
It was Sunday morning I was on a dating website looking at my messages which was usually nothing. But in time was talking to Monica a crossdresser who I somehow found that lives in my general area. After a few weeks of conversation and eventually sending some very exotic pictures and a few videos of different situations. We finally meet in person. I was completely nervous since in my life I never had the overall desire to meet anyone. But there i was getting ready to drive 2 hours to met a complete stranger. As I got closer to the arranged meeting location . He called telling me that he was walking on the road to the fuel station it wasn’t long until I found him and picked him up . Now he wasn’t dressed up like a girl but I was in some was attracted to him. We talked whorled I drove around. As we got more comfortable with each other he started to rub my legs getting closer to my cock . Which was getting harder by the moment as my mind was racing to process everything. The moment I pulled over and the time that I began to pull down my jogging pants and underwear is a complete blank but I was pulled back to reality when I looked in a daze to see his head moving down to my very hard cock and waiting with a sense of confusion and excitement. The moment that his mouth opened up and my cock started to enter his mouth was a blur but when he closed his mouth and began to suck my cock all I could think of what a fantastic feeling. And who does give the best oral pleasure men or women. Well I somehow got my sense back and started to drive while he was . In his words really wanted to suck some cock . What a morning as the minutes go by and his mouth doing his desire to give pleasure to himself and me . As I drove around he pulled himself up and to my complete surprise just started to take all his clothes off. He was beautiful ina way I thought a guy could be and his cock was hard and had a little curve. My feelings for him was growing stronger. But then he was on my cock again feeding his desire. Overall the experience was fantastic but in the same moment disappointed cause I couldn’t climax and give his mouth something to drink. I couldn’t cum . Well the meeting was coming to a end and he started to out his clothes back on. We talked about his life and how things was not getting better. I was sad and knowing I couldn’t do anything about it. Maybe that was the moment I was infected by having something I lost emotion.
we talked more and like before more exotic videos. Unit the weekend I drove to pick him up I had gotten him new womens clothes on amazon and a new wig which was black. We stopped at a dollar store to allow him to pick up makeup and between there and my house he was filling his desire of sucking more cock . Which being submissive and his incredible ability to make me do anything didn’t take him long to get me to pull my pants and this time no underwear down as last time his mouth was amazing. We finally got to my house I got food and beer which at the morning was mostly not touched. I think I had three beers he went to dress up . As a woman he was maybe not as good as a real woman but in my eyes beautiful. I was trapped in his universe and I didn’t want to escape it . I moved closer to him now her and started to move my mouth to her’s as I got close enough I started for me was not seconds but minutes but I had to make a decision stop or continue which I did as I got closer and feeling my lips touching Monica lips I pushed my tongue inside and touching her tongue in a passionate dance of swapping our saliva . T lasted some rime and was fun . Pulling back took Monica by the hand to lead her to the bedroom where I in some ways didn’t want to be in control but well that what happened. We kissed more and I started to strip to show Monica all ( in my mind a body I didn’t want cause I’m lazy.) she looked me over I don’t know if she was thinking but I can’t read her thinking but then I removed her clothes stepping back to look at everything to me she was beautiful and her cock was very hard. I never thought about being completely attached to a guy but this night changed everything. Monica desire to suck cock took over and for minutes h she was getting her satisfaction. But I pulled her up and for the first time took another guy cock in my mouth all I thought was I hope that I do a good thing for her . I wasn’t done there long cause I wanted to do it where we both could satisfy each other. So I got her into a 69 . And for the next 5 or so minutes we was doing nothing but suck it each others cock . She was ready I was ready and I thought the time was here to make love . He wanted to be the bottom and I was to be the top . Then everything went wrong. Being inexperienced I really didn’t know what to do or how to do it more safe. Well she pushed me off I felt bad. But as we talked more and I got more information I was ready to continue but then I got no response to my emails amd his phone was cut off since he didn’t pay the monthly payment. So I’m moving into depression on the fact I don’t know what to do. But months later he sent a text saying about having a good job and wanted to take me out . I was excited about seeing him again. And this time I’ll be the bottom and him the top . And I practiced. On a toy I got on amazon. That was a good and really bad experience. But learned something. But nothing happened nothing but silence. . Part one over . Part two later.

