392 – Babysitting Tina Part 3

After saying she wouldn’t be too early I was woken around 8 o’clock with my phone buzzing on the bedside table, “Good morning Bill.. it’s Helen.. did I wake you” she said and there was something different about her voice, it sounded soft and sultry.. “Err.. yes” I mumbled and she carried on.. “Oh sorry about that, I thought I’d get some eggs and bacon at the shop up the road to you and make us all some breakfast, how does that sound, how’s my little pumpkin, has she been good for you” she said rather pleasantly and I quite liked that idea.. “Oh she’s still fast asleep, I must’ve tired her out yesterday and breakfast sounds good” I said excitedly as I tried to wake up looking at the little sleeping princess next to me who looked so peaceful.. “Awesome, we’ll let her sleep, see you in about 10 minutes” she said hanging up and I thought it best that I sneak out of bed before the doorbell wakes Tina up, I slipped on my robe and headed off downstairs to put some coffee on and wait for Helen to arrive..

I was quite nervous when a car pulled up outside, I knew that Tina would hold up her end of the bargain and not tell the truth about what we did however I still had my morning wood bulging out the front of my robe which may prove more difficult to explain but when Helen got out the car dressed in a loose fitting tee shirt and what looked like oversized denim shorts I thought it might disperse more quickly, I wouldn’t say she was fat as she had curves in all the right places even if her dress sense didn’t do them justice but she did look pretty with jet black hair just like her daughters..

She took a carrier bag out of the car and started to walk up the path to the front door so not wanting her to ring the bell and wake up Tina I went and opened it for her standing behind it so she could see my morning arousal, seemed like a good plan for a minute or so, she smiled as she entered and I could see far too much makeup making me think she was a bit of a slapper.. “Morning Bill or do you prefer Billy” she said as she stepped into the hallway carrying the bag with breakfast, "Morning Helen, either will do” I said closing the door behind her, “I’m just making coffee, so go through” I said pointing to the kitchen door buying myself a few more seconds in the hope that my boner would subside and although it downgraded to no more than a chubby I could still feel it swinging under my silky robe, that proved to be lucky as Helen turned and smiled at me as I walked in, “Wow you’re looking good, is that silk” she asked giving me the once over, "I bet Tina loves that.. she’s a freak with silk” she added as I nodded my head telling her quietly to keep her voice down as Tina was still sleeping..

“So was Tina a good girl for you, be honest Billy” she asked as I finished making the coffee and Helen put the head and bacon on the side ready to cook, I decided I would be honest up to a point as I’d already prepped my little princess on what to say, “Oh yes Helen, she exceeded all my expectations, we seemed to get on really well and with her being a couple of years younger than my Emma I knew how to entertain her and get the best out of her” I said which seemed to bring a smile to her mothers face and the more I looked at Helen the more I saw Tina in her, apart from a few extra pounds..

I put the coffee down on the table, “Let’s drink this first and give the young lady time to sleep, she was very tired when we went to bed” I said pulling up a chair, “What time did you go to bed then” she asked and I said it must’ve been gone 9 o’clock, and Helen gasped.. “Oh wow.. no wonder she’s still asleep, 7 is her normal time and she likes her sleep, she was up early yesterday so no wonder she’s so tired this morning, breakfast can wait" she said as she sipped her coffee and glanced down at me and I’m pleased to say that my morning wood had now completely subsided and I had to be careful how I sat as Helen had a perfect view of my legs..

“So what did you get up to then all day, she’s usually good at finding her own entertainment and always willing to please” she asked and this is when the conversation got tricky.. “Well, we started off doing some cleaning, Tina was very keen to get up on the counter there and clean to cupboard tops while I mopped the floor, she has amazing balance and not afraid of heights, I was amazed” I said as Helen looked over at how high the cupboards were and I could see her mind processing the situation, “I hope you checked her work Billy” she said with a grin and I had to confess that I didn’t as heights are not my strongest point and also that even though Tina used a chair to get up there I’d certainly need a ladder, that seemed to spark a response from Helen which I wasn’t expecting.. “Well personally Billy, I think you should get a ladder and check them for your own satisfaction.. she can be a devil at saying she’s done something and not actually done it” she said taking another sip of her coffee.. this could be awkward as I was only in my robe but on hearing that I think Helen did have a point..

