JayneG. Fun With Three - 2004

So here I was, 42 yo enjoying a late Summer holiday with my husband in Benidorm, Spain.
My in-laws had agreed to look after our offspring as we enjoyed a second honeymoon.
On our second day there, Steve, my husband pointed out a group of lad sitting on lounges by the pool, " I reckon you've got a little fan club over there, " he laughed motioning towards the three, " they haven't taken their eyes off you since you sat down! "
I looked across to the lads. They were around 17 or 18 yo, definitely not over 20 yo. " I'm sure that they're not interested in me! Not with all these sexy teenagers around, even the Twenty-Somethings if they wanted an older woman, " my husband gave a low chuckle,

" You think that way love, but. I've seen the way they've looked at your arse and boobs! " I looked down at my swimsuit, bright orange and showing my ample body off to anybody interested. I quietly shook my head and lay back down on my lounger enjoying the warm sunshine.
About twenty minutes later Steve gave a cough nudging my knee with his foot. I looked up to see that the three lads had moved to the lounger nearer to us, " Told you sweetheart you're certainly the object of their attention! " Steve laughed. I reached for my glass of Pepsi, sipping it slowly I looked at the lads, my eyes meeting the eyes of a dark haired young man who quickly turned away, his face reddening slightly as if he was embarrassed at being caught staring at me.
Idly I ran my left hand across my breasts down to my stomach. I felt three hungry sets of eyes suddenly fixing upon me. Steve laughed again,
" You still sure they're not looking at you? "
I sneered at him and returned to my drink running my tongue across my lips as I lowered my glass, " I think I'll take a quick dip, try and cool off a bit! " I put my glass onto the table and stood up stretching my arms as I did.
I felt the eyes of the lads burning into my backside as I moved to the pool, gently lowering myself into the warm water.
I slowly began to swim towards the top of the pool , turning I swam back to our loungers, " Are you coming in? " I called to my husband as I turned again to swim away, " Maybe later! " He answered, sipping his coffee. As I turned once again I noticed two of the lads entering the pool. I noted my husband raising his eyebrow as they did.
As I swam back across the pool the dark haired lad came alongside, " God it's so hot already isn't it? " Stopping to tread water I answered, " Yeah it's going to be a real scorcher I'm sure, " I smiled at him. He was about 6 foot tall with broad shoulders, flat stomach and muscular legs. " I'm Richard, and this is Phil, " he motioned towards the tousle haired youth that had moved by his side, " Hi I'm Jayne and on that lounger over there is my husband, Steve, " I replied nodding my head towards his friend.
Having broken the ice, as it were, Richard asked me if we were going to the beach, I said probably and he said they'd probably see us there later. So saying he and Phil moved to the side and clambered out.
Following them I climbed out and towelled myself dry before lying back down on the lounger. " So they chat you up then, " hubby enquired. I took a long swig from my now luke warm drink, " not really no, just introduced themselves and said they might catch us on the beach later. " Steve smiled and shook his head knowingly, " Alright smarmy go get me a fresh drink with plenty of ice! "

He returned shortly with a fresh glass just as the lads were leaving the pool side, " See you on the beach later! " called Richard as he and his two friends waved to me, " Later! " I answered waving in return.
" Fan club gone then? " asked Steve passing me my drink, " Shut it smart arse and sit down, I'll dry off for half an hour then we'll wander up to the beach, OK? "
Steve nodded " Whatever you say my darling, we can't let your teen fans down can we?, " I moved to flick him with my wet towel but he sat down laughing and blowing me a sarcastic kiss.
30 minutes later we were walking up the road by the beach. The sun was beating down and I was ready to sit back down. Finding a couple of free loungers I sat down slipping my Beach robe off my already reddening shoulders.
Steve paid the attendant for the hire of the loungers as I slapped liberal amounts of sunscreen onto my legs and arms. " Come on handsome make yourself useful and do my back and shoulders! " Steve moved behind me and began to rub the cream into my shoulders and neck area, " can you pull your costume down a touch so as I can get all your upper back. "
I slipped the straps down and pulled it down my front, " Come on Jayne a bit more if you want a proper job doing, you needn't be shy! " He nodded his head at the women of assorted ages and sizes that were bathing in the afternoon sun. Most were topless and I suddenly felt over dressed! I pulled my swimsuit down feeling the cold sun cream being applied to my back.
When Steve had finished he passed me the bottle. I applied more cream to my boobs and nipples , I dropped the bottle into my beach , and lay back down enjoying the warmth of the sun on my naked breasts.
I dozed peacefully for around an hour, feeling the sun working its magic upon my pale body. Suddenly Steve spoke, " Oh- Oh! Here we go! " I lifted my head a little to see what was up, " your fan club has arrived! "
The three lads were walking up the beach, obviously they had been in the sea as their hair was wet and droplets of water was running off their bodies. " Jayne! You made it then? " Richard called out as he spotted us, his voice tailing off as he noticed my semi-nakedness, " ah, sorry! " He seemed unsure of what to do, Phil's eyes were almost out on stalks, whilst the third lad tried to avert his eyes only to alight on a large lady sat nearby who was wearing even less than me.
" It's OK lads! " I tried to put them at ease, " no need to be shy here is there? " I pointed out the rows of topless women and girls, " Steve's been taking in the sights for sure! "
My husband started as I cast aspersions upon his character, " So who's this young man? " I asked Richard looking at the smaller lad who still seemed a little overwhelmed by the nakedness about him, " Oh that's Danny, " Richard introduced. The young man interjected, " That's Daniel miss! " I smiled at him, he seemed to almost be the runt of the holidaying trio.
" So how's the sea? " I enquired of them, Richard again answered, " It's not bad Jayne, nice out of this sweltering sun! " Danny spoke, his voice fairly high-pitched as if it hadn't quite broken yet, " Yeah it's that hot I thought Phil was gonna melt away! "
" Shit it Danny you twat! " A bright red faced Phil interjected, " tis hot though Jayne, isn't it? " I nodded in agreement, as I moved my head my breasts moved in unison Phil's eyes fixing upon my hardening nipples as beads of sweat rolled across them, " We're heading back to the hotel for a bit of a siesta and then a shower. You two going to the Barbecue Party tonight? "
Steve answered, " We might do, not certain yet. " Richard wiped his brow as he answered, "Fuck it's warm! Excuse my language! Right we might see you later then Jayne, nice seeing you again!" The trip headed away in the direction of the hotel, " Nice seeing your big tits he means, " grumbled Steve, " couldn't keep their eyes off you could they? "
" Don't be such a dick Steve they're only youngsters, all this naked frame flesh is new to them! " I lay back down again, " now let's have another hour then we'll get back too, decide what we're going to do this evening, OK? "
Steve muttered something indecipherable and I closed my eyes, shortly drifting off into as mid afternoon slumber in the incessant sushine.
Publicado por JayneG
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bigboytaff 3 meses atrás
Need more! On edge.