Wahoo! I'm finally on XHamster

Hey everyone! I am excited that I have finally claimed verification of my pornstar profile here on XHamster. After a long porn career in America, I am finally back home in New Zealand. It is much quieter than Hollywood, that's for sure. I am Auckland based so if you want to create content with me, contact me at LAKERUSSELL.VIP and I will respond within 12 hours. I am really active on that platform and it is where I organize all my shoots, collaborations and offer custom content. My videos on XHamster is all free content, which is provided as a portfolio for people to 'try before you buy'.

I am currently looking for a cameraman or woman who is based in New Zealand, with experience. You don't need the fanciest equiptment but certainly need to be able to film in high definition. A tripod is a must. If this sounds like you I would love for you to contact me over at LAKERUSSELL.VIP and I will get straight back to you.

While I am not shooting content, I am spending time on the farm I brought when I returned to New Zealand. I am excited to be here and thank everyone for the warm welcomes! I still can't believe I've got over 3 million video views on this platform :D
Publicado por LakeRussell
25 días atrás
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