer bottle deep up inside herself for both her own pleasure and the arousal of three men. Tonight, there were fifteen -- and one woman, Will's wife Anne -- watching on.

The sound of the cameras faded for a few seconds and Emily heard a few low moans, gasps, and intakes of breath as it was eased inside her gently.

"Does that look good?" she smiled around the room. The guys had all congregated, leaning over each other and squashing together to try to ensure all of them could enjoy the view. With one arm she hooked around the back of her leg, pulling it back so her knee was beside her ear. With the other, a single finger was maintaining pressure on the base of the clear bottle.

This gentle touch was very slowly, very gradually causing it to slide inside. Emily was in no rush, this was perfect. The shutters started again, the initial shock and surprise replaced with an eagerness to ensure none of this was missed. Emily reacted to this increase in activity by starting to fuck herself with the bottle.

"Oh, fuck that feels good!" she breathed. "I hope it looks as good as it feels!"

Repeating her feat from the pub, she rotated the bottle and eased the thick end inside. Working it deeper, it was now almost all the way in. Her pretty labia embracing the bottle, the neck protruding obscenely.

Moving her hand away, she posed like that silently for half a minute, looking down at herself with almost as much pleasure and lust as the men in the room.

"I bet you can see right up inside me, can you?" she wondered. "This is so fucking hot. Make sure you get plenty of pictures!"

As requested, the men with the cameras moved closer, some of them almost touching the bottle with their lens before moving back to let others get their take on the scene. Emily smiled around at any camera that she saw pointed in her direction. She also smiled above the crouched cameramen at the guys who were just watching on from behind them.

The sight of these newcomers who appeared to be present simply to watch Emily perform felt so perfectly wrong, Emily was beside herself with the need for release. This was so much better than she'd dreamed. There was only one thing that could make it any better.

"Oh, fucking hell I'm such a dirty bitch!" she congratulated herself. "Do you like watching how naughty I can get? Am I getting you hard?"

The question was directed at everyone in the room. Emily wanted every cock hard, she wanted everyone to lust after her. And she wanted -- needed -- to see and feel real appreciation. Appreciation which was warm, wet and salty. Appreciation which anointed her naked skin. Appreciation which emanated from a nice, hard penis.

This had not been on her agenda for this evening. She had planned on pushing things further tonight, but masturbating for the guys was as far as she'd meant to go. But now, surrounded by aroused men, on the brink of a second orgasm brought on by a glass bottle rammed resoundingly inside her soaking pussy, all of which was being recorded in hundreds of pictures across a range of expensive cameras, now she had to at least see a cock.

Looking around for a likely candidate, her gaze fixed on one of the voyeurs. She might have chosen him because of his good looks, or his slightly younger age than most of the attendees. It might have been the impressive bulge in his loose trousers.

But no, it was simply because he was the first man she made eye contact with. Stretching out an arm, she gestured with a curling finger for him to approach.

Like a zombie he obeyed. As soon as he was within touching distance, Emily's hand was adhered to the iron bar in his trousers. Shutters again stalled for a moment, as the room tried to digest what was happening. The cock was freed, and Emily grasped it in triumph. It was a nice one, she thought. But then, she couldn't actually recall seeing one she didn't like, and the number she was meeting was increasing almost daily.

Still grasping the first, Emily's head turned to her right. There was another one just a metre away.

"You too," she smiled simply, holding out her hand expectantly.

The pictures from that moment were to remain amongst her favourites for years to come. Spreadeagled on the bed, bottle snuggly nestled in her tight, wet pussy, she grasped a hard penis in each hand and smiled into the many lenses.

All of a sudden, the sound of the camera shutters resumed. Emily felt like a film star -- a very slutty one, but the sound made her think of the paparazzi. Putting her best camera face on, she gripped those solid cocks with a sense of real pride and achievement. She was proud of herself. She'd planned to build up to this moment over weeks, maybe even months. But, no, she couldn't wait that long.

Releasing the cocks and enjoying the sight of them snapping upwards to the ceiling as she did so, she reached back to her bottle, easing it out before plunging it back inside. It felt just perfect.

"Wank over me," Emily said, quietly but clearly. One hand pumped the bottle steadily, the other was flicking her clit again. Her expression was one of utter surrender to the slut which had completely possessed her.

"You heard me," she said, almost aggressively, looking up at the cocks hovering just above and to either side of her face. "Pull those cocks for me. I want you to give me your cum -- all of it!"

Her focus turned inwards as her orgasm built all the more. Her eyes kept closing involuntarily as the pleasure surged, but she forced herself to open them again. She couldn't miss the sight of the guys masturbating for her, and the faces watching on, entranced by what she was doing.

Eyes and cameras were glued to her naked body. Her cunt was stretched by a clear glass bottle which was in danger of disappearing inside her. And two perfect, solid dicks were pumping hard. Emily was in heaven.

"Oh Christ this is so fucking hot!" she hissed, her climax taking over. "Wank over me! Fucking cover this slutty little whore with your spunk!"

Both men started almost simultaneously. Firing down streams of sperm from either side of Emily. Laughing and smiling in delight, her head turned left and right, receiving tributes from both sides. Cum splattered into the side of her head, her shoulder and each breast. With each drop that landed on her, the pumping of the bottle into her desperate cunt became more urgent.

She felt like she might have lost consciousness, so strong was her orgasm. As her senses came back to her, she was pleased to see the cameras continued to click away. She couldn't wait to see the results of all their hard work.

Easing the bottle out of herself, she smiled and pouted into the lens as her gaping cunt slowly contracted. Hearing a rhythmic slapping sound to her left, she turned, and was faced with another large, erect penis, being ********** at the sight of Emily's activities. This one was uninvited, but equally as welcome as the others had been.

"Oh hello!" she smiled, looking up at the owner. The bright studio light was directly in her eyes, and she couldn't make out who it was, but he had a lovely dick.

"Well, isn't this a nice..." This was as far as she got. A jet of semen shot directly into her eye, swiftly followed by another which struck her top lip, sending a great deal up her nose and into her mouth. She gamely refused to turn away, but this was practically an assault. Stream after stream continued hitting her full in the face, blinding her in the other eye and filling her other nostril so that her mouth had to open to breathe.

As soon as her mouth opened, she was almost drowned as a large spurt of cum immediately hit the back of her throat. She managed to recover and held her mouth open, still the sperm continued to land in and around her mouth.

The onslaught seemed to subside for a moment, but then it seemed to find a second wind, and she was again almost knocked back by the force of semen which was now hitting her forehead and eyes, which had been forced closed. Emily could only smile and take it, knowing that she'd be able to see the whole scene on the many pictures which the guys were still taking.

Eventually the torrent subsided, and she managed to open one eye.

"Fucking hell! I thought that was too much for one man!" she giggled, utterly deluged with sperm. She was looking at three spent cocks, each still mostly erect but subsiding. A second and third man had stepped up whilst she was blinded by the first, and each had continued the good work, resulting in what had seemed to Emily like an inhuman amount of semen being unceremoniously and violently applied to her pretty face.

"You filthy fucking perverts!" she giggled, delighted. But there was one more donation incoming. Her head had been twisted to one side to try to make out exactly where all that sperm had originated from. During this, another sperm donor had appeared between Emilys still spreadeagled legs.

Her sexy little pussy was still dilated slightly, the effect of the extended stretching session with the bottle still wearing off. The stranger was standing in between Emily's legs, pointing his dick directly at this superb sight.

He had been furiously wanking at the sight of her shaven, gaping cunt, and its owner's unbridled delight at receiving multiple blasts of semen all over her face.

Emily got a shock seeing him standing there. For a moment she felt a rush of panic and confusion -- she thought that cock was about to be thrust inside her stretched, wet and ready cunt. Before she could even consider what she thought about this, she felt a jet of warmth right up inside her. He was shooting his cum directly into her pussy!

Time seemed to stand still for a moment. This felt a little like a violation. She'd only invited two guys to ejaculate over her, this was number five! And she'd only really wanted cum in her face and her mouth. But she could hardly expect restraint, given her behaviour tonight, could she?

And, she realised as the second jet of cum splashed against her pussy and up her pubis, coating her clit, this was going to make for some amazing pictures. So, rather than protest, she reached down and parted her labia wide, using two fingers from each hand to give her masturbator a nice target for the remainder of his load.

She loved the conclusion to the evening almost as much as what had gone before. Despite the fact it was cooling on her skin, going clammy and sticky and even starting to crust over in places, she didn't want to remove a single drop of cum from her person until everyone had taken any and every picture they could think might look good. She wanted this chronicled for the ages.

When large amounts pooled, as it liked to do in her cleavage, belly button and the nape of her neck, she'd scoop up as much as she could and smear it across her forehead or cheeks, giving it the chance to make its slow and disgusting journey down her body again. And all the while the camera shutters continued -- click, click.

During this time she chatted amiably with the group. She expressed just how pleased she was with tonight's events, and how much she was looking forward to seeing the results of their expert work.

Just as she had the last time, she loved the feeling of chatting with her legs spread wide open. But this time her shaven pussy was sporting a lovely thick load of cum -- some still dripped out from where it had been fired inside so accurately.

Being introduced for the first time to five men who had already ejaculated over her was, she decided, a real peak in her life so far. And, as she reminded everyone, they would be doing another shoot in just a week's time!

Even after everything she'd done, the fact that Emily simply slipped her coat over her sperm-coated body and left, thanking all for their efforts, had several of the group shaking their heads. You could almost see their minds ticking over -- was there anything this beautiful slut wouldn't do? It seemed all she needed was a camera pointed her way and she became the ultimate porn star. The camera club was likely to continue expanding.

She managed to make it home without coaxing any more semen from any passers-by this week. Dropping her coat and making a mental note to take it to the dry-cleaners tomorrow, she made straight for the full-length mirror to inspect herself. The sight took her breath away.

"This is what I am," she told herself. Anne's beautiful make-up job was destroyed, smeared and mixed with the many loads of sperm Emily was caked in. Most of the cum had either dripped onto the pavement as she walked home, or been soaked up by her coat, but the little pools she could find were scooped onto a finger and tasted with interest.

She still liked the taste, she decided. She wondered if she'd ever go off it. For a moment, when she had those three cocks almost drowning her, filling her mouth, she thought that might be her final act on this earth. And all she could think was 'what a way to go!'

There was one very important thing she needed to address though. For a fleeting moment, when she'd made out the figure standing between her legs, grasping a thick, hard dick only inches from her swollen, wet and hungry vagina, she thought she was going to get fucked.

"Fucked." She said it out loud to her reflection. "Fucked! Fucked in my wet cunt!" friends talked about 'nookie', 'bonking', 'shagging', 'making love'. Emily didn't want to do any of those things. Emily wanted to be fucked hard in her shaven cunt.

"Most likely," she said to herself, "I'm going to get fucked on camera. Maybe while there's another cock in my mouth, or guys wanking all over me, covering me in cum, so I look just like this."

There was something thrilling about saying it out loud. Emily was quite certain now that there was something 'wrong' with her. But wrong felt so good. She had no intention of ever being 'right' again.

Attractive as her naked, messy body was, she was going to have to clean up. Part of her wanted to go to bed like this, so she'd be able to see the state of herself in the mirror when she got up in the morning and remember it all over again. But she'd just cleaned the sheets. She ran a hot bath.

Her thoughts continued to evolve as she cleaned the sperm from her body. She'd done so much, but had been actively avoiding that final step, of opening her legs and receiving a nice, hot, hard cock inside her. Why was this?

Emily had battled with the urge before, but it was getting harder and harder to resist. It had been close today, and Graham had been one well-timed thrust away from fucking her just last week. She needed to address what was going on in her head.

She knew the answer but saying it out loud to herself solidified exactly what had been going on, and where things needed to go next.

"I've been telling myself that I've been avoiding getting too close to a guy, for fear he will fall in love with me. But that's not true. I've been holding back because I'm worried I might fall in love with the first man who fucks me. And it's true, I might. I did it before after all. Both Mike and Pavel. A little bit, anyway.

"I don't want to fall in love. I don't want a man to stop me doing all the things I like to do. But I do want to fuck. I want to be fucked. I know that now.

"So, there's only one answer. I can't fall in love with more than one man. So, I'm going to fuck, but only when there's a second, a third guy on hand.

"A man isn't going to fall in love with me if another man mounts me as soon as he's finished. And I'm not going to fall in love if there's always another guy ready to give me another cock."

Emily kept this thought in her head until she got into bed and went to sleep with her favourite dildo deep inside her.

It was three days before the guys started to arrive with their little presents for Emily. There were, in total, nine members of the camera club who'd lovingly recorded Emily's last modelling session. Emily greeted each one like a long-lost friend.

Shannon was now shadowing Emily and had been doing so for a week. Emily was delighted with how well she was taking to the various tasks around the shop. She was already taking some weight off Emily's shoulders, having easily got to grips with the ordering system, and she was already opening up on her own at the weekends.

Today, a man turned up with a package for Emily. Shannon didn't recognise him. She observed the transaction curiously. It was somewhat illicit, she thought. Emily took what looked like quite a heavy, large envelope, and handed over a not insignificant amount of money from the till.

"What was that all about?" she asked casually. Emily had taken the package into the office. Emily was itching to look.

"Oh, that... It's nothing." The tone of her voice and the look on her face told Shannon that the very opposite was true. She knew Emily well enough by now to know roughly what it was likely to be.

"A new photoset from the camera club?"

Emily was struggling here. Part of her knew that her son's happiness relied quite heavily on his relationship with her new shop manager. She also thought that he would heavily disapprove of what she'd been up to.

Conversely, though, Shannon was very interested in Emilys new career. And Emily badly needed someone to share everything she'd been doing, been feeling, with.

"Yes, you could say that..." Emily replied. Maybe that would be enough for her? It wasn't.

"What else could you say?" Shannon pushed. "You can tell me; I won't tell anyone."

"It's not 'anyone' I'm worried about. It's Stephen. I know how hard you found it before, keeping things from him."

"Well, he knows now, so what's the problem?"

"He knows what I had been doing. But not what I've been doing recently -- what I did on Tuesday. I've said too much already. This is definitely not something you want to know."

It couldn't have been further from the truth. Shannon desperately needed to find out what Emily was concealing from her. Truth be told, she already knew, roughly, what it contained. But the fact that Emily was trying to hide it from her made it much more interesting.

This was a woman who happily shared pictures showing her sliding fruit inside herself with her new manager. Shannon's mind raced with what these new pictures might capture Emily doing.

"Tell me, please! I promise I won't tell Stephen!"

"That's just it -- you'll feel guilty if you don't tell him. If you don't know, you won't feel guilty, and it won't be my fault."

"Emily! You know fine well I'm not going to just forget about it now. Just tell me for god's sake!"

Emily knew fine well she was going to spill the beans. There was no way she was going to leave that bulky package of what felt like a few hundred photographs untouched for long.

Rather than try to explain, she handed the package to Shannon, who pulled out the huge sheaf of pictures. They were ordered chronologically, so the first pictures were nothing new. Shannon leafed through with interest, but no great surprise.

"These are really good quality -- they're from the camera club, right? You look fabulous, you really do. I'm not sure if it's the lighting, or the make-up or whatever, but it looks really professional!"

Shannon was right. The pictures were of much better quality than Alan had provided. Emily's decision to swap Alan for the camera club guys was justified for professional reasons as well as recreational ones.

The pictures depicted Emily grabbing a bottle and, after some teasing, inserting it into herself. Shannon assumed this was the cause of Emily's coyness.

"I don't know what you were so worried about. I mean, sure, Stephen would not like this, but I sat with him, and we looked through a whole set of you pushing vegetables up yourself. It's not like..."

Shannon stopped cold at the next picture, where Emily was brandishing a large erect penis in each hand. She looked at Emily with a real look of shock fixed to her face, before turning to the next picture.

Emily was seeing these pictures for the first time, and they were even better than she'd hoped. Part of her wished Shannon wasn't there. She'd really love to be seeing them with her anus distended by that nice cold steel plug, and the lovely buzzing of her vibrator.

But, on the other hand, Emily loved seeing the reaction to her outlandishly inappropriate behaviour. So, her gaze was equally split between the amazing photographs and the increasing disbelief spreading across her soon-to-be daughter-in-law's face.

Rather than offer any mitigation or explanation, she simply remained quiet, letting the pictures tell the story. Shannon continued to leaf through the pictures in silence. Emily was now very clearly, from her facial expression, climaxing on camera. The two cocks either side of her were blurred with the motion of their two owners urgently coaxing forth Emily's prize.

Emily recognised when the eruption was about to begin, and pre-empted it with her only comment:

"This is the good bit!" she muttered in a low voice.

Just then the bell on the door rang. It was Mrs Potts' young daughter, come to pick up her cigarettes and copy of 'The Daily Telegraph'. Emily casually pulled a newspaper over the evidence and served the *********** with a smile. She knew she shouldn't sell cigarettes to minors, but she knew Mrs Potts well.

"That'll be one-sixty-eight please!" she smiled and gave the girl a lollipop for her trouble.

"I can remember when Stephen was that age," she smiled after her fondly.

"Do you miss it?"

"Not at all!" Emily laughed. I mean, I wouldn't change anything. But I feel like I've served my time, the mother, the protector, the provider. I'm sure it made me what I am though."

"And is this what you are?" Shannon folded back the paper to reveal Emily at the height of orgasm, two penises being furiously masturbated inches from either side of her pretty, impeccably made-up face.

"Yes," Emily said simply.

"Do I dare keep going?" Shannon asked. It seemed like a genuine question. There's generally only one thing that follows two men masturbating over a naked woman. The whole thing felt, to Shannon, very illicit, clandestine and probably illegal.

Even in 1994, Shannon read about people being arrested for dealing in indecent material. And she was almost certain that what was coming would be classed as even more indecent than what had gone before.

"I think you should," Emily smiled. She knew Shannon's curiosity would trump all anyway. And Emily herself was desperate to see what came next, from the other side of the camera.

The next picture was pure art, Emily thought. Frozen in time by the camera's flash, two thick, shiny streams, glistening in the lights, were simultaneously striking Emily's cheeks.

Emily's face, and the rope of semen each side of it, filled the whole image. The expression looking out at them was pure enjoyment, happiness. This was, without doubt, a woman absolutely invested in her work, and delighting in the fruits of her labour. Shannon seemed impressed. She lingered on that picture for some time, before continuing.

If the first picture was art, Emily couldn't claim the same for the following. The scenes were equally well recorded, no doubt. But the content was pure filth. Emily was looking forwards to taking her time to really examine each picture and appreciate the sight of herself doing all the things that were etched in her memory.

For a lot of the time when she had been on the receiving end, she couldn't see a thing, her eyes covered along with the rest of her face. But the camera had continued to record all the beautiful detail of sperm being deposited over her face, hair, neck, shoulders and tits with complete abandon.

Emily saw a large stream being pumped into her open mouth, and recognised the very moment when she feared she was actually going to drown in cum. That her mouth remained open and continued to receive the contents of three very full pairs of balls was something she was quite proud of. It made for some incredible footage.

These pictures also gave Emily the sight of exactly who's sperm she'd received in and over her that night. This was interesting, as she'd been in a bit of a daze when they'd introduced themselves to her afterwards and was still largely blind from the cum in her eyes. Now she was able to look at the faces of those who had paid such an emphatic and messy tribute to her. She'd thank them for this when she saw them next.

The camera knew about the guy who was flirting with entering her pussy long before she did -- she guessed he'd been standing there, wanking over her spread, shaven cunt, for most of the time the other guys were focusing on her face. There was an incredible moment where the surprise on Emily's sperm coated face was captured for eternity as she turned and saw this ripe cock inches from her pussy.

Looking back at the scene now, Emily was willing it inside her. Since these pictures were taken, she'd made a conscious decision that she wanted to be fucked, and this was so close. But the second prize, a thick load which shot inside and all over her shaved cunt, adding to the five loads she already wore with pride, was a pretty good one.

Shannon had been piling up the pictures as she went through them, so they were now arranged in reverse order. The last few Emily found almost the most exciting. She was simply leaning back on a stack of pillows, relaxed, smiling and happily chatting to the group, legs apart and with the contents of six sets of balls glistening all over her.

Shannon looked at this woman, now her boss, and soon to be her mother-in-law. She'd been a little shocked at what Emily had done before today, but this was another level. The first thing she noticed was that there wasn't even a hint of doubt, shame or any such misgivings on that pretty, happy face. Emily was not just comfortable with the utter depravity Shannon had just witnessed; she was proud of it.

Shannon struggled to think of words to describe what she was feeling. She didn't know what she was feeling herself, not yet. She did have quite a few questions, though.

"Emily, this is... I... What are you going to do with these pictures? Is this even legal?"

This was, Emily thought, a very good point.

"I hadn't really thought of that, to be honest. I mean, this was just a few days ago. I hadn't planned it. But yeah, you're right. This stuff could get me arrested, couldn't it?"

It was said without a hint of fear -- Shannon suspected that being arrested for indecent exposure or whatever law covered what Emily had been doing would be a badge of honour, the way she had been behaving recently.

"I really think it could. And, Emily, I know you seem to like it all, but are you sure they aren't, you know, taking advantage of you?"

"Oh, absolutely. They totally took advantage of me. Look at me, I've got six guys spunk all over me, and I only actually invited two of them!"

"Emily! That's not OK you know!"

"Oh Shannon, it is. It really is. More than OK. It's just perfect. I was so ready for it. They could feel it as sure as I could. I've only got two hands, and they were both filled. Do you really think it's OK to strip off and pose like that with the express intention of turning on a roomful of guys, wank off two of them and expect the rest to just sit on their hands? They gave me exactly what I needed."

Shannon stuttered for a moment but couldn't find an argument to this. You can't tell someone they should be upset about being violated when it seemed to be the one thing they wanted more than anything else in the world.

Shannon knew she should be disgusted. Just like she should have been when she found out Emily posed nude, when she saw her pushing fruit and vegetables inside herself so frequently.

Just like she should have been when she'd walked in on Emily fucking herself with a bottle for a small audience of strangers.

Just like when Emily told her about how she liked to invite strangers back to the shop to wank on her -- one of them her own brother Richard!

But, as with all of those bombshells, initial shock was very quickly followed by disbelief, then admiration. Emily was irrepressible, she'd carved herself out a perfect, dirty little corner of the world where she was able to do exactly what she wanted.

More than admiration, Shannon realised what she was feeling was envy. And, the growing damp patch between her legs told her, arousal.
発行者 canadianbbw