“Oh I see, I guess I’d better do that then” I said as I stood up and noticed her watching me ensure my robe was fastened sufficiently, “I got a ladder in the downstairs toilet, I’ll go and get it” I said walking towards the door to get it, “You know it makes sense Billy” she said with a cheeky grin on her face and as I returned I placed the ladder next to where she was sitting and prepared myself to climb up and I would’ve thought that she would move out of dignity reasons but she stayed put.. “Wish me luck Helen, I hate ladders” I said as I slowly started to move up a step or two.. “Just take it slow and steady Billy, I’ll keep an eye on you to make sure your safe” she said as I looked down at her, “Yeah, I appreciate that” I said knowing full well that she’d be watching my every move..

I knew that I’d have to get pretty near to the top of the ladder in order to see the tops of the cupboards and I was interested to see what her reaction would be as she’d be able to see right up the back of my robe, I didn’t have to wait for too long either as I stopped about halfway up.. “OMG Billy boy, I’m glad you didn’t check this yesterday with Tina, oh wow.. what an interesting sight” she gasped and as I looked down at her I could see her bending forward and looking directly up at my naked arse and what was hanging down between my legs, I was in a very vulnerable position here and my dislike for heights wasn’t helping.. “I think you should go up a bit further Billy.. get it done before my daughter wakes up, I’m sure seeing you like this would scare her” she said and I could sense some excitement in her voice however I knew that the view up my robe would not scare her daughter but I was happy to let her call the shots.. “Oh ok Helen and I’m sorry to put you through this, I should’ve been dressed when you arrived” I replied very apologetically as I took another step up the ladder feeling my cock starting to fill up with all the attention I was getting.. “Well Billy, it’s not ideal but we are where we are, it’s your house after all..” she said as I glanced down again and could see her almost straining her neck to see my bits..

Now, being a lifelong exhibitionist it was starting to excite me that I was halfway up the ladder showing my everything to her and my cock was beginning to rise up and the fact that she was trying (without success) to be subtle about it was even more exciting so I decided to play on it a little bit as I took another step upwards and I could hear her breathing increasing.. “Nearly there Helen, whose stupid idea was this anyway.. I’m getting really jittery” I said as I bent down to hole the top of the step ladder causing even more exposure.. “Oh you’re doing fine Billy, stop fussing, one more step and you’ll be able to reach your leg out onto the counter to stabilise yourself” she said with a bit of humour in her voice so I took another step and as she suggested I pushed my leg outwards and onto the counter top but was still bent over holding the top of the ladder, “Oh that’s perfect now Billy, absolutely wonderful, take a breather for a few minutes” she said with a giggle and as I glanced down at her in my bent over position too scare to let go of the top of the ladder I could clearly see her looking right up between my legs and now she knew that I knew she was looking..

What made it worse was I could hear the pitter patter of tiny feet coming down the stairs and then a very sleepy looking Tina, still in her borrowed vest came into the kitchen and stood by the door with her jaw dropped in disbelief, "OMG mummy, what is uncle Bill doing up the ladder” she gasped as she eased herself slowly towards us, now this was a predicament as I’m sure her mother didn’t want her to see me in all my glory, I was wrong.. “Oh he was just going up to check your work darling, come and sit on my lap, he won’t be long and then we can have some breakfast.. Oh I do love your nightshirt” her mother said as Tina tentatively walked across and sat on her mother’s lap with her legs either side of her mothers leaving absolutely nothing to the imagination..

Poor Tina didn’t know where to look and after all we’d planned on what to say there she was showing herself in all her glory and like her mother looking up at my naked arsehole and hanging bollocks unfortunately Tina wasn’t so subtle.. “Oh wow mummy, I can see uncle Bill’s bottom from here, he looks stuck there mummy” she said with a giggle but her mother was enjoying herself too much to care, “Oh he’ll be alright sweetie, why don’t you stand there and steady him, he’ll probably appreciate that and I can start on the breakfast” she said softly and I didn’t know what help that would do but thought it could be interesting given Tina’s size.. “Ok mummy” said Tina as she stood up and stepped towards me looking right up between my legs..

