We are one

Ten thousand are the numbers
The treasures that confuse the oceans
Ten thousand metropolises
The words and the dangers
There is only one life, you know
The night that is passing
It's all you have

Ten thousand are the dollars
The problems, the possible melancholy
Ten thousand are the men
And our solitudes
This moon that is now there
Really look at it
It's no different than you

We are one
We are all one person
which he will find by searching
Slowly it will grow
Now for now, always

We are one
Like a soul that flies
See how it goes
How will he break free
Now for now

Ten thousand are the trees
The powerful and the criminals still free
Ten thousand of these moments
These loves down the alleys
But the silence that there is now
If you really listen to it
It's no different than you

We are one
We are all one person
That by making mistakes he will learn
His way will find
Now for now, always

We are one
Like a soul that flies
See how it goes
How will he break free
Now for now

We are all these people who
Walk one step away from you
One step away from me

We are one
We are all one person
which he will find by searching
Slowly it will grow
Now for now, always

We are one
Like a soul that flies
See how it goes
How will he break free
Now for now, always
Publié par Tattedchica
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