My first spanking

My first spanking was in 1995. I was curious but shy. Eventually, my curiousity overcame my shyness so I called a spanker that I found in the personal ads. He promised "safe and sane" spanking.
When we talked, he wanted to know if I had been spanked before and whether I had been spanked as boy. No and yes, I told him. He asked why I wanted to be spanked. I told him that I was curious and wanted to try it. We agreed to meet Friday evening.
At the appointed time, I arrived at his apartment and he buzzed me in. I went to the second floor and found him in the doorway to his apartment. I was surprised at how big he was - about 6 feet tall and 250 pounds. But he was warm and friendly so I entered.
We sat on the sofa and just talked for about 10 minutes. I relaxed a lot. Then he said we would get started. He pulled my arm and put me over his lap. Then he began spanking me. He was gentle at first but gradually spanked me harder until I was squirming and yelping. After 10 minutes, he told me to stand up and he unbuckled my belt and undid my pants, pulling them down to my knees. He then pulled me back on his lap and began spanking again. This hurt more because all I had on was my briefs. Again, he built up the intensity until I was squirming and yelping again. After another 10 minutes, he told me to stand again.
He took me by my arm to a tall stool. Once there, he pulled down my briefs and bent me over the stool. He told me to grab and legs of the stool and try to hold my position. He began spanking my bare ass with his hand. Now it was really starting to hurt. But I held my position. After a while, he held a wide, thick belt before me and said it was "Daddy's belt."
He then spanked my ass with the belt. It took only 10 swats before I reached my limit. He eased off and rubbed my butt with his hand. In a few minutes, he started again, spanking hard as he went. I did the best I could but could only take another 20 swats before I stood up and asked him to stop. He hugged me and rubbed my butt. He said I did pretty well for the first time and took more than a lot of boys.
I got dressed, hugged him and left. I walked down the hill to the Castro district and went into my favorite bar. My butt was tingling and I felt very stimulated. So I had one drink and went home. I stripped for bed and got in. I touched my butt and could feel the warmth. The more I rubbed my butt, the hornier I got. So I jerked off and went to sleep.
My butt still felt tender the next day. The spanking was such a turn-on that I saw the spanker again. That started a long relationship in which I got spanked nearly every week.
That is how I met Daddy Howard, probably the best spanker in San Francisco.
Publicado por SFspankee
9 años atrás
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