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Gratis-Woche für Pornhub-Premium beginnenMy name is Sarah and I do have A very dominant bf and yes I am his submissive and I like it that way, I am A bit shy for real but hoping to get more confident online, this is my second account on this site as the first time my bf made me delete my account for breaking his rules he had for me so I was A naughty girl that day however for about 2 months I have been asking him for permission to open another account and lets just say it took a lot of sexual favours but he finally said yes :) but I have even stricter rules this time. Rules I have to obey is No nudes and also No video chats or phone calls to guys and also he has to approve all my picture that I want to post here but because I enjoyed having conversations the last time I agreed to his terms so please guys respect that.
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