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2 hace años
People have no idea how horny pregnant women are. That pussy is probably so incredible to fuck right now. There’s nothing like pregnant pussy!!!
1 hace un año
There's nothing better than dick any time while pregnant lol
1 hace un año
Omg yes! I was so so so horny when I was pregnant. I'm a sexual person anyways but omg 😲
2 hace años
The baby is playing dodge a dick
1 hace un año
The dick doesn't go far into the woman enough to at least get close to the baby, that's why doctors say it's fine to fuck while pregnant
2 hace años
I wish someone would fuck my pregnant pussy like that until I cum very hard and my water breaks I almost ready to give birth I'm almost due to give birth and my pussy has been very hard and throbbing and my clit is sticking out very hard and throbbing big and all I want is to be fuck no stop until my water breaks and I'm ready to give birth because the baby head is very low and it's pushing a lot of pressure on my G spot right now and I need to be fuck hard and have my pussy ate out good
5 meses atrás
Where you located?
1 hace un año
I like to fuck you hard
2 hace años
I'm super pregnant and I'm super horny right now and I can't stop rubbing my hard throbbing clit right now and with my last baby I got super horny right before my water broke and I had to give birth so I know I'm almost due to give birth but I need a hard throbbing dick inside of me so I can feel good before I have to give birth again
1 hace un año
Well done I love to give you one
2 hace años
I’d love to lick you and fuck you hard
2 hace años
I have a fetish of fucking preagnant women. To me it’s the best. They are always horny and willing to have sex wherever.
2 hace años
make me pregnant then fuck me😉
2 hace años
Whats her name?
1 hace un año
I hope they're a real couple and that's his baby. They look so sexy, beautiful, natural and perfect together. His cock looks so beautiful sliding deep inside her. White women just flat out look their best having sex with black men. I'm so glad so many white women are going black and sharing the Bliss of their sex 🥰.
3 semanas atrás
And I can’t agree with you more on that! But I think it’s incredibly pleasing and mischievous for her to be married to a white husband who approves of their marriage to be influenced and infiltrated by a Black Man who is a Friend who has been invited into this house of a White Family and offered a White Womb to infect pollute and inject his BBC Seed to impregnate a white wife mother and daughter who he claimed over as dominant and superior all in the eyes of hubby with permission for using w
1 hace un año
Women "steal" their men. Maybe they are. Cuz when I see rhetoric like this even hidden behind horny pillow talk, it seems like there's a little bit of ideology going on here. I can't help but feel it's race ist in several different directions. If it was truly about free love you'd think there would be just as much representation of white male and black female couples and just as much encouragement but there's not.
2 hace años
you niggas are weird as fuck
2 hace años
That was my thought to😀
2 hace años
Shiiiiid that pussy is FIRE when she’s pregnant
2 hace años
I have my legs wide open and in the air and I'm rubbing my hard throbbing clit right now and I'm pregnant ready to cum hard ohhhhh fuck ohhhhh fuck ohhhhh fuck I'm fixing to cum hard ohhhhh fuck ohhhhh fuck
1 hace un año
Like to do it together?
2 hace años
Fuck.. you can tell how much she’s loving getting fucked by that black cock.. her twat is so wet… fuck… she’s loving it…
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