As she stood at the bottom of the ladder her little head was about an inch or so from my arse and then as she reached up to grab hold of my hips she not only inadvertently pushed my robe up but her night vest rode up too displaying her naked arse to her mother still sitting behind her, “Oh my word sweetie, you’ve got no underwear on” she gasped with a giggle as she watched her daughters head getting perilously close to my own now naked arse in full display and what was making it worse was that Tina also had a grip on the tie keeping me together, hence to say that was now starting to loosen and I could see my erect penis sticking out the front which would soon be seen by her mother once she gets up to start cooking, I could feel Tina’s excited breath on my balls as I held on for dear life..

As Tina fumbled inside my robe the unthinkable happened and my tie undid and my robe fell open.. “Oops, sorry uncle Bill” she said as her mother stood up and there was nothing I could do about the situation as I didn’t want to let go of the top of the ladder and in an effort to keep a grip I accidentally pushed back on Tina’s face right in front of her mothers gaze.. Tina giggled as I felt her face against my cheeks and her little button nose pushing into my crack.. “Sorry Princess” I stammered as her mother walked around the front to see my total exposure, “It’s ok uncle Bill, I likes helping you” she mumbled and I could feel the vibrations of her mumbling running through my balls but now her mother was at the front seeing me in all my glory and a big smile came across her face, “Oh wow Billy boy, what’s all this.. you seem to have come undone there..” she said with a giggle as she looked directly as my penis sticking up in front of her face with her daughters hands holding me and getting very close to it, I was not expecting to get myself in such a compromising position with both of them and now I could feel Tina’s tongue flicking around between my arse and my hanging balls.. this made my cock even harder..

I was rooted to the spot with one leg on the ladder and the other spread right out on the counter and my balls were hanging low being flicked and licked by Tina behind me with her mother in front focusing her eyes on my dick, she could clearly see what her daughter was doing and seemed excited by it.. “Oooh Tina sweetie, you look like you’re enjoying that” she sighed watching her young daughter licking and sucking on my balls, I know I was enjoying it.. “Mmm yes mummy, uncle Bill’s got nice balls” she said taking a quick breather stuck under the back of my robe.. “He’s certainly has sweetie and a nice penis too” she said excitedly as she got closer to the open back of the step ladder and I thought that very soon I was going to become the meat in their sandwich, not that I was complaining in any way..

Suddenly Tina’s hands pulled back around me and spread my arse cheeks and the feeling of her tongue digging into my crack almost sent my standing leg weak and it was a struggle to keep it straight and then as Helen reached through the back of the ladder wrapping her fingers around my rigid tool I held on even tighter, they were both taking advantage of my misfortune and I was loving it..
Helen started tugging at my meat like she’d not had a cock in a long time using her hand in a corkscrew fashion up and down my shaft pushing the foreskin right back forcing some precum to ooze out.. “Oooh that’s such a lovely cock Billy boy, mind if I give it a suck” she said quite openly and with Tina licking away at my arsehole it’s not like I was in a position to refuse.. “Can I stop you Helen?” I said trembling and she briefly looked up at me and smiled.. “Nope” she said rather bluntly and I was totally at their mercy now..

Helen didn’t stand on ceremony and with her hand still on my dick she pointed it towards her and opened her mouth leaning right forward between the sides of the ladder she took me straight into her warm mouth and pushed her head forward, my cock hit the back of her throat and I could see her dark eyes bulging as she took me deeper, she couldn’t control her gagging and for a minute I thought she was going to pass out, she had me full throttle down her throat and as she started to move her head back and forth clamping her lips around my shaft I could feel her warmth saliva, she was really going at it like she was on a time limit causing a rocking motion on the ladder which made me feel totally unsafe, good job I had Tina behind me to steady the ship although the motion her mother was causing seemed to push her tongue harder against my arsehole..

“Steady on there girl, think of your poor daughter” I gasped as again she took me so deep down her throat in a frenzy of lust she almost took my balls with her and that takes some doing.. “I’m alright daddy.. I loves your bottom” Tina said excitedly and her use of the daddy word seemed to spur her mother on even more, there was nothing sensitive about her technique at all, she wanted my cock and she wanted all of it and while I held on for dear life you couldn’t fault the enthusiasm of either of them and as rough as it was she was certainly bringing me to the brink, maybe she was hungry and wanted my cum as an appetiser for the eggs and bacon, she was relentless..