we been together for a few years now we meet was a little stupid cause I was looking to experience sex for the first time it like most things in life something else manifested maybe it wasn’t the best idea but it was better than being alone. So we started dating as time went on feelings started to grow but something wasn’t right but i being submissive didn’t say anything. Going out getting her cigarettes and eventually trying to teach her to drive which caused me to get ther in accident than trashed my vehicle. And after that things got worse especially for me cause conflict isn’t my strongest meaning. She started to be disconnected from me cause she wanted to get married and the only reason was to leave her parents home. As I worked at a sub level job just trying to have money to go out she was I guess being adventurous I still have no clue on what she did . But I know at the end everything was depressing and I felt lost . Eventually we broke up and I couldn’t figure out why. One night after getting off work I meet him again a weird place to meet someone at a fast food place l but we just talked very little and getting my food I had to go to the bathroom and he to my unexpected surprise followed me the funny thing is he was talking to me as I began to release my piss and to my embarrassment he was just watching me do it . Now any else would say something me I didn’t. Well a few weeks later I did go back on the fact that was one of two places I could get hot food without a microwave. Sometimes he was there other times not . One night I forgot lunch and the time I did decide to eat everything was closed now I thought what am I supposed to do. Then a vehicle came into the parking lot and it was him bringing me food and saying you forgot. I felt embarrassed but said yes . As I ate we talked some trying to make fun of my lacking of time . After finishing I said thank you and begin to get out to go back to work. But he got out and to my complete surprise pulled me closer and kissed me . His tongue slipped in my mouth and without hesitation or maybe a natural reaction returned the action. All night I could barely work cause I was completely thinking on what happened. Another week amd when I went to get food he wasn’t here but as I left for my vehicle he was standing there and looking at me waiting as I got to my vehicle he started to start a conversation which lead to a moment when he asked if I go out with him on my night off. As the night approached for our meeting to go out I was nervous and couldn’t decide what to actually wear. Go as usual look or my alternative style which I don’t usually wear. After deciding it I walked to the location since it wasn’t far . I guess I was a little early since I didn’t see him but it wasn’t long for a vehicle to pull up and it definitely fit his style. Did the normal greeting and got in to go to the place he had made a reservation. Went in did the normal dating process and just waiting on the food while making some conversation. At the end of the dinner date he took me home and walked me to the apartment complex front door. Said our goodbye and the first date there was no good night kiss but the later ones did come with one . One in particular he grabbed my ass and squeeze it softly. One date he got close and I definitely felt that he was very hard in his pants. I kind of thought. Boy when he gets home he going to have to relieve himself so way . This went on for weeks and I also found out that he was leaving to go back to his home country which made me a little upset and depressed.nut I wasn’t going to allow this to hinder the fun I was enjoying. And the coming week I had a few days off . He suggested we go somewhere more enjoyable than what we was doing. I jumped at the opportunity. And the morning we began this journey. It wasn’t long before we arrived did the basic thing and did the sightseeing and visiting the local restaurants. Until one night where my evening was more intimate. We went to eat had the normal conversation and dancing a little went back to the room and watched some television with he sat really close and began to massage my leg and gently kiss me . This was making me very nervous and horny . Slowly he pulled my pants down and underwear exposed my now enlarged cock to his surprise I was bigger than he thought without hesitation he lowered himself and took it in his mouth which put me into orbit. After a few intense moments he got up kissing me and proceeded to stand in Front of me lowered his pants and underwear exposing his 7.5 inch cock . He took my head and gently pushed his cock into my mouth allowing me to taste his pre-cum it was a little salty but overall a nice taste. Since I’ve never done this it might have been not to his satisfaction but he seemed to enjoy it. After a while he stood me up to completely undress me as I stood in front of him he looked me up and down smiling a little. Then proceeded to undress himself. Which he was incredible but what do I expect from a athlete. He lead me into the bathroom and began to kiss me a while and then instructed me to get in the bed in all 4s he then went behind me and as I was in my knees and holding myself up with my hands I then felt him gently pushing his cock into my asshole . With every gentle thrust more went in pushing apart my tight hole . The pain was there but not to much to make me feel uncomfortable. As he finally entered me fully he began to thrust in and out sometimes increasing the thrusting. This went in for maybe 20 minutes or a little longer but I was enjoying it and I definitely knew that he was . Then he yelled I’m coming and saying I a aggressive but sensual way I’m going to fill you with my juice.this made me explode all over the bed. Now I’ve masturbated. And had climax a bunch of time but this wasn’t anything like I experienced now . After our incredible session and him taking my virginity we laid down together and knowing he was going to leave in a few weeks. Our remaining time together was filled with joy and laughter. Took many pictures and videos to remind me of a pleasant time together.
