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DisruptiveFilms FULL SCENE - Virgin Twink Sdílí Postel Se Starším Přítelem Rodiny

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      Všechny Komentáře (259)

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      před 2 lety
      Thanks for interest in the scene Virgin No More! Use the promo code vnmpromo on the DistruptiveFilms join page to get a FREE WEEK!
      před 14 hodinami
      I generally love daddy / son movies. But this almost seems like a “do it yourself”guide in how to deceit someone vulnerable + underlines 100 % that the ab.u..ser succeeded tr.auma.tising the boy. No smile, no joy, just release for the older guy. Are you not worried if people with tendences what act after seeing this??
      před 11 měsíci
      Can I apply for model
      před 3 lety
      That ending was so realistic, and demonstrates one of the main problems in gay culture. So many of us are used and disposed of by older men in this way. It doesn’t help that we tend to be attracted to older men, and they use the naivety of young people. This is a brilliant video for something on Pornhub.
      před 1 týdny
      You are quite correct. But not all older men are like that. I was with the same man 40 yeas older than me and he was not like that.
      před 1 lety
      HMU and we can see if I do better for you!
      před 3 lety
      Lol same thing happened to me, fucked a load into my virgin hole & my dumbass thought he liked me but I was just a quick nut for him. Used by an older man at 18
      před 2 měsíci
      před 9 měsíci
      Its really sad its this common in the gay community. The grooming, hookup culture, etc. Im sorry this happened 😥(
      před 3 lety
      Damn, that ending hit pretty hard not gonna lie
      před 2 měsíci
      That's the first time PornHub's ever made me feel sorrow
      před 3 lety
      he even planned the whole thing. turned down the temp and left hime with only 1 blanket. what the hell.
      před 3 lety
      This is cinema.
      před 3 lety
      agreed. porn is art
      před 3 lety
      Although the ending was tough to take, it was realistic and well foreshadowed.
      před 3 lety
      Poor guy, I just wanted to hug him at the end - and not even in the sexual way. I feel bad for all the gays who had to experience this when they were younger.
      před 3 lety
      This plot line was dark af
      před 3 lety
      He was a asshole in the end
      před 3 lety
      👇🏼Agreed. Visible thought harder to catch in the short version, but very obvious in the full scene. Possible theory: The guy was in love with his best friend (the boys dad) when they were young, and is still bitter that he didn’t get him. So he fucks the next best thing. As he said, “your grandparents hated me” … taking their age into account, homosexuality and fear of it “rubbing off” on their son, could’ve made the grandparents less fond of their friendship🤔… or maybe
      před 3 lety
      There were signs he was from the beginning and all the way up to the end.
      před 2 lety
      Glad to see that people enjoyed this film! This was my first episode I directed for Disruptive Films and I am loving the feedback!
      před 2 lety
      This really hit home. My first time was very similar and you captured all of the energy and emotions from beginning to end beautifully.

      Playlists Containing DisruptiveFilms FULL SCENE - Virgin Twink Sdílí Postel Se Starším Přítelem Rodiny

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