Office wanking

A real story…

I work now in a large office and with the hotter weather coming more and more ladies seem to be wearing less and less. This is great and I often sit at my desk, staring into space….remembering the smell, view and outline of the lady I followed up the stairs that day. It is not so easy sometimes to walk with a stiff cock in your trousers.

I have two scenes I like to play in my mind while at work … one of which came true. The first – and still a dream – is one of my co-workers is a part-time escort. I book her, she comes to my place, we fuck and then go about our normal life in the office pretending nothing happened. The second scene did happen recently. I had to goto the office on a Sunday – and just before a bank holiday – the place was empty – just me.

Well I got on with my work – until, not unusually, I got the horn. I couldn’t get it out in the office/at my desk. But I did remember something which I could ‘use’. There is one small, petite lady who works in the next department – she wears flatties to come to work, but patent stilettos when at work. Those heels were under her desk.

Having my IPAD and those heels, I went to the cubicles and wanked off….three times in that day – each time spraying my spunk all over those heels. I wiped up most of the cum – but not all of it. I left a small amount in the toe of the shoe – so where she put them on a small amount of spunk would meet her toes – what a turn on for that last wank….he little cute, varnished tootsies and my cum together. I also had left a decent amount on the heel itself…if you knew what to look for then it would be obvious – and I am sure she didn’t look as the last thing she would have expected is someone’s cum on them over the weekend. My bollocks were empty by the end of the day.

When she was next back at work – and walked by with those heels…well, it didn’t take long for me to go and jerk again…..but no heels this time. Now I am looking for other things I can ‘use’. The closest are some glasses some ladies leave – and, of course, some make up. When I get the chance, I’ll update you all….
Diterbitkan oleh markiefun
8 tahun lalu
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