high school at the beginning wasn’t very pleasant experience. Being a chubby kid and mostly a loner I mostly just stayed alone when not in school I watched movies or one of a few television shows. But my grades were good I had few friends and one was my childhood friend she was a an athletic girl and top of her class and when we was younger we do most things together. She was my first kiss and from the beginning she was something more a dominant girl. Maybe that’s why she excelled in anything she put her mind to as time went on that turned me into a submissive person her pushing me to get better in class and it also made me become more of a loner she was overbearing sometimes and a supporter to me . After graduating and getting ready to start high school she moved to another country since her parents was connected to the military. So for the first time I was alone knowing not one person so I avoided anyone after class. As I walked from school to home I didn’t notice anything. But out of nowhere there he was standing there in front of me I looked at him and trying to escape this situation but he wouldn’t move . Then he said something. Your good in class but you are need to improve yourself physically. I didn’t know what or how to respond. I looked at him in a complete blank look.
over the next few weeks he somehow knew my schedule in school and the time I walked home. It was just conversation I didn’t know why but I played along. I wasn’t good in sports or physical activity as time passed he showed up at my house. My mom thought he was a friend so inviting him in told me I had a guest as I wondered who I walked into the room and there he was . I couldn’t find the words but he certainly did . We went into my room where I asked him many questions. He kindly answered most . In the next hour he explained why . And I was still confused somewhat. He eventually said goodbye and went home . At school he was in my gym class and was in some silly way my tutor he made me do so much physical stuff I didn’t want to even walk home. After getting home I ate went to my room did my homework and was so glad to get to bed. The next day I wasn’t feeling well and was thinking of staying home. But a knock on my front door and my parents at work I had to answer. There he was smiling and had a bag in hand. Time to go to school. I wasn’t happy but got ready anyway and why . Walking to school ate the breakfast he had . Which was good and I felt a lot of energy. Every class was the same but gym. Now this was happening for weeks. And then he took me to a gym where he introduced his dad and well known martial arts instructor and master. First day I got destroyed and at home I just wanted to die. Everything hurts i thought. As the months passed I got better and my gym time was easier plus my classes were more focused. I couldn’t at the time understand why. Now about him . He was on the baseball team playing not outfield and pitcher . His intelligence was high and overall a honor roll student. Time went on and he graduated I was a few years behind and we talked more when he was at my house or we went out . Eventually he started dating a girl he meet in college and then he just stopped showing up. The next year was hard my schooling was suffering but not not to the point I was failing. My martial schooling was still getting better. Then graduation. I was so nervous but then he showed up. This was when I really started. My parents wasn’t very interested in my life sometimes I feel they think I was just a accident life tossed in there perfect life . But they didn’t believe in abortions so here I am . So after graduation amd a little time off I started the process of looking for a suitable college went to a few but didn’t feel right there . Well woke up in a new town getting ready to visit a new college got the normal greeting and started by touring of the campus overall it was nice . Until one class and who was in it . As I walked in he was being a complete jerk to someone and acting all mighty somehow I got extremely annoyed with his actions and without thinking I grabbed a book and swinging I hit him on the back of the head which he did a tumble on the floor and after stopping stood up and began to curse but turned around and everything stopped he couldn’t find the words but stood there.I said you’re a jerk and walked out the whole class didn’t know what was going to happen but he said ina softly voice hey I was just playing around and took off after me . Once in arms reach took my arm and said hello why are you here . I reply was looking for a college. He then pulled me into a classroom and introduced me to the teacher who was the martial arts instructor and coach. Told him I was a god fighter amd would be great on the team. He wasn’t sure but he said try him out which some students thought I wasn’t anyone special so a match was set up . Well it didn’t last long and the opponent couldn’t handle my style of fighting and lost . He took time to the baseball coach and did the same thing with if I entered the college would give me a tryout. After school he took me out to eat and we talked like hours.

just beginning of college she was working at the local sub shop which wasn’t really bad but sometimes It had some interference with the weekends. Like most shops in the area there was a lot of foot traffic and they did make good money plus like other places the employees got free food and other products. Also they had other merchandise that they sold and she was making some things off of the 3d printer she had gotten for Christmas one year and in time had gotten pretty good. She also made sure not to copy what other people were selling and made sure to do some fact checking to make sure she had new and original items. She figure out her sexual orientation until almost the last year in high school but mostly was shy and insecure not going out much always studying and her passion track and field which she was in the top 20 in the state. Her first boyfriend was a childhood friend which lasted a few years nothing but hanging out and being themselves. Next was by accident her first girlfriend who she meet at a grocery store and what got her attention was how she looked. And like some boys her eyes was focused on her ass and some really big breasts which was pushing her tight T-shirt. Since she was on the small size. It last about a few years didn’t do much but more then being with him . After graduation she went on a little adventure and did some traveling to see other places. Now back in town and getting ready to go to college she needed a job and this is what she found. Like most time in school she was exceeding in school.
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