MANU PLUTON French black porn actor vintage
Scene 7. Laurence Jarry, Manu Pluton
Evil Porno - vintage
57:51 m
Scene 1. Veronique Aubert, John Oury
Scene 2. Laurence Jarry, Veronique Aubert, John Oury
Scene 3. Gilbert Servien
Scene 4. Christine Chanoine, Gilbert Servien
Scene 5. Laurence Jarry, Stephanie Green
Scene 6. Laurence Jarry, Gilbert Servien
Scene 7. Laurence Jarry, Manu Pluton
Scene 8. Evelyne Biancchi, Laurence Jarry
Howls of pleasure (1976) Hot Classic
84:08 m
Also Known As
- Hard Love Le Porno Adolescenti (Italian title)
- Les friandises musclées
Scene 1. Sylvia Bourdon, Bob Asklof
Scene 2. Sylvia Bourdon, Bob Asklof
Scene 3. Liliane Lemieuvre, Alain Saury
Scene 4. Liliane Lemieuvre, Marie-Christine Chireix, Charlie Schreiner
Scene 5. Sylvia Bourdon, Manu Pluton
Scene 6. France Quénie, Ingrid d'Eve, Michel Dauba
Scene 7. Marie-Christine Chireix, Richard Lemieuvre
Scene 8. France Quénie, Manu Pluton
Scene 9. Ingrid d'Eve, Richard Lemieuvre
Scene 10. 2 girls
Scene 11. Claude Janna, Ingrid d'Eve, Liliane Lemieuvre, Sylvia Bourdon
Scene 12. Claude Janna, France Quénie, Jocelyne Clairis, Liliane Lemieuvre, Marie-Christine Chireix, Marion Schultz, Marlene Myller, Nathalie Morin, Rosemary de Angelis, Sylvia Bourdon, Veronique Aubert, Alban Ceray, Brendan Reed, Carmelo Petix, Cyril Val, Didier Faya, Gabriel Pontello, Ghislain Van Hove, Gilbert Servien, Madou Sall, Manu Pluton, Michel Dauba, others
- Released: 1976
- Director: Serge Korber as John Thomas
- Notes: Korthou Productions / Avia Films, 78 mins.
Alternate Titles
- Les Friandises musclées
- Hard Love - Le Porno adolescenti Italy, 85 mins. (including some footage added from another film)
- Sex Story
Claude Janna plays Dr. Berger's maid
Claudine Beccarie masked, only in inserted footage (from Les Deux gouines) in Italian video
Dawn Cumming
France Quénie
Frédérique Barral only in inserted footage (from Les Deux gouines) in Italian video
Ingrid d'Ève
Jocelyne Clairis
Liliane Lemieuvre plays Étienne's wife
Marie-Christine Chireix
Marion Schultz
Marlène Myller
Nathalie Morin
Rosemary de Angelis
Sylvia Bourdon plays Sylvia Nader, mistress of Dr. Berger
Véronique Aubert
XNK1082 only in inserted footage (from Les Deux gouines) in Italian video
Alain Saury plays Dr. Franck Berger
Bob Asklof plays Étienne
Richard Lemieuvre
Manu Pluton
Alban Ceray
Michel Dauba
Didier Faya
Claude Loir
Carmelo Petix, cross dressing and with a red wig
Cyril Val
Gabriel Pontello
Brendan Reed
Guy Royer
Madou Sal
Charlie Schreiner
Gilbert Servien
Manu Pluton plays the male sex show performer
Africa Fuckdreams (1975) - Remastered
61:13 m
Debordements De Plaisir (1975)
61:18 m
- Released: 1975
- Director: Alain Nauroy as Lino Ayranu
- Notes: Les Films du Berry / France Continental Films, 70 mins. (film)
Alternate Titles
- Africa Fuckdreams MIke Hunter DVD box title, 63 mins.
