Juvie CH 6

Juvie CH ****** ! Check this shit out” ! Someone barked out.

I rolled over in my bunk, lazily opening my eyes. Well I be damm !

Whistle-whistle-whistle, “Come here boy---come here”.

The absolutely beautiful blond lab came limping over to me, smiles on his face, tail just waggin.

“Damm, this dog has been injured. He must have just wandered into the jail”.

Since the major transfer's of inmates due to the AC going out, the staff had relaxed many of the normal policies, with the population now down to just 9 of us. Most of the doors were left wide open to allow for circulation. Even the main gate ! We could walk up TO the gate, but not one step beyond. Sometimes we would go up to it, which was road-side, and wave, or grab our junk, or make a muscle at the girls driving by. Sometimes even the boy's :)

I gather up the dog in my arms, and he whimpers a bit. He is definitely hurt. A few follow me as we make our way to the infirmary, including McKinney, still looking like a piece of grade-A chicken in his orange jumpsuit. Damm that boy had a tan !

So anyways, I put the dog on the exam table to check him out. I wasn't a vet of course, but did have a moderate first aide knowledge with animals. I spent a lot of time out on dads ranch, so it was kinda second nature. I rub my hand across his body and he jerks slightly when I go across his right hip. I looked up at the rest and proclaim, “Somebody has kicked this dog”. And that---was zero tolerance.

He appeared to be not broken, just a bad bruise. We would have to let him rest. “Stay with him—get him some water, and I think there are some chicken nuggets in the mess hall. Maybe try an ice-pac on that hip. I'll be back”.

You know how sometimes you think you heard something, but you weren't really paying attention. Then, later on, it clicks. I was pretty certain I had heard a 'yelp' about half an hour ago. I head over to pod A. It was the only other one now that sill had inmates in it. Leaning into the doorway I announce, “Hey—ya'll see that dog that wandered in”?

“YA” one speaks up. “We seen that mutt. Come in here lickin my face n shit”.

“Ya—and then”?

“Fuck yo—I didn't want that thing lickin me n shit”.

“So, what did you do”? I truly didn't think it was going to be this easy.

“I kicked his ass away”.

“You kicked him”?

“Ya I fuckin kicked his ass---kicked his ass hard too”.

“Yup—you hurt him. He's limping”.

“Ya—so---just a fuckin dog”.

I stood there glaring at the cadet, pressing my lips together. Wiping my mouth with the back of my hand, I turn and proceed back to my cell. I slide into a jock and my trustee cargo pants, skipping the shirt, then my big ass sz 13 Catapillers,. That was quite a footprint—nearly 14”, and used properly, could be a quite a weapon. And, they were about to be.

I return to pod A and walk in, and head towards the inmate. With my left hand I motion for him to stand up, flexing two fingers. In the old days that was what we used to call 'come here fag'.

He jumps up, all huffy n shit. I look him right in the eyes. “Just a dog, huh”?

“YA”, real arrogant like.

“Well, ya know what---I think YOU are just a dog”.

With that I take about two steps back from the dude, and rearing back my right leg about 45 degrees, slam my foot right into his waist. The maneuver took 2 seconds—no time to react. Dude go's down like a broken icicle, screaming in pain. “That's how that feels, DOG”. For the rest of his stay I referred to that inmate as nothing but 'dog', but---I wasn't done with him yet. I was infuriated. My blood was boiling. There were always three things that I would warn people about me having zero tolerance for. Anything negative about my mom, my little bro, or my football team. And now it would include any mistreatment of animals.

I look around and order the rest of the boy's in the pod. “Take him---take him to the yard, and string him up to one of the basketball posts”. They all just stood there a moment, and then I yell, “MOVE” !

I return to the infirmary to retrieve the other two boy's. Fortunately, 'Fido' has fallen asleep. We all head out to the yard where I see my orders have been accomplished, and the boy's are just standing around waiting. “Billy”, and that's all I ever knew, was still whimpering like a pup himself from my recent assault on his ass. I had sneaked into the equipment locker and lifted one of the guards utility belts. You know—those 4” wide pieces they hang their guns, and cuffs n shit on. It wasn't exactly a bull-whip, but it would do. It fit right into the belt loops of my cargo pants. As it turned out, the inmate trustee pants were the exact same pants as the guards uniforms.

“You have been found guilty, by the inmate tribunal, for the cruelty towards animals” !


“You are now sentenced to corporal punishment” !

“Yo dude—what the fuck”?

I ignored him, and yank the belt through the belt-loops. Pulling back with my right arm, I aim for his shoulders---right between the shoulder blades. I hit him with a crashing blow, so hard that it instantly raised welts, and cutting into his skin, drew blood. I just kinda smirk, and without any pause, pull back and hit him again. This time, more to the left. And then, again, more to the right. And on and on, for 13 lashes.

“Cut his ass down” I mumbled, barely audible. “From this moment on, there's going to be a major uptake of discipline in this place”.

