My first day at Homegrown (cont.)

The crumpled box of videos was on the floor. The dust covered tapes were piled in it like it was a garbage can and not the treasure trove of content that made Homegrown Video the pearl of amateur content the world over. I recognized some of the content in the box, of course, because it was stuff that I had mailed in about a year previously. Unfortunately, I had gone elsewhere while waiting to find out why Homegrown hadn't purchased them so I couldn't even use my own homemade porn! The good news was there were other tapes in the box and they were still available for purchase. I just had to give them a look and see what we wanted to do.

Like everything Homegrown, the beauty was in the eye of the beholder. Some of the scenes looked ok. Some were wrapped with review notes made by Greg, Homegrown's previous owner. The notes were helpful though somewhat cryptic, like "Ask her about where the double dildo is". Some scenes turned out to be like ninety minutes worth of action of a guy's naked hairy ass and balls going up and down apparently fucking something that could have been a pillow or perhaps a person but one couldn't really tell with so much ass and balls in the frame.

One tape stood out though. It had a title "Sex Ed" and I thought to myself, "Awesome, that is just the sort of sex positive ideal that I want Homegrown to represent!" So I started watching the tape and everything seemed fine. An older lady, we would say "mature" niche nowadays, was instructing two young ladies about safe sex. She was using a dildo to show them how to put a condom on and I was thinking "fantastic - this really is sexy and educational". Then she said something that just plain freaked me out.

"Now go show your father what you learned." She said.

I had a good hunch that sort of thing was i*****l but I wasn't sure. I grabbed at the paperwork to make sure the girls were over 18. Yes, they were over 18, but sure enough, everyone in the video had the same last name. They all had the same address. They all lived in Waco Texas. Now this was just after the raid on the Branch Davidian religious cult ranch that turned into a bloodbath in the same town. Obviously, something in Waco was bringing out the whackos. I lived in Texas and Texans will proudly say they are a bit touched in the head, but even Texans think folks from Waco are crazier than the rest. Since everything is bigger in Texas you can say that "crazy" takes on a whole new level of weird there which means Waco is the rodeo stampede of weird on parade.

Suffice to say, I didn't care if that sort of stuff was legal in Waco or anywhere else. I didn't car if they were all legally consenting adults. I just decided that there and then we would always have to draw the line for ourselves what was ok or not ok.

We threw those tapes out in the same scrappy cardboard box we found them in. I left the back door open so a breeze would vent through and bring in some fresh air. Back to cleaning the dingy littly Lakeside office and polishing up the Homegrown brand.
Publicado por homegrownvideo
12 años atrás
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you are hottest xxxxxxx