List of processors

Last updated: January 04, 2023

Below is a list of our key processors, the purposes for which we use their services and their location:

Processor name Purpose Location
Kozelo SAS Moderation of content France
FaceTec Inc Age verification service USA
Yoti Limited Age verification service United Kingdom
AHPS LTD Hosting Services Republic of Cyprus
Dataweb Global LP Hosting Services United Kingdom
Cloudflare Proxy Services USA
Amplitude Digital Analytics Services USA
Centurylink (now called
Lumen Technologies)
Caching and Streaming Services USA
Technius Ltd
  • User validation via Secure API
  • Facilitate registration on the third party website
Republic of Cyprus
Tecom Ltd
  • User validation via Secure API
  • Facilitate registration on the third party website
Republic of Cyprus
Google Inc.
  • Mailing services
  • Storage services
  • Digital Analytics Services
USA (with subsidiaries in EU)
Traffic Stars Ltd Provision of ad services. Republic of Cyprus
Cyberbrain Labs Ltd
(Joint Controller)
Services to facilitate proper website functionality. Republic of Cyprus
Bodo Project Management Ltd
(Joint Controller)
Professional services, including administration and IT services. Republic of Cyprus