A life course (7)

7. Sexual Highs.

My motto had always been 'With everyone but my secretary' and I stuck to that. Those who were directly under my command, say my personal staff, therefore did not qualify, for the others that rule did not apply ... after all they were all indirectly under my command ... there would not be much left if I had that personal limitation narrowly interpreted.
However, I did select much more strictly after the previous courtship, no feeling or understanding for BDSM automatically meant that I thanked for the honor and pleasure but that's it.
I still enjoyed the vibrant nightlife in Cologne with my colleagues, but I didn't go hunting anymore... I usually waited patiently like a spider in her web for something delicious to fly in. And more than enough flew in .... you know women, as long as they can gossip and tell hot stories under the guise of indignation, they are happy.

My sudden honest attitude towards my sexual interests soon became a topic of conversation in certain circles, imagine... a decent girl who just wanted to fuck was rejected by that pervert, as a strictly modest woman you would gossip for less anyway ?
Those stories were of course also picked up by those who were interested in BDSM, and one, frankly, hooked me without much detours.

One of my secondary functions was checking the correct management of funds and materials. In the middle of such a check, the warehousekeeper suddenly asked me if I did not remember dancing with her in our common previous garrison. So no... I had already danced with so many girls and usually still under the influence of a light alcohol intoxication...
Since then she dreamed of me she said, and were those rumors about BDSM true? So yes, more than that, I agreed to a rendezvous to get acquainted; she used very convincing arguments for this... lips, breasts, hands... a man would go for less. Moreover, there was not a single sentence in the disciplinary regulations that criminalized facts against a superior, I did nothing, only allowed myself to be dutifully and benevolently seduced, so there was no problem.

She wasn't particularly pretty, hid her small breasts under a padded bra and had a scar on the inside of her right thigh... but does that really matter in a BDSM relationship? So no, it's the attitude that counts, and she had it, oh yes, she certainly had it.
She was married, mother of two little girls and was fucked every night...just fucked she said by her husband who was pretending to advertise the Duracel rabbit that had just received fresh batteries. Fucking like a furious, like a horny dog... quick quick quick... and that was it. So it couldn't suit me any better, after all I wanted to do anything but fuck, the dear god had finally given me tongue, mouth and hands for something, didn't he?

Despite, or because of, her sex life with her husband, she was permanently horny. In the morning I was woken up by her, sometimes with a French kiss but mostly because she pampered my morning erection, in the afternoon and sometimes in the evening she popped in for a quick game, exceptionally she even wanted me to fuck her. Every day was a party, but the Sexual High Days were the days when I left or came back on leave. I just left for Belgium a day later, booked a hotel room in Cologne and she took a day off...no one could see anything suspicious in this. With one exception, a kind word and a tip convinced the desk clerk that it is normal to want to occupy the room at 9 am and to make it available again at 4:30 pm. The residence forms were also always filled in sympathetically and imaginatively, so that was also legally in order.

Only once did it almost go wrong. I came back from leave so that day I had... you know... I ran into my Corps commander in the Mess officers because he wanted to speak to me urgently about something that happened on my leave. However, I looked haggard, disheveled and stiff as a board from the prolonged physical activity. He noticed that but luckily he swallowed my explanation about a difficult return journey... and he must have had a bit of a cold because he didn't notice my fresh shower scent.

Heavenly, such a day of lovemaking, but difficult... after 7 hours we were literally empty, Jeannine ready for her Duracel rabbit and I for the return home or apartment. They were real marathon sessions, we didn't eat although we usually had our mouth full and the drinks bar also remained untouched because we produced our drinks ourselves. Except for a rope or a clip, everything happened in pure nature, exceptional in BDSM conditions, but who walks into a hotel lounge with a collection of whips under their arm? However, teeth, lips, hands, fingers can also be fun tools if you know how to use them.

Our relationship was pure sex, not love... our anthem was not for nothing “Je t'aime, moi non-plus” by Serge Gainsbourg and Jane Birkin... we applied it daily in practice.

Sometimes, when her husband was on duty, I would spend the night with her, which in turn varied our activities. I had no private bathroom, no clotheslines or clothespins, no bed with tie-on options... they did... but here too we had to play our games in silence because the last thing we wanted was to wake the k**s... we both became experts in the silent screaming and weeping... a gift I still master as the best.

She even tricked her husband and me into having a threesome five times, an old dream of hers that she just couldn't get enough of. She was clever enough to let him take the initiative every time. During a drink he played an 8 mm film (precursor of video) but after about five minutes he always got too hot and suggested to play something ourself instead of watching those actors. We didn't touch because we were both strictly straight but Jeannine got all the attention she wanted and also all the variety she could dream of... a slow fucker and a hasty fucker, a stroker and a pecker, a licker and a sucker ... and all at the same time.
Also for me it was real parties, seeing it in real life is much more exciting than seeing it on film; once when she was sucking me off i suddenly had to pull my tongue out of her cunt because her husband started fucking her... a hornier close-up i've never seen... i even got his balls in my face a few times. .. that's how close I was to the spectacle.

If I were a pornographer I could write a full book about that period alone, but for an erotic story this seems to me to be enough to activate your imagination; enjoy it, make use of it..
Publié par ericca48
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