“What you want us to do with him boss”? One asks.

“Just leave him laying there—in the dirt---like a dog. And from now on, everyone refers to him only as 'dog'. And then, **** his ass ! **** him HARD” !

I point towards McKinney and Carlise, and motion for them to come with me. I didn't even turn around to see if any of the boy's were dropping their pants. I really didn't care at that time.

We take the dog into CPT Braxton's office. I relay the short story, and captain notices he had a tag hanging from his collar---complete with address and phone number ! Only about a mile from the jail.

“We could take him sir”.

The captain looks up at me, amused. “Oh you would just love that, wouldn't you, Dillon”?

“Ahh com'on captain. The fucking gate is standing wide open—and only two guards. You think if anyone was gonna jet they would have done it by now”?

“Aight look-punk. You got two hours ! You can take the side-by-side. If ur one fucking minute late, I'll call the local law on ur asses---and you can imagine the rest” !

“YES SIR” ! I bark out, this time actually clacking my heels, and doing a perfect parade about face.
“Come on McKinney—before he changes his mind”.

We run back to the pod, where I finally let McKinney come out of his orange jumpsuit. I got him some dungarees, and a plain white tee-shirt. I put on my trustee polo shirt, and we head over to the shop to retrieve the side-by-side. The street was straight down the main drag, so it only took us a few moments to arrive.

Knocking on the front door, the dog was already excited, realizing he was home. And then, the door opened. I nearly fell backwards. Tall---blonde--broad-- and just, oh fuck ! Must be a football player !
I managed to regain my composer long enough to introduce us. We shook hands, and he replied, “From the juvie center huh”?

“UM”, clearing my throat, “Yes sir—we're trustees, so since it was close, they let us bring him home”.

“Damm dude—I'm just 17, you don't have to call me sir”.

“Oh” I respond, smiling. “Habit”.

“Say—how much time you guys got”?

“We were told a couple of hours---or else, lol”.

“Long enough for a beer”?

“Oh fuck ya dude ! Oh hell, that would be awesome” !

“Ummm, so how old is little fuck here”?

McKinney speaks up, “thirteen”.

“Dawd damm ! A fucking baby” !

“Yo—I stabbed a dude” !

“And got some spunk too, lol”.

I placed my hand across McKinney's chest. “Chill out dude—he's just messing with ya”.

“AND I got a fucking 9” dick too” !

Our guest lets out a hearty laugh, but I just look at him as he ushers us into the house. Biting my lower lip, and smiling, I just nod my head up and down. “Gawd damm” he responds again.

Mark reaches into the fridge and retrieves three beers. We head out the back door to the patio, and 'Chipper' follows us out. We chit-chat a bit, with Mark asking the standard anticipated questions about being locked up. But then, he asked something that actually surprised me.

“So is it true what we here out here in the real world—about being locked up in juvie”?

“Well, I mean, what do you mean, specifically”?

Mark take another slug of his beer, and with a big shit-eatin grin asks, “Homo sex”?

I chuckle a bit. “Well, it's like this dawg. There is NO pussy in jail. And, you lock up a bunch of teen-age boys, with nothing to do but pull their meat, it gets really boring---really fast”.

“So, is that a yes ? I mean—you look like you could handle yourself pretty good---you tap any of that ass in there”?

I couldn't help but blush a bit, but McKinney let's out a laugh like a crazed hyena. “Fuck yo—are you kidding ? That fucker has fucked the whole fucking jail” !

Mark's eyes widen as he asks, “Ur shittin me”?

I wasn't quite sure what had McKinney so hyped up, but he definitely was. Maybe it was just the excitement of 'shore leave', lol.

“Fuck no—it's his favorite form of punishment---plus, I think he likes it” he finishes up with his own shit-eatin grin as he finishes off his beer. Just being 13, and a little fuck at that, I think the one beer already has him a bit typsy. I just give him a cross-eyed look, as if to say shut the fuck up.

Mark just says 'damm', and jumps up from the table and heads back to the kitchen. McKinney and me just look at each other, shrugging our shoulders, but then Mark re-appears with three fresh beers.

We each pop the tops and take a few slugs in sync.

“You know—I've had that fantasy now for a few years”.

I kinda choke up a bit, but manage to ask, “Fantasy”?

“Ya dawg---you know, getting some jail dick. I've heard for the most part that jail boy's seemed to be exceptionally hung. But, I just didn't want to go to jail myself just for that”.

By now I was thinking, it's clear enough !

I take another quick swallow of my beer, then jump up from the table myself. Both the other boy's flinch, I guess thinking I was about to slug Mark, or something. But instead, I rip off my Polo shirt in about 2 seconds. Then, not even sitting back down, bouncing on one foot, I yank off my right boot, then the left. All that was left was to pop the buttons on my cargo pants, and drop them to the floor. Marks eyes bug out and his jaw hangs fully open. Free-ballin, he got an instant view of my now half hard dick, hanging half-way to my knees.

“OH FUCK !! “Oh hell ya dawg !! That's what I'm talking about” !

With that, Mark quickly shucks out of his shorts, and assumes the position, bending over the patio table. I grab McKinney by his hair---still haven't cut it yet, and push him down to the ground. As I start stroking up my meat, I point down to Marks ass-hole. “Lick that shit”.

“UHHHH”? I pull my fist back at McKinney, “I said lick it. Get him wet---use some snot”.

McKinney didn't really like his orders, but he went right to work on Mark's hole. I gave him just a couple of minutes to lube him up, then step up, pushing McKinney out of the way with my knee. I grab Mark by his waist, and place my big mushroom head right on his hole. “This what you want”? I didn't even give him 2 seconds to answer, and I slam him. I slam him deep, and hard, burying my pubes right to his ass-crack.

Mark lets out a hearty 'oh fuck', and of course I just grin. Pulling back, I slam him again. I didn't let up on his ass, with the limited time paramount on my mind. He had some really good ass on his too. Half moon, hard as fuck, and tite as a *********** boy !

I continue to '****' his ass hard---just the way he wanted it. McKinney has actually pulled his dick out, and stroking up fiercely. I grin at him, thinking he finally got horny enough to try some boy ass. I yank my throbbing cock from Mark's ass—I didn't really want to get off right now, I was saving that for later. McKinney jumps right in, slamming his 9” of skinny boy dick in. He hits rock bottom on the first plunge, causing Mark to yelp just a bit. “That's right dawg---fuck the shit outta him”.

McKinney continues to fuck, like he's never had a piece of ass. Maybe he hadn't :) I meanwhile start getting dressed. Finally, McKinney lets out a Rebel yell, and as his whole body starts shaking like a Presbyterian revival, he blows. And he blows—and blows—and oh fuck---DAMM this boy could blow some jizz !

He yanks out of Mark's ass, just as Mark blows his own healthy nut, all over the kitchen table. McKinney fists his dick and yanking his hand forward, picks up most of the cum from his dick, and slings it across Mark's back. Then Mark spins around, and falls to his knees. “Holy fuck dudes ! That was everything I ever dreamed it would be. That was the best fuckin I ever got” ! Mark just remains there on the floor, kicked back on his haunches, looking up at us.

As McKinney starts to get dressed, and I'm stuffing my still half hard meat back into my pants, I just look at him, curious like.


“Well, I mean—after you fuck a dude, don't you usually make him drink down ur piss ? I mean, you do got to piss after you nut, right”?

McKinney and me just grin at each other, with McKinney slightly blushing. I figured that was a new one for him.

We both whip out our dicks again and Mark opens up wide. Inserting together into Mark's mouth, we both cut loose almost at once. Mark gulps down our teen-age delinquent piss like a thirsty horse. We hose him and hose him, spilling probably half down his chest and belly. I would say---he liked it.

Finally I say we seriously needed to jet, and we zip up, heading for the door. Mark asks could we come back sometime, to which I reply 'sure—we know where you live'.

We get back to the detention center in about 15 minutes, and proceed straight to the garage to park the side-by-side. Fueling it up, then wiping it down, back to Braxton's office to report in. “Good job boy's”.

We salute without saying anything and head back to the pod—I could use a smoke, and a nap after that quick adventure. I motion for McKinney to head on, but I take a detour. I had one more thing to do before the afternoon nap.

He was still there--laying in the dirt, whimpering. I walk up to him, popping the buttons on my cargo pants. His pants are down to his knees, so I assumed that at least a few of the boy's had fucked him, as ordered. On closer look I can now see the ample supply of jizz leaking from his hole. Now—it was my turn.

I kicked him in the ass, and he grunts somewhat. Dropping my pants to my feet, I get down with him, and mount him. I slammed into him with all the might I had. “Dog” lets out a scream, and I lean forward, grabbing him around the back of his neck. Placing my lips right at his ear, I just mumble, “Just a dog”, and proceed to lay down the most brutal hard core fuckin of my life. I fucked dogs ass so hard, and fast, that I was almost out of breath in just a minute. But I kept going—like my tee-shirt says, “I don't stop when I get tired, I stop when I'm done” !

It truly only took a few minutes for me to blow. Already hyped up from the quick fuck with Mark, I was just about ready to blow as soon as I stuck it in. With one last slam, full body weight, I collapse on top of dog, and just lay there as my massive load of cowboy juice begins filling his ass. I didn't bother to count, just relishing in the awesome feel of his guts, but I'm sure it was at least a dozen blasts.

Yanking out, I stand up and stuff my meat back into my pants, dripping with my cum and his ass juices. I give him another kick, right to his asshole, then deliver a hefty mouthful of spit n snot. I head back to the pod for that much needed nap, and crash out. Except for my boots, I didn't even bother to take my clothes off.
Publicado por tappinit
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