- Africa Love Mike Hunter
- African Fuckdreams DVD available Mike Hunter DVD on-screen title
- Carole Gire plays the housemaid
- Ingrid d'Ève plays the girl at the bar, bj only
- Jocelyne Clairis plays a sex show performer
- Martine Grimaud plays Jane, Jack's wife
- Nadia Day plays a sex show performer, bj and lez
- Sylvia Bourdon plays Anne
Richard Darbois plays Jack (body doubled by Cyril Val for h/c)
Cyril Val plays the housemaid's lover
Alban Ceray plays the man at the bar, receives bj
Manu Pluton plays the male sex show performer
Madou Sal plays the bartender
unidentified black French actor plays Monsieur Donia, non-sex
local actor plays the chief, body doubled by Manu Pluton
local (?) males in (simulated?) sex roles
local extras (Danier, chief's men)
Dora (1975) - french vintage
84:27 m
Scene 1. Monique Vita, Bob Asklof
Scene 2. black girl, black guy
Scene 3. Anne Sand, Bob Asklof
Scene 4. Anne Sand, Olivier Mathot
Scene 5. Tania Busselier, guy
Scene 6. Tania Busselier, Olivier Mathot
Scene 7. Catherine Tailleferre, Tania Busselier
Scene 8. Tania Busselier, Manu Pluton
Scene 9. Anne Sand, guy
Scene 10. Anne Sand, Olivier Mathot
Scene 11. Michele Jean, Rene Jean
Scene 12. Anne Sand, John Oury
Scene 13. Monique Vita, black guy
Scene 14. Monique Vita
Scene 15. Monique Vita, Bob Asklof
blog Tania Busselier
Scene 4. Emmanuelle Parèze, black guy, Manu Pluton
Love Play
79:13 m
Also Known As
- L'Essayeuse (original French title)
Scene 1. Emmanuelle Parèze
Scene 2. Emmanuelle Parèze, Alain Saury
Scene 3. Emmanuelle Parèze, Pierre Danny
Scene 4. Emmanuelle Parèze, black guy, Manu Pluton
Scene 5. Emmanuelle Parèze, Isabeau
Scene 6. Pierre Danny
Scene 7. Martine Grimaud
Scene 8. Emmanuelle Parèze, Isabeau, Martine Grimaud
Scene 9. Emmanuelle Parèze, Isabeau, Cyril Val, Charlie Schreiner
Scene 10. Chantal Fourquet, Emmanuelle Parèze, girl, Isabeau, 2 guys
Scene 11. Liliane Lemieuvre, Richard Lemieuvre
Scene 12. Claude Janna, Marie-Jose Pontello, Charlie Schreiner
Scene 13. Marlene Myller, faceless guy
Scene 14. Claudine Beccarie, faceless guy
Scene 15. Chantal Fourquet, Claude Janna, Claudine Beccarie, Emmanuelle Parèze, France Quénie, Isabeau, Liliane Lemieuvre, Marie-Jose Pontello, Marlene Myller, Martine Grimaud, Cyril Val, Alain Saury, Carmelo Petix, Charlie Schreiner, Gabriel Pontello, others, Patrick Lyonnet, Richard Lemieuvre
blog Emmanuelle Pareze
Erotic Club 13 1975
73:00 m
Also Known As
- Erotic Club 13 (German release by Mike Hunter Video)
Scene 1. Chantal Fourquet, Francois Gharsi
Scene 2. Martine Grimaud, Cyril Val, Manu Pluton
Scene 3. Martine Grimaud, Jacques Insermini
Scene 4. Isabeau, Paul Bisciglia
Scene 5. Martine Grimaud, Charlie Schreiner
Scene 6. Isabeau, Charlie Schreiner, Cyril Val
Scene 7. Chantal Fourquet, Jacques Insermini
Scene 8. Martine Grimaud, Frantz Nepel
Scene 9. Emmanuelle Parèze, Jacques Insermini
Scene 10. Chantal Fourquet, Lydia Carol, Martine Grimaud, Isabeau
Scene 11. Chantal Fourquet, Isabeau, Charlie Schreiner
Scene 12. Chantal Fourquet, Lydia Carol, Martine Grimaud, Isabeau, Charlie Schreiner, Cyril Val, Francois Gharsi
Scene 13. Isabeau, Frantz Nepel
Scene 5. 2 girls, Ingrid d'Eve, Jackie Dartois, Jocelyne Clairis, Martine Grimaud, Nadia Day, Sylvia Bourdon, Alban Ceray, Charlie Schreiner, Cyril Val, Daniel Trabet, Madou Sall, Manu Pluton, Richard Lemieuvre
Abenteuer Der Lust
93:48 m
Also Known As
- Abenteuer der Lust (German title)
- P... comme pénétration (on-screen title)
Scene 1. Nadia Day, Cyril Val
Scene 2. Sylvia Bourdon, Cyril Val
Scene 3. Nadia Day, Sylvia Bourdon, Cyril Val
Scene 4. Sylvia Bourdon, Richard Darbois
Scene 5. 2 girls, Ingrid d'Eve, Jackie Dartois, Jocelyne Clairis, Martine Grimaud, Nadia Day, Sylvia Bourdon, Alban Ceray, Charlie Schreiner, Cyril Val, Daniel Trabet, Madou Sall, Manu Pluton, Richard Lemieuvre
- Released: 1976
- Director: Alain Nauroy as Lino Ayranu
- Notes: F.D.B. (Les Films du Berry) / France Continental Films, 97 mins. (film), 95 mins. (video)
Abenteuer der Lust West Germany, Ribu
Aventures aux tropiques shooting title
Folies tropicales
P... come penetrazione Italy
Sylvia's Abenteuer
Ingrid d'Ève uncredited, orgy scene
Jackie Dartois in orgy scene
Martine Grimaud plays an air hostess and client at the night club
Nadia Day plays 'La Perle Noir'
Sylvia Bourdon plays Léna Granger
XNK1713 in build up to orgy scene in night club
XNK1714 in orgy scene in night club
XNK6480 non-sex, plays the tourist
Richard Darbois, as Richard Denis, plays Michel, simulated sex only
Cyril Val plays Gérard
Daniel Trabet
Manu Pluton, orgy scene
Madou Sal, uncredited, plays the bartender at swingers' club
Richard Lemieuvre (Richard Allan), uncredited, orgy scene
Alban Ceray, uncredited, orgy scene
Charlie Schreiner, uncredited, orgy scene
Daniel Nauroy plays the annoying man at the swimming pool
Scene 2. Ellen Earl, Manu Pluton
Growing Up - 1975
83:18 min
buttersidedown - Dans la chaleur de Julie
85:59 m
Also Known As
- Dans la chaleur de Julie (original French title)
- Sexorgien und Liebe (German release by Mike Hunter)
Scene 1. Chantal Fourquet, Richard Darbois
Scene 2. Ellen Earl, Manu Pluton
Scene 3. Anne Vareze, Maria Malone
Scene 4. Anne Vareze, blonde, Ellen Earl, faceless brun, Maria Malone, Sylvia Bourdon, Carmelo Petix, Charlie Schreiner, Gilbert Servien, Manu Pluton, Pierre Danny
Scene 5. Martine Grimaud, Charlie Schreiner
Scene 6. Brigitte Monnin, Richard Darbois
Scene 7. Laure Cottereau, Yves Collignon
Scene 8. Ellen Earl, Manu Pluton
Scene 9. Brigitte Monnin, Maria Malone, Richard Darbois
Scene 10. Anne Vareze, Chantal Fourquet, Martine Grimaud
Scene 11. Anne Vareze, Chantal Fourquet, Martine Grimaud, Charlie Schreiner
Scene 12. Sylvia Bourdon, Manu Pluton
Scene 13. Laure Cottereau, Yves Collignon
blog Ellen Earl
Scene 9. Orgy
eva et l'amour french classic
72:08 m'amour.htm
Scene 1. Eva Anderson
Scene 2. Eva Anderson, Jean-Louis Vattier
Scene 3. Eva Anderson, Jean-Louis Vattier
Scene 4. Eva Anderson, Sylvia Bourdon
Scene 5. Eva Anderson, Jean-Louis Vattier
Scene 6. Sylvia Bourdon, Jean-Louis Vattier
Scene 7. Eva Anderson, Martine Grimaud, Jacques Gatteau
Scene 8. Martine Grimaud, Jacques Gatteau, Jean-Louis Vattier
Scene 9. Orgy
