
Hello I’m Carole 42 years old divorced with a twenty year old Son Frank this is my story.
all this occurred five years ago

I have always loved my son yes I know a Mother is supposed to love her son or Daughter but my feeling went deeper than that I admit I adore my son at fifteen he is in every way an adult, I also realize the fact that my feelings for Frank led to my divorce five years ago well it had to come sometime.

In the distant past when I breast fed Frank I always got aroused after feeding Frank I even rubbed my clitoris and came just using my hand and fantasizing about been seduced it’s the only times I had an orgasm which even my ex husband couldn’t achieve, sex to honest was a chore talking to other girls you hear all sort of tales about the wonders of sex until that first night with my son Frank I didn’t believe a word of it

My husband was or still is one for the ladies I don’t know I haven’t seen him since the divorce but to be honest I don’t what to. I know all men are the same catch a sight of a pair of girls nickers and their penis’s go rock hard at thirty-seven after being forced into a threesome with a blond bimbo I had a blazing row with my husband he wanted the bimbo to take my son’s virginity whilst we watched no way my feelings for my son went deeper than that I wanted to be the one who took his virginity (yes I know mothers are not supposed to take their son’s virginity but I wanted that more than anything) and I would not let some paid bimbo do the honours the gift of the pleasure of sex would be mine I finally decided enough was enough and walked away taking my son with me.

We found a small house two bedroom small but comfy a few miles away but close enough for Frank’s school these final years were important university beckoned so we settled into our routine.

Since his last Birthday and the divorce I have watched him change over a few months becoming more attentive from kisses on the cheek when I picked him up from school to kisses full on the lips, his arms around my waist kisses on the back of my neck. Complementing me on my hair, the way I dress even flowers or chocolates at least once a week. The one thing which made me wonder he never mentioned girls at school or asked if he could bring one home I mentioned it one day all he said was ‘why I already live with the most beautiful girl I know’

I must admit I welcomed the attention and enjoyed every minute of the flirtation OK I know he is my son but I enjoyed being courted we held hands continuously when were at home or out and about. We did get quite a few glances some of approval and many of disgust I didn’t care I knew Frank loved to seen with me. We often went out in the car usually ending up down some country lane for a kiss and cuddle where he often felt my breasts but once to twice OK it was more I felt his hand on my leg he slowly moved it up until he felt my stocking tops I held my breath hoping he would go the final couple inches to my nickers but he would go no further.
I know he watched me when I undressed for bed and to be honest I put on a show for him I stood in front of a full length mirror where I knew he could see me rubbed my hands over my breasts and stomach and rubbed my clitoris I moaned and said ‘yes yes yes’ when I reached my orgasm

In the weeks leading to the half term holiday he became more attentive I enjoyed the attention and began to wonder and hope all this attention would lead to me seducing my son. we planned to go to our cottage in Norfolk for the week.
During the drive over we held hands when every possible chatting whilst we drove, stopping for a comfort break every couple of hours getting glances wherever we stopped always touching and holding hands and in a couple of cases kissing passionately.

On entering the cottage he put his arms around me pulling me towards him we kissed his tongue slid into my mouth and his hands felt my breasts all I heard was ‘I love you’ I told him you are suppose to love me I’m your Mom much to my surprise although I shouldn’t have been after all the attention I’ve been receiving Frank responded ‘no I didn’t say that I said I love you’ I knew then I would give myself to Frank I wanted him more than anything.

After our evening meal we were sitting together he slipped his arm around my shoulders pulling me towards him we started kissing I felt his hand just below my breast I moved slightly to let Frank feel my breast has his hand slid over my breast my nipple instantly went hard I felt myself getting wet my undies were soaked with my juices I wanted Frank inside me to feel his weight on my body, his penis inside me, to feel his hot sperm shooting into me I could think of nothing else except his penis in my vagina my hands took on a life of their own as I reached and stroked his large erect penis tumbling for the zip of his trousers and belt I pushed his trousers down I soon felt his warm erect penis in my hands.

We quickly undressed I lay on the hearth rug with my legs raised slightly I took hold of Franks penis and guided it into my wet vagina he slid deep into my warm body all of a sudden I felt him jerk and a warm sensation filled my lower stomach as he came filling my vagina with his warm sperm.

All I could hear was “I’m sorry I’m sorry” I pulled him towards me putting his head on my breast he took my nipple and started to suck it. I was in heaven I was in love with my beautiful son has he sucked on my nipple I kept saying “I love you” repeating it over and over.

After a while I slid from under Frank and kissing his beautiful body worked my down until I reached is penis taking it into my mouth tasting his sperm and my juices after a few minutes I felt his penis starting to harden when he was full erect I mounted him sliding up and down forcing his penis deeper into my body with each thrust I felt myself starting to cum I hear Frank shout “I cumming” I asked him to hold on as I felt my orgasm growing deep inside me all of a sudden I gave a shudder shouting ‘now now’ as my orgasm shock my body and I felt Frank jerk and a warm feeling shot deep into my vagina as we climaxed together
I collapsed across his body all I heard was Frank saying ‘I love you mom I love you Mom’ I can honestly say I have never experienced such an intense feeling of love as I felt that night for the first time in my life I felt a real woman I knew then more than anything I wanted to spend the rest of my live with my darling Frank he was the only one who could give me such intense feelings.

Next morning I awoke in Franks arms with my head resting on his chest I felt warm and secure Frank using his hand stroked my hair whispering ‘Love you so much more that all the world I love you’ I reached up and we kissed my hand reached for and started to stroke his penis which grew as I gently rubbed his semi erect penis i again mounted him still wet from our love making the night before I slid on to his hard penis my hands pressed on his chest as I rode his penis his hands stroking my two breasts I felt Frank shoot his warm sperm deep into my body as I again climaxed to an intense orgasm I shook as we came together I cried out ‘I love you’ repeating it over and over.

This time it was Frank who worked his down kissing every part of my body sliding his tongue over my stomach finally sliding it into my vagina as he kissed licked me nibbled the lips of my vagina again I climaxed shutting my legs trapping his head between my legs and his tongue inside my vagina.

I relaxed my legs and held his head pulling it into my body finally we kissed I again tasted his sperm and my juices he used his tongue to slid the sperm and juice into my mouth swallowing it I knew we had become one, no longer mother and son we were lovers and partners.

During the week we made love whenever we could rarely going out our nights and morning were pure heaven we couldn’t get enough of each other.

On our way back to the world we discussed moving we knew the love we felt for each other would be frowned on by our neighbors and friends.
When we arrived back we sold the house and moved some distance away Frank went to a new school and we lived as a couple three months into our relationship I found I was pregnant I texted Frank at school with just two words Hello Dad. His response was surprising ‘I love you marry me please'.

I still had my ex’s birth certificate and our marriage certificate which we used to register the birth
After five years we have a beautiful daughter and we are pleased to announce I’m again pregnant we are the happiest couple in the world.
Diterbitkan oleh zuletango
3 tahun lalu
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Beautiful love between a mother and her young son, I was16 when I becam my mothers lover.