On the road to my better life

Hi everyone

I wasn't online for since 5 months and a lot things happened in my life, as i said in past , i'm a sissy right now and in fact be more than past and my family action be more better than past with me and i can be more like a real sissy in my life now and last week after long time that i searched for a good clinic for skin and hairs, i found and i lasered my body hairs and it was the first session of 10 sessions and even my body skins damaged a few and resting to my skin recover completely but be fine at all

And i'm being online with my mobile cause my PC damaged and i lost my hard disc and still wait that my new PC becomes ready and get it

Anyway, Even the life is so hard and everyday becomes more hard in my country but i still alive and try to survive and i'll have a better life as a sissy or a transgeder girl in future

And i just wish happy life for everyone

Have fun everyone
発行者 erehsan