Hi Fritz_86. Thank you so much for your great work! I really love reading your blogs about French classic porn actors and actresses. Can you do one on Manu Pluton? He has made quite a few films but some are difficult to find ( If you have a chance to gather info on him and do a blog, that would be awesome! Thank you so much in advance! :)
more VINTAGE classic porn models
more PORN ACTORS various USA - GER - FRA - ITA
Scene 7. Laurence Jarry, Manu Pluton
Evil Porno - vintage
57:51 m
Scene 1. Veronique Aubert, John Oury
Scene 2. Laurence Jarry, Veronique Aubert, John Oury
Scene 3. Gilbert Servien
Scene 4. Christine Chanoine, Gilbert Servien
Scene 5. Laurence Jarry, Stephanie Green
Scene 6. Laurence Jarry, Gilbert Servien
Scene 7. Laurence Jarry, Manu Pluton
Scene 8. Evelyne Biancchi, Laurence Jarry
Howls of pleasure (1976) Hot Classic
84:08 m
Also Known As
- Hard Love Le Porno Adolescenti (Italian title)
- Les friandises musclées
Scene 1. Sylvia Bourdon, Bob Asklof
Scene 2. Sylvia Bourdon, Bob Asklof
Scene 3. Liliane Lemieuvre, Alain Saury
Scene 4. Liliane Lemieuvre, Marie-Christine Chireix, Charlie Schreiner
Scene 5. Sylvia Bourdon, Manu Pluton
Scene 6. France Quénie, Ingrid d'Eve, Michel Dauba
Scene 7. Marie-Christine Chireix, Richard Lemieuvre
Scene 8. France Quénie, Manu Pluton
Scene 9. Ingrid d'Eve, Richard Lemieuvre
Scene 10. 2 girls
Scene 11. Claude Janna, Ingrid d'Eve, Liliane Lemieuvre, Sylvia Bourdon
Scene 12. Claude Janna, France Quénie, Jocelyne Clairis, Liliane Lemieuvre, Marie-Christine Chireix, Marion Schultz, Marlene Myller, Nathalie Morin, Rosemary de Angelis, Sylvia Bourdon, Veronique Aubert, Alban Ceray, Brendan Reed, Carmelo Petix, Cyril Val, Didier Faya, Gabriel Pontello, Ghislain Van Hove, Gilbert Servien, Madou Sall, Manu Pluton, Michel Dauba, others
- Released: 1976
- Director: Serge Korber as John Thomas
- Notes: Korthou Productions / Avia Films, 78 mins.
Alternate Titles
- Les Friandises musclées
- Hard Love - Le Porno adolescenti Italy, 85 mins. (including some footage added from another film)
- Sex Story
Claude Janna plays Dr. Berger's maid
Claudine Beccarie masked, only in inserted footage (from Les Deux gouines) in Italian video
Dawn Cumming
France Quénie
Frédérique Barral only in inserted footage (from Les Deux gouines) in Italian video
Ingrid d'Ève
Jocelyne Clairis
Liliane Lemieuvre plays Étienne's wife
Marie-Christine Chireix
Marion Schultz
Marlène Myller
Nathalie Morin
Rosemary de Angelis
Sylvia Bourdon plays Sylvia Nader, mistress of Dr. Berger
Véronique Aubert
XNK1082 only in inserted footage (from Les Deux gouines) in Italian video
Alain Saury plays Dr. Franck Berger
Bob Asklof plays Étienne
Richard Lemieuvre
Manu Pluton
Alban Ceray
Michel Dauba
Didier Faya
Claude Loir
Carmelo Petix, cross dressing and with a red wig
Cyril Val
Gabriel Pontello
Brendan Reed
Guy Royer
Madou Sal
Charlie Schreiner
Gilbert Servien
Manu Pluton plays the male sex show performer
Africa Fuckdreams (1975) - Remastered
61:13 m
Debordements De Plaisir (1975)
61:18 m
- Released: 1975
- Director: Alain Nauroy as Lino Ayranu
- Notes: Les Films du Berry / France Continental Films, 70 mins. (film)
Alternate Titles
- Africa Fuckdreams MIke Hunter DVD box title, 63 mins.
