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To all Males out there: can you pleas e STO P SENDING ME FRIEND REQUESTS. I will NOT accept them.

To ALL MALES OUT THERE: can you PLEAS E STO P sending me friend requests... I will NOT accept them! Not now, or never! I am a LESBIAN GIRL, I do NOT LIKE BOYS AT ALL. I like GIRLS! So stop sending me friend requests all the time... Please...
  • 32
před 5 měsíci
I am just dying to scissor someone and to try it. Never done it before. I’m 26 y/o
  • 1
před 2 lety
I feel you!! I mean, I like both but UGHH WHERE ARE ALL THE GIRLS?!?! I have no girls to talk to on here and it’s so sad hmphh. I just wanna have fun with a girl, that’s all
  • 1
před 2 lety
@neachoels btw baby, you can look on my profile if you want, to see if you can find ANY men on my profile, but trust me, I didn't have accepted a SINGLE REQUEST from a guy on here!😅❤ you don't gonna find a single guy on here...😅😂
  • 1
před 2 lety
@neachoels yeah I know it very well baby😒 it annoys me so much!😤 I have NEVER EVER accepted ANY friend requests from men EVER!😒 they are SO fucking annoying! And I STILL get friend requests from them everywhere, almost every day!😒🙄 I mean like, can they just shut the fuck up, and leave us Lesbians ALONE?!😒🙄
  • 0
před 2 lety
I think that some men cannot believe that we love only women. They think that it is some kind of a mistake, and they can be the man to show us what we are missing! At the beginning I accept some men for friend request, just to talk with them, and I explain this, but then so much of them start to say "but why don't you try with a man?", and then I have to explain "do you want to try also with a man? No? Well it is the same for me!"
  • 1
před 2 lety
I 10000% agree. I don’t want those boys clogging up my page.
  • 1
před 2 lety
freaking morons
  • 1
před 3 lety
Bigboobedteen yes I know right?!😭 like, can't they read or something?!😤
  • 1
před 3 lety
for real! it annoys me. i clearly state i’m a lesbian lol.
  • 1
před 3 lety
Frenchystrawberry yes I know right?!😭😭
  • 1
před 3 lety
They are so annoying 😭🥲
  • 1
před 3 lety
They can't read words that have 5 or more letters in them unless its 2 4-letter words to make 1 8-letter word
  • 3
před 3 lety
Monarustine, no I do not accept non-binary or agender requests. ❤ I do accept trans woman requests. ❤
  • 1
se přihlásil(a) k odběru 4 uživatelů
oblíbená 1 videa
oblíbená 1 videa
se přihlásil(a) k odběru 3 uživatelů
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se přihlásil(a) k odběru 2 uživatelů
se přihlásil(a) k odběru 1 pornohvězd
se přihlásil(a) k odběru 1 pornohvězd
se přihlásil(a) k odběru 1 pornohvězd
se přihlásil(a) k odběru 1 pornohvězd
se přihlásil(a) k odběru 1 pornohvězd
se přihlásil(a) k odběru 1 pornohvězd
se přihlásil(a) k odběru 1 pornohvězd
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I am back ❤️
  • 8
se přihlásil(a) k odběru 1 pornohvězd
se přihlásil(a) k odběru 1 pornohvězd
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Lesbian sex 💦

Does anyone wanna have Lesbian sex with me? I would love to rub our wet pussy's together, and squirt and cum together 💦💦💦
I want your wet pussy in my face and squirt and cum in my face ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
  • 14
před 1 měsíci
Yes where u at
  • 0
před 2 měsíci
I wanted your pussy in my fave and your cum in my mouth 🔥
  • 0
před 8 měsíci
We can rub our pussies on each others faces I want to taste your juices
  • 1
před 1 lety
I want to rub are pussy together
  • 0

ALLE mannen die me voegen worden geblokkeerd! Alleen vrouwen op m'n profiel. Ik ben LESBISCH!! Dames, stuur mij gerust een berichtje, Ik ben een hele aardige, lieve, grappige, maar ook hele geile vrouw! ❤️❤️ En wie weet kunnen we samen sextalken, en Lesbische seks hebben samen... Ja, ik ben single. Ik had e en jaar geleden een relatie met iemand gehad, maar ik heb het e en jaar geleden uitgemaakt met haar, omdat ze meer dan 5 keer vreemdging met iemand anders, en me dri e jaa r lang, meer dan 500 keer heel erg veel pijn heeft gedaan...💔❤️‍🩹 (ik maak echt geen grap...) anywaysssss dames, welkom op m'n profiel!

Webová stránka:
Poslední přihlášení:
před 47 minutami
Zajímá mne::
Lesbische seks
Heb ik niet
Lesbische seks school.🫦
Zájmy a Koníčky:
Lesbische seks hebben met elkaar, en m'n natte kut masturberen en vingeren de hele dag lang!! ❤️❤️
Oblíbené Filmy a TV Show:
Niet echt een favoriet wat ik heb, maar ik hou van animatie/grappige films, en romantische films.
Oblíbená Hudba:
Rustige en romantische muziek, maar ook hardcore en rock & roll muziek!
Oblíbené Knihy:
Lesbische seks.
Bijna alles, behalve de (hele) extreme, en vieze dingen, en mannen. Voor de rest word ik van alles super geil!!!
Alles wat te maken heeft met mannen, en de (hele) extreme, en vieze dingen.
Prohlédnutí Profilu:
Zhlédnutá videa:
Non-Consensual Content Policy<\/a> or\n Child Sexual Abuse Material Policy<\/a>. If you believe a user's profile violates these policies or is\n otherwise inappropriate, you can use the flagging feature to have the user's profile reviewed by Pornhub staff.","next":"\/content-removal"},{"key":"underage","value":"User appears to be underage","popup":"We are committed to user and child safety, and Pornhub's Terms of Service<\/a> requires users to be at least 18 years of age\n or the age of majority in the jurisdiction where the website is accessed. If you believe this user is underage, please use the flagging feature to have the user reviewed by Pornhub staff."},{"key":"comments","value":"User is posting inappropriate or objectionable comments"},{"key":"spammer","value":"User is spamming"}]" flag-for="user" submit-url="" item-id="594867821">
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