Tina was also getting into the spirit of things and I could feel her face pressing hard on my cheeks as her tongue swirled around and with her dribble meeting her mothers I could feel my bollocks were soaked and I was quickly getting to the point of no return as I struggled to keep my weight on my one standing leg, my breathing was quickly getting out of control as I felt the explosion creeping up on me.. “YES.. YESS.. YESSS!” I cried out as I felt the pressure building up inside of me and I just hoped that Helen was ready for what was about to happen and she knew I was close as she upped the ante a bit more bobbing her head even faster and increasing the suction.. “FUUUUCK YESSSSSSSS!!” I cried out and my whole body went into spasm and my cum fired out hard and fast right down her throat, poor woman didn’t know what hit her but with her lips clamped around my shaft she took all I had to give right down her throat..

Tina seemed a bit concerned with my outburst and pulled away from my arse, “Are you ok daddy” she said in a concerned voice and as her mother pulled away from my softening cock it was her that answered.. “Oh I think he is now sweetie, that was a lot of tasty cum there Billy boy” she said savouring the taste in her mouth and poor me was still hanging on for dear life shaking like a leaf at the top of the ladder trying to catch my breath.. “I’m good princess” I muttered as I managed to catch a breath and Helen looked up at me.. “What’s all this daddy/princess stuff then.. aww.. it’s so cute, it a bit kinky but I love it” she said with a cheeky grin as she watched my cock softening in front of her and from the look on her face I think she’d realised that her daughters stay with me wasn’t as innocent as we were all making out and what was interesting was that she didn’t seem mad..

“I likes calling him daddy, I never had a daddy before mummy” she said excitedly as she helped me down off of the ladder and as Helen grabbed the eggs and bacon ready to cook she pointed to the chairs by the table, “It’s alright sweetie, I’m sure Bill would love you as a daughter, now sit down and I’ll cook some breakfast” she said still smiling with a belly full of spunk, I went to sit down and before I had a chance to do my robe up Tina was standing in front of me, “Can I have cuddles please daddy” she said backing up towards me and with my legs slightly parted and my cock hanging I reached out grabbing her by the waist and lifting her up onto my lap, “Of course you can princess” I said and her mother actually looked pleased that we’d struck up some kind of a bond..

Tina sat with her legs astride and dangling and I could feel the wetness of my bottom as I wrapped my hands around her waist watching her mother cooking, I was guessing that my little princess thought that whatever I did to her was ok to do to me, “Did you like me kissing your bottom daddy, was I good” she whispered so her mummy could hear and I had to whisper back, “Oh yes, it was perfect princess” which made her happy and with the breakfast cooking in the pan Helen turned around.. “Oh wow.. you two look so cozy there and I feel so overdressed” she said with a giggle as she looked down between her daughters legs seeing her smooth lips and my cock beginning to rise again and getting perilously close to contact.. “Well I guess you could take something off if you want Helen, I’m sure Tina won’t mind and I certainly wouldn’t” I said with a cheeky smile on my face and Helen gave it a brief moments though.. “Hell.. why not” she said reaching for the button on her oversized denim shorts quickly popping it open and slowly pulling the zipper down…

As her shorts easily slid down her legs she was half covered by her tee shirt but I could easily see her bulging red gusset of her panties and as she stepped out of them I noticed her dark black hairs poking out the sides, this woman was hairy and then as she teasing turned her back on us and bent down to pick them up we could both see the red string of her thong wedged into her plump arse crack, yes she was a few pounds overweight but she did have a rather nice fleshy arse.. “Oooh that feels better.. for now” she said as she folded her jeans up and put them on the counter, Tina giggled.. “Oooh you do look nice mummy” she said and I had to agree that this was a nice relaxed atmosphere now..

As she turned back to the cooking her teeth shirt was only half covering her arse and it was a rather pleasant sight which did make my cock harder and was now pressing hard against Tina but before anything could happen Helen had dished up bringing the food over, “Are you staying on daddy’s lap sweetie?” she asked seeing that there was only two chairs and as she glanced down she could clearly see my penis protruding between her legs, “Mmm.. I think you should darling” she added as she put the plates down and it wasn’t too difficult to eat with her there, Helen sat down and we all tucked in to our breakfast which I have to say was rather nice..

To Be Continued…
Publicado por britguy
2 días atrás
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Juicygob2 1 día atrás
Mmm it’s going to be a short breakfast 
dmf399 2 días atrás
Remind me who the responsible adults are?