- Africa Love Mike Hunter
- African Fuckdreams DVD available Mike Hunter DVD on-screen title
- Carole Gire plays the housemaid
- Ingrid d'Ève plays the girl at the bar, bj only
- Jocelyne Clairis plays a sex show performer
- Martine Grimaud plays Jane, Jack's wife
- Nadia Day plays a sex show performer, bj and lez
- Sylvia Bourdon plays Anne
Richard Darbois plays Jack (body doubled by Cyril Val for h/c)
Cyril Val plays the housemaid's lover
Alban Ceray plays the man at the bar, receives bj
Manu Pluton plays the male sex show performer
Madou Sal plays the bartender
unidentified black French actor plays Monsieur Donia, non-sex
local actor plays the chief, body doubled by Manu Pluton
local (?) males in (simulated?) sex roles
local extras (Danier, chief's men)
Dora (1975) - french vintage
84:27 m
Scene 1. Monique Vita, Bob Asklof
Scene 2. black girl, black guy
Scene 3. Anne Sand, Bob Asklof
Scene 4. Anne Sand, Olivier Mathot
Scene 5. Tania Busselier, guy
Scene 6. Tania Busselier, Olivier Mathot
Scene 7. Catherine Tailleferre, Tania Busselier
Scene 8. Tania Busselier, Manu Pluton
Scene 9. Anne Sand, guy
Scene 10. Anne Sand, Olivier Mathot
Scene 11. Michele Jean, Rene Jean
Scene 12. Anne Sand, John Oury
Scene 13. Monique Vita, black guy
Scene 14. Monique Vita
Scene 15. Monique Vita, Bob Asklof
blog Tania Busselier
Scene 4. Emmanuelle Parèze, black guy, Manu Pluton
Love Play
79:13 m
Also Known As
- L'Essayeuse (original French title)
Scene 1. Emmanuelle Parèze
Scene 2. Emmanuelle Parèze, Alain Saury
Scene 3. Emmanuelle Parèze, Pierre Danny
Scene 4. Emmanuelle Parèze, black guy, Manu Pluton
Scene 5. Emmanuelle Parèze, Isabeau
Scene 6. Pierre Danny
Scene 7. Martine Grimaud
Scene 8. Emmanuelle Parèze, Isabeau, Martine Grimaud
Scene 9. Emmanuelle Parèze, Isabeau, Cyril Val, Charlie Schreiner
Scene 10. Chantal Fourquet, Emmanuelle Parèze, girl, Isabeau, 2 guys
Scene 11. Liliane Lemieuvre, Richard Lemieuvre
Scene 12. Claude Janna, Marie-Jose Pontello, Charlie Schreiner
Scene 13. Marlene Myller, faceless guy
Scene 14. Claudine Beccarie, faceless guy
Scene 15. Chantal Fourquet, Claude Janna, Claudine Beccarie, Emmanuelle Parèze, France Quénie, Isabeau, Liliane Lemieuvre, Marie-Jose Pontello, Marlene Myller, Martine Grimaud, Cyril Val, Alain Saury, Carmelo Petix, Charlie Schreiner, Gabriel Pontello, others, Patrick Lyonnet, Richard Lemieuvre
blog Emmanuelle Pareze
Erotic Club 13 1975
73:00 m
Also Known As
- Erotic Club 13 (German release by Mike Hunter Video)
Scene 1. Chantal Fourquet, Francois Gharsi
Scene 2. Martine Grimaud, Cyril Val, Manu Pluton
Scene 3. Martine Grimaud, Jacques Insermini
Scene 4. Isabeau, Paul Bisciglia
Scene 5. Martine Grimaud, Charlie Schreiner
Scene 6. Isabeau, Charlie Schreiner, Cyril Val
Scene 7. Chantal Fourquet, Jacques Insermini
Scene 8. Martine Grimaud, Frantz Nepel
Scene 9. Emmanuelle Parèze, Jacques Insermini
Scene 10. Chantal Fourquet, Lydia Carol, Martine Grimaud, Isabeau
Scene 11. Chantal Fourquet, Isabeau, Charlie Schreiner
Scene 12. Chantal Fourquet, Lydia Carol, Martine Grimaud, Isabeau, Charlie Schreiner, Cyril Val, Francois Gharsi
Scene 13. Isabeau, Frantz Nepel
Scene 5. 2 girls, Ingrid d'Eve, Jackie Dartois, Jocelyne Clairis, Martine Grimaud, Nadia Day, Sylvia Bourdon, Alban Ceray, Charlie Schreiner, Cyril Val, Daniel Trabet, Madou Sall, Manu Pluton, Richard Lemieuvre
Abenteuer Der Lust
93:48 m
Also Known As
- Abenteuer der Lust (German title)
- P... comme pénétration (on-screen title)
Scene 1. Nadia Day, Cyril Val
Scene 2. Sylvia Bourdon, Cyril Val
Scene 3. Nadia Day, Sylvia Bourdon, Cyril Val
Scene 4. Sylvia Bourdon, Richard Darbois
Scene 5. 2 girls, Ingrid d'Eve, Jackie Dartois, Jocelyne Clairis, Martine Grimaud, Nadia Day, Sylvia Bourdon, Alban Ceray, Charlie Schreiner, Cyril Val, Daniel Trabet, Madou Sall, Manu Pluton, Richard Lemieuvre
- Released: 1976
- Director: Alain Nauroy as Lino Ayranu
- Notes: F.D.B. (Les Films du Berry) / France Continental Films, 97 mins. (film), 95 mins. (video)
Abenteuer der Lust West Germany, Ribu
Aventures aux tropiques shooting title
Folies tropicales
P... come penetrazione Italy
Sylvia's Abenteuer
Ingrid d'Ève uncredited, orgy scene
Jackie Dartois in orgy scene
Martine Grimaud plays an air hostess and client at the night club
Nadia Day plays 'La Perle Noir'
Sylvia Bourdon plays Léna Granger
XNK1713 in build up to orgy scene in night club
XNK1714 in orgy scene in night club
XNK6480 non-sex, plays the tourist
Richard Darbois, as Richard Denis, plays Michel, simulated sex only
Cyril Val plays Gérard
Daniel Trabet
Manu Pluton, orgy scene
Madou Sal, uncredited, plays the bartender at swingers' club
Richard Lemieuvre (Richard Allan), uncredited, orgy scene
Alban Ceray, uncredited, orgy scene
Charlie Schreiner, uncredited, orgy scene
Daniel Nauroy plays the annoying man at the swimming pool
Scene 2. Ellen Earl, Manu Pluton
Growing Up - 1975
83:18 min
buttersidedown - Dans la chaleur de Julie
85:59 m
Also Known As
- Dans la chaleur de Julie (original French title)
- Sexorgien und Liebe (German release by Mike Hunter)
Scene 1. Chantal Fourquet, Richard Darbois
Scene 2. Ellen Earl, Manu Pluton
Scene 3. Anne Vareze, Maria Malone
Scene 4. Anne Vareze, blonde, Ellen Earl, faceless brun, Maria Malone, Sylvia Bourdon, Carmelo Petix, Charlie Schreiner, Gilbert Servien, Manu Pluton, Pierre Danny
Scene 5. Martine Grimaud, Charlie Schreiner
Scene 6. Brigitte Monnin, Richard Darbois
Scene 7. Laure Cottereau, Yves Collignon
Scene 8. Ellen Earl, Manu Pluton
Scene 9. Brigitte Monnin, Maria Malone, Richard Darbois
Scene 10. Anne Vareze, Chantal Fourquet, Martine Grimaud
Scene 11. Anne Vareze, Chantal Fourquet, Martine Grimaud, Charlie Schreiner
Scene 12. Sylvia Bourdon, Manu Pluton
Scene 13. Laure Cottereau, Yves Collignon
blog Ellen Earl
Scene 9. Orgy
eva et l'amour french classic
72:08 m'amour.htm
Scene 1. Eva Anderson
Scene 2. Eva Anderson, Jean-Louis Vattier
Scene 3. Eva Anderson, Jean-Louis Vattier
Scene 4. Eva Anderson, Sylvia Bourdon
Scene 5. Eva Anderson, Jean-Louis Vattier
Scene 6. Sylvia Bourdon, Jean-Louis Vattier
Scene 7. Eva Anderson, Martine Grimaud, Jacques Gatteau
Scene 8. Martine Grimaud, Jacques Gatteau, Jean-Louis Vattier
Scene 9. Orgy
Hi Fritz_86. Thank you so much for your great work! I really love reading your blogs about French classic porn actors and actresses. Can you do one on Manu Pluton? He has made quite a few films but some are difficult to find ( If you have a chance to gather info on him and do a blog, that would be awesome! Thank you so much in advance! :)
more VINTAGE classic porn models
more PORN ACTORS various USA - GER - FRA - ITA
8 years ago