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Holly Landers is the hot delivery girl for Pomona Pizza and Porn. She drops off Rodney's delivery, and before paying her, he checks the tape and not only is is blank, it's the last one. And he was really looking forward to jerking-off to that movie. He tries to convince Holly to let him jerk-off to her, but she's not buying it. He pulls out his pecker and starts to stroke it anyway. He sweet talks her a little more and gets her to do a sexy strip while he faps away at his throbbing cock. Rodney offers her a tip and the next thing you know Holly is taking his big tip deep in her throat. Then he shoves his Rod in her hot butt before squirting a huge load of sticky goo all over her face. vintage classic pizza delivery scene with legendary sexy cute Holly Landes/Landers who gets her butthole pummeled

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