The Japanese letters prove the earth is a sphere

I am recently seeing people tell opinions that they tell the earth is flat from time to time. But I am sorry for them, "earth" in Japanese Kanjis is written in "earth" + "ball." 地(earth) + 球(ball) = 地球 (The Earth). At this point, it was proven that the Earth is a sphere. Also, we have 12 hour time differences with Brazil and Uruguay where are on the opposite side of Japan. At this point, I back the theory that the Earth is a sphere due to this. By the way, I have never doubt that paper maps are flat.… Baca selanjutnya

Dipost oleh hinatannnnnn 10 bulan lalu

The issues of Gaza

A certain Japanese broadcast station and so-called experts of Middle East intentionally do not report people about the real organizations the terrorist group. The broadcasting station is dominated by the executive who admires a female terrorist from the Japanese Red Army from a terrorism group. Moreover, they broadcast programs empathy to terrorists. I quite do not understand why Japanese Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications doesn't ban that station's broadcasting license. I do not know if it is because of effect from such broadcasting or just their hobbies, but some unlearned Japa… Baca selanjutnya

Dipost oleh hinatannnnnn 11 bulan lalu

About the impersonation of me

A famous troll created an impersonating profile that copied from mine. This is not the first time. The impersonator is sending spamming friend requests as if like I were do it. Now it has over 100 friends. I have explained what is happened to those who added impersonation profile of me it is because xhamster doesn't eliminate the impersonator's profile yet. Most users don't believe my explanation, rather a part of users think I am fake. If they don't believe me, whatever do as they please. I don't need their trust. Also, xHamster never restricts the troll's ip address despite he sends antisoc… Baca selanjutnya

Dipost oleh hinatannnnnn 1 tahun lalu 6

Latex dressing rubber slave head shaving

An external link video. latex dressing rubber slave head shaving (detail) A woman starts wear a red latex outfit and a red hood and she lying in a latex bed. Then she cuts and shaves another woman's hair. If you're interested in it, be patient the rich in ads on this video, to be honest I felt noisy a bit lol Also let me know please if you find this video in Xhamster. It would be convenient when I adding on favourite list.… Baca selanjutnya

Dipost oleh hinatannnnnn 2 tahun lalu

Wannabe doms/dommes or slaves

I wonder don't you feel creepy if y'all be called 'master' 'mistress' 'slave' 'pet' etc suddenly from a stranger. Even if in fact y'all are so. Despite not knowing each other.… Baca selanjutnya

Dipost oleh hinatannnnnn 2 tahun lalu 4

Why I think it is illegal Xhamster collects IDs

I was questioned at the head hamster's profile from a user that what does it mean collecting IDs is i*****l. My replies deleted twice instant. I quote from the EU parliament official site. Xhamster is in Cyprus. Cyprus has joined the EU. Subject: Making a copy of proof of identity documents as a condition of concluding a service contract Identity theft, i.e. the deliberate use of another person's data, usually for financial gain, is a crime involving serious harm to the victim. Unfortunately, despite the seriousness of the problem, the practice of making copies of proof of identity d… Baca selanjutnya

Dipost oleh hinatannnnnn 2 tahun lalu 6

Race fetishes

I don't deny those who have race fetishes. I don't deny every fetish. Just for me race fetishes are unpleasant. Don't approach me with it. I have connect with a few trusty people only.… Baca selanjutnya

Dipost oleh hinatannnnnn 2 tahun lalu

About national IDs

Japan's national ID name is "MyNumber". Of course, there are law regarding about the handling of MyNumber. It is prohibited to use it for purposes other than social security and tax. In Japan, where can see MyNumber is a national of the number who owns and each gov office only. For example Providing or plagiarizing an individual number → 3 years in prison or a fine of 1.5 million YEN Collection of documents due to abuse of authority → 2 years in prison or a fine of 1 million YEN And there're more. And before the ID law, we must think of our safety seriously. Xhamster's origin is Cyprus… Baca selanjutnya

Dipost oleh hinatannnnnn 2 tahun lalu 1

Xhamster lost Xhamster finally

First of all Xhamster stopped regular users photo upload about 9 or 10 months ago. At the same time, all stories were deleted. And now. Xhamster stopped regular users video upload finally yesterday or today. Stop by the official profile is almost my routine. As usual I stopped by the official profile today too, now there's a big fuss at there. Xhamster was unique existence. I do pay respect to admins and reviewers. I've saw a shocking video in the other day(now removed). I realized at that time, reviewers and admins working hard mental jobs for us. This site is really Xhamster?… Baca selanjutnya

Dipost oleh hinatannnnnn 3 tahun lalu 6

Nice! No one dick avatar in admins!

Usually I don't like it, but it would be funny if there's a dick avatar profile in admins. I will rather admire lol! Hahahaha!… Baca selanjutnya

Dipost oleh hinatannnnnn 3 tahun lalu

Now I deleting my galleries

I have uploaded some pictures on galleries in the past. They are erotic, non-porn etc. Now I deleting them. XH started the restrict innocent users post pictures seven months ago. Also virtually, innocent users' videos will never be uploaded with the name of awaiting moderation. Videos "waiting for moderation nominally" will not be returned to users, where and who will use them? Such doubtful. "Creator" is just a title. As I veiwing often most of them want to lead people to payment links. I would like call creators "money beggars". The creators want view numbers, so they promote with spammin… Baca selanjutnya

Dipost oleh hinatannnnnn 3 tahun lalu

Dear team Xhamster

I have an idea. Have you a plan to add "money" in the fetish section you guys? Currently it is a hot word!… Baca selanjutnya

Dipost oleh hinatannnnnn 3 tahun lalu 3

I bet frauds will increase in the new XH

In recent, since XH has started the new standard XH. I getting feel increasing odd profiles. Less than 100 days profiles know a way of click my subscribe button for lead me to do invite them. Because my friend request button is void. In other word, they are professional. I meant "professional" is not porn directors or performers etc. I guess frauds increase in future here, by the new standard XH.… Baca selanjutnya

Dipost oleh hinatannnnnn 3 tahun lalu

A way to remove a user you blocked from subscriber

1, Connect to Xhamster 2, Click the list of your subscribers 3, Go to the target's profile 4, Unblock him/her 5, Block him/her again 6, Done Users who being blocked in advance can subscribe. Usually we can remove names by block from the list of subscribers if he/she is not being blocked in advance. But if he/she is already being blocked from you, you cannot remove as it is. I have asked three times with comments in XH's profile, but no answer. I have used the tiny brain, unblock was effective in the process. In these days, blocked spam models subscribe my profile often. Hope this post helps… Baca selanjutnya

Dipost oleh hinatannnnnn 3 tahun lalu 1

Democratic disappeared from porn

Xhamster understands well effect of literature. Because they start up to removing stories and robbed the story button. I thought a way to writing will remains for many talent. I congrat established The Communitalism Xhamster Party! I could view rare case that the coexistence thoughts that communism and capitalism. wow!… Baca selanjutnya

Dipost oleh hinatannnnnn 3 tahun lalu

Let's check what the bank of govs buy stocks

If you are worry about societiy, I recommend to check what the central bank (your gov's financial institution) buy companies a lot of stocks. I have not interest to buy stocks, but I checking it then guessing what the gov wants. Companies whose the central bank holds many shares that the gov does not want to go bankrupt. If you check it, you do not need conspiracy theoried or hoax information.… Baca selanjutnya

Dipost oleh hinatannnnnn 4 tahun lalu 2