MARION SCHULTZ classic French German MILF vintage


Chasseurs De Veuves (hunters of widows)
81:27 min.
This widow needs some comfort
23;27 min.
Chasseurs De Veuves
23:31 m

Also Known As
- Hot Young Widows
- Veuves en chaleur (original French release by Alpha France)
Scene 1. Valerie Martin's, Charlie Schreiner
Scene 2. Emmanuelle Parèze, Francoise Maillot, Charlie Schreiner
Scene 3. Jenny Feeling, Charlie Schreiner
Scene 4. Marion Schultz, Charlie Schreiner
Scene 5. Karine Gambier, Marie-Claude Viollet, Marie-Dominique Cabannes, Charlie Schreiner
Scene 6. Edwige Faillel, Charlie Schreiner, Richard Lemieuvre
Scene 7. Alexandra Sand, Daniele Troeger, Diane Dubois, Alain, Charlie Schreiner

- Released: 1978
- Director: Claude Bernard-Aubert as Burd Tranbaree
- Notes: DVD Blue One with Le Retour des veuves
Alternate Titles
- Black Dreams Tabu DVD English title
- Chasseur de veuves
- Träume junger Witwen DVD available Tabu DVD, probably Beate Uhse video title
- Vedova in calore Italy
- Viudas caliente
- Young Widows USA, Caballero
- Alexandra Sand
-Danièle Troeger uncredited
- Diane Dubois uncredited
- Edwige Faillel
- Emmanuelle Parèze uncredited, second widow
- Françoise Maillot plays Antoinette, maid to second widow
- Jenny Feeling fourth widow?
- Karine Gambier uncredited, 6th widow
- Marie-Dominique Cabannes uncredited, plays Julie, a maid
- Marion Schultz 5th widow
- Nicole Velna uncredited, non-sex, brief appearance during end credits
- Valérie Martin's plays the first widow
- Richard Lemieuvre, as Richard Allan
- Charlie Schreiner, plays Olivier
-Olivier's friend, Alain
- Jacques Marbeuf as "widow" 7

blog Diane Dubois

blog Valerie Martin's

blog Karine Gambier

Sexluesterne Verfuehrerinnen
68:56 m

Alternate Titles
- Die Löt und Nagelprofis West Germany, VHS Auriga 0104
- Sexlüsterne Verführerinnen Silwa Video
- Barbara Moose
- Claude Janna uncredited
- Jenny Feeling
- Liliane Lemieuvre as Alice Allan, plays a maid
- Marie-Dominique Cabannes uncredited
- Marion Schultz uncredited, plays a needy housewife
- XNK2526 plays a maid
- Guy Royer, strangely uncredited as he plays one of the two odd-job men
- Raymond Xymay as Raymond Ximay, plays the other odd-job man
- Richard Lemieuvre as Richard Allan
- Cyril Val

Night Fever
76:16 m
Inonde mon ventre (1978)
76:16 m

Also Known As
- Inonde mon ventre (original French title)
- Lass' es kommen (German release by VFL)
Scene 1. Brigitte Lahaie
Scene 2. Jean-Louis Vattier
Scene 3. faceless girl, Jacques Gatteau
Scene 4. Catherine Tailleferre, Alban Ceray
Scene 5. Catherine Leno, Desire Bastareaud
Scene 6. Brigitte Lahaie, Jacques Gatteau
Scene 7. Catherine Tailleferre, Claude Janna, Alban Ceray, Jacques Gatteau
Scene 8. Brigitte Lahaie, Marion Schultz
Scene 9. Michele le Brumann, John Oury
Scene 10. Catherine Leno, Desire Bastareaud
Scene 11. Catherine Tailleferre, Claude Janna, Alban Ceray, Jacques Gatteau
Scene 12. Catherine Tailleferre, Claude Janna, Alban Ceray, Jacques Gatteau
Scene 13. Brigitte Lahaie
Scene 14. Marion Schultz, Michele le Brumann, Desire Bastareaud
Scene 15. Catherine Tailleferre, Claude Janna, Alban Ceray, Jacques Gatteau
Scene 16. Brigitte Lahaie, Jacques Gatteau

blog Brigitte Lahaie

blog Catherine Leno

Scene 4. Brigitte Lahaie, France Lomay, Marion Schultz, Ghislain Van Hove
La Rabatteuse
83:06 m

Rabatteuse (1977)
Also Known As
- La porno ades**trice (Italian release)
- La Rabatteuse (on-screen title)
Scene 1. Karine Gambier, Brigitte Lahaie, Ghislain Van Hove
Scene 2. Brigitte Lahaie, Daniele Troeger, Ghislain Van Hove
Scene 3. Brigitte Lahaie, Emmanuelle Parèze, Ghislain Van Hove
Scene 4. Brigitte Lahaie, France Lomay, Marion Schultz, Ghislain Van Hove
Scene 5. Brigitte Lahaie, Nicole Velna, Ghislain Van Hove
Scene 6. Marion Webb, Ghislain Van Hove
Scene 7. Alexandra Sand, Ghislain Van Hove
Scene 8. Brigitte Lahaie, Claude Janna, Ghislain Van Hove
Scene 9. Barbara Moose, Brigitte Lahaie, Ghislain Van Hove
Scene 10. Barbara Moose, Brigitte Lahaie, Emmanuelle Parèze, Ghislain Van Hove, Richard Lemieuvre

blog Karin Gambier

blog Brigitte Lahaie

buttersidedown - French Love (1978)
85:25 min.
Porn France (German)
85:25 min.

Also Known As
- Stéphanie recto verso (original French title)
Scene 1. Diane Dubois, Marion Schultz, Alban Ceray, Guy Royer
Scene 2. Cathy Stewart, Guy Royer
Scene 3. Maria Catala, Unknown Female 303659, Richard Lemieuvre
Scene 4. Cathy Stewart, Richard Lemieuvre
Scene 5. Dominique Saint Claire, Guy Royer
Scene 6. Cathy Stewart, Alban Ceray
Scene 7. Cathy Stewart, Morgane, Andre Miller
Scene 8. Valerie Martin's, Guy Royer
Scene 9. Cathy Stewart, Joel Charvier
Scene 10. Gwenda Farnel, Alban Ceray
Scene 11. Cathy Stewart
Scene 12. Cathy Stewart, Michel Buffler
Scene 13. Marion Webb, Guy Royer

blog Diane Dubois

blog Valerie Martin's

Ragazza Alla Pari
67:16 m

Alternate Titles
- L'Homme qui en baisait trop
- Nous deux, on ne pense qu'à ça France, video title
- Ragazza alla Pari Italy
- Jenny Feeling plays the maid
- Liliane Lemieuvre plays the girl in the brothel
- Marie-Dominique Cabannes plays the au-pair girl
- Marion Schultz plays the mother
Males -
- Robert Le Ray plays the grandfather
- Cyril Val plays the uncle
- Raymond Xymay plays the grandson

blog Robert le Ray


more VINTAGE classic porn models

Published by Fritz_86
9 years ago
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Fritz_86 Publisher 9 years ago
to bestofboth : Habe sie schon länger hie und da gesehen, aber nie gewusst wie sie heisst.
Reply Original comment
bestofboth 9 years ago
eine meiner favoriten! schade das sie nicht sehr viele filme gemacht hat. den " Sexlüsterne Verführerinnen" hatte ich als vhs. ein bekannter hat ihn mir mal auf dvd überspielt. mal schauen ob die qualität gut ist, dann lade ich den hoch :smile: