
In my experience, being with, and talking with women, one aspect they seek in men, is confidence.

Unlike many men, who are attracted to women, based only on their appearance, with women, they often seek an emotional connection.

Everyone has their insecurities. We all have our ups and downs in life. It can erode or affect how a person feels about themselves.

While I was growing up in the San Francisco Bay Area, it took me a long time, to gain enough confidence to even talk to girls. In fact, when I was in high school, there was one girl I really liked.

The girl's name was Lisa. I thought Lisa was the most attractive, and hottest girl I had ever seen. Of course, I wanted to ask her out. I wanted to ask her to our Senior Prom. Unfortunately, however, I never asked her out. I found out later, Lisa did in fact like me, and wanted me to ask her. But by then it was too late.

It was not until I attended college, that I was able to talk to girls, in a confident manner.

Confidence is gained by having success, in different aspects in life. But also, putting myself out there, so women know I exist.

Now, I can finally, and confidently approach an attractive woman, with no hesitation. No, I did not attend any of those "Pick Up Artists" boot camps. Although, it would be fun to attend one.

Once I decided to just "go for it" and talk to attractive girls, it became easier a time went on. Yes, of course, numerous women "rejected me". That is to be expected. However, there were also numerous women, who did, in fact, find me interesting and attractive.

In person, or on any of these adult sites, I have no hesitation to talk to, or contact attractive women. Yes, I will continue to be rejected by many women. But I only focus on the women who are interested.

Once women, take the time to meet me, (and if there is chemistry between us), if we do decide to have sex, my goal, is to please and satisfy her. That seems to work out quite well.

But it all comes down to confidence. Once you have it, life becomes far more interesting, and positive.
Publié par